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Comrade Wang Lingqun's Honorary Retirement Ceremony of Hainan Audio visual Network Television Co., Ltd. was held today

2023-12-07 22:12:07
Editor: Xiang Xianli Source: International Communication and Media Center of Hainan Radio and TV Station Hits: zero

Every year is like a song, salute Fanghua. From a hot blooded youth to a glorious retirement, Comrade Wang Lingqun has devoted his youth to the development of Hainan Radio and Television and contributed his strength to the cause of Hainan Radio and Television

On the afternoon of December 7, Hainan Radio and Television General Station (Group) organized the Personnel Department, the Group Labor Union, Hainan Radio and Television General Station International Communication and Media Center and Hainan Audio visual Network Television Co., Ltd. to hold a warm and honorary retirement ceremony for Comrade Wang Lingqun. Everyone gathered together to look back on their original intentions, share warmth and talk about the future.

At the ceremony, the Head Office organized colleagues from the Human Resources Department to read out the retirement documents of Comrade Wang Lingqun, and issued a retirement certificate to Comrade Wang Lingqun for a group photo.

The honorary retirement ceremony was warm and touching. Comrade Wang Lingqun talked about his retirement speech, deeply recalled his every bit of struggle in Hainan Radio and Television, expressed his expectations and wishes for the bright future of Hainan Radio and Television, and said that he would not fade after retirement and continue to give play to the waste heat of Hainan Radio and Television cause.

Yang Haolin, director of the International Communication and Media Center of Hainan Radio and Television General Station, expressed his thanks and good wishes on behalf of the Media Center and the audio-visual company, and put forward three hopes: first, I hope that Comrade Wang Lingqun will not fade after retirement, give full play to the advantages of strong politics, high consciousness, good party spirit, excellent business and wide resources, and continue to care about and support the development of radio and television in Hainan. Second, I hope Comrade Wang Lingqun will often go home to see her, and that Hainan Radio and Television will always be her home. Third, we hope that the colleagues of Rong Media Center and AV Company will adhere to learning and inheritance, take Comrade Wang Lingqun as an example, inherit and carry forward the good quality and work style, take over the "baton" held by the seniors, and jointly promote the work of Rong Media Center and AV Company to a new level.

It is worth mentioning that, as the "pacesetter" of the media integration of the main station, the Media Center and the audio-visual company, representatives of relevant colleagues, taking advantage of the advantages of video production and work characteristics, recorded a blessing video specially for Comrade Wang Lingqun after work to send good wishes for her health and a colorful retirement life.

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