Meridian health care franchise chain headquarters _ TCM health care center franchise

Company address

1215 Tongzheng International Building, Guangqumen, Dongcheng District, Beijing

Metro line

Exit D in Guangqumen of Metro Line 7

Bus routes

477 lines; 480 lines; 692 lines; 840 lines; 912 lines; 959 lines; Route 967; Route 969; Lin3 Road to the next six circles It's 100 meters' walk

Franchise consultation Leave a message to get free information about products, instruments and franchise policies
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Free products/instruments/personnel/decoration upon joining
400 681 8884
Maidao Gongchuang Health Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd

Address: 1215 Tongzheng International Building, Guangqumen, Dongcheng District, Beijing

Tel: 400 681 8884


 Health center joining

400 681 8884

Address: 1215 Tongzheng International Building, Guangqumen, Dongcheng District, Beijing


 Joined in TCM health center