Professional manufacturer of exterior wall architectural coating

Outstanding quality, better price and considerate service

National hotline: thirteen billion nine hundred and seven million thirty-one thousand two hundred and fifteen 400-800-8077

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Contact Bi Feng
Hotline: 400-800-8077

Tel.: 0793-8796036

Mobile: 13907031215



Address: Zhujiatu, Dundi Village, Qingshui Township, Guangxin District, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province


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Company information Jiangxi Bifeng Environmental Protection Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd copyright Address: Zhujiatu, Dundi Village, Qingshui Township, Guangxin District, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province) Record No.: GanICPB No. 16012229 Website production: (stock code: 830770)