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Wang Yiyan

The anchor of the News Center's "Hainan News Broadcast", broadcast guidance, South China Sea celebrities, and the winner of the "Golden Microphone Award". Engaged in broadcasting and hosting for 30 years, successively working in Yanbian TV Station, Jilin TV Station and Xiamen TV Station. He is also a director of the All China Journalists Association, a member of the Hainan Federation of Social Sciences, and a practical tutor of Zhejiang Media College.

Current programs: Hainan News Network, Hainan Story

Award experience: Won the nomination award of "Golden Microphone" for China Broadcasting and Hosting in 2008; The broadcast work "Hainan News Broadcast" won the "Golden Microphone Award" of 2012 China Broadcasting Hosts; He wrote the paper "Thirty Years of Reform and Opening up: Five Major Changes in TV News Programs" and won the first prize of the 19th Hainan News Award; The new media work "Yi Yan Invites You to Praise Hainan" won the first prize of the 28th Hainan News Award; From 1998 to 2011, the broadcasting and hosting works "Hainan News Broadcast", "Red Scene", television news work "Enter Zhang Jiujing", and television social education work "The Son of Mount Li" have won the first prize in the selection of excellent radio and television programs in Hainan Province for many times.

Native place: Jilin Birthday: November 26th

Constellation: Sagittarius Graduated from: Chinese Department of Yanbian University

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