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Hainan Radio and TV Station (Group) organized a party day activity themed "Celebrating heroes and martyrs during the Tomb Sweeping Day and casting the Chinese soul together" to commemorate revolutionary martyrs

2024-04-03 20:04:03
Editor: Zheng Yujiao Source: Hits: zero

April 3 news from Hainan NetTV and Audio Visual Hainan client (Reporter Zhang Haoning and Liu Mingying) In order to remember the revolutionary martyrs, inherit the revolutionary tradition and carry forward the spirit of patriotism, on the morning of April 3, Hainan Radio and Television General Station (Group) held a party day activity themed "Tomb Sweeping Festival Celebrating Heroes and Martyrs and Forging Chinese Soul Together" in the Martyrs Cemetery of the Liberation Campaign of Hainan Island.

The Monument to Martyrs stands majestically. The passionate melody of "March of the Volunteers" echoed over the square. A total of more than 200 party members representing Taiwan's grass-roots party organizations and newly recruited party members in 2023 stood in front of the monument with great respect, bowed to the revolutionary martyrs in silence, and presented flower baskets to the monument to send their condolences from afar, deeply remembering the revolutionary martyrs who died bravely for the cause of the party and the people.

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the Party's leadership program, and abide by the Party's Constitution..." Under the bright red party flag, the clank oath of joining the Party echoes in the hearts of every old and new party member for a long time, and we deeply feel the responsibility and mission of being a Communist.

Everyone said that remembering history is the best way to remember the martyrs; Remembering the martyrs is the driving force that inspires us to move forward all the time. We should further internalize the spirit of the martyrs in our hearts and externalize it in our deeds, integrate their noble qualities into our work and life, and devote ourselves to the development of Hainan Radio and Television with more enthusiasm, more firm belief and more pragmatic style, so as to contribute to the construction of a free trade port in Hainan and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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