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Hainan Radio and Television Strengthens Discipline and Law Education in Various Forms

2024-03-21 16:03:21
Editor: Zhou Qi Source: Hainan Radio and TV Station Hits: zero

Since January 2024, the Party Leadership Group of Hainan Radio and Television Station has further consolidated its main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. Taking the opportunity of studying and implementing the newly revised Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Action, it has given play to the characteristics of the media and carried out extensive disciplinary education activities throughout the station.

First, using the results of the "Incorruptible Free Trade Port" and "Incorruptible Radio and Television" themed micro video collection activity of the front desk (group), the original award-winning works such as "Refusing Corruption and" Protecting Incorruptibility with Hands "," Living on the Red Line with Hands "," Songs of Incorruptible Family Conduct "," A Lotus Heart "were displayed on the display screen in the lobby of the main building to create a clean atmosphere.

Second, all departments and units were organized to watch three TV feature films "Sword Escort Free Trade Port II" to strengthen warning education.

The third is to carry out integrity education before the Spring Festival, print and distribute the Notice on Strengthening Integrity and Self discipline during the 2024 Spring Festival, and lay a good "preventive needle" for holiday integrity.

The fourth is to compile the "illegal eating and drinking, drunken driving discipline education book", produce the warning education micro video "Don't take chances when drinking and driving harms others", use the "Incorruptible Free Trade Port Broadcast Small Classroom" warning education micro video of illegal eating and drinking, distribute it to all departments and units for learning, and improve the awareness of discipline and law.

Fifthly, we will carry out the integrity warning education activity of the headquarters (group) in 2024, organize leaders at the level of deputy department or above to watch the Warning Record, and focus on the discipline education of "key minority".

The CPC Central Committee's Party Leadership Group has taken various measures to carry out discipline and law education, further strengthen the ideological foundation of CPC Central Committee (Group) members, cadres and employees and the dam of integrity, enhance the consciousness of action to observe discipline and law, cultivate a clean and upright political ecology, and further promote the construction of Party conduct and clean government.

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