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The 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame, a beautiful encounter between painting and music!

Editor: Wang Shiwen 2016-08-21

On August 21, with the bright sunshine in early autumn and the music played by Marvin Pecher (Wang Mawen), the little prince of piano, the "Ten Years of Ink and Wash World - the 10th Anniversary Art Exhibition of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame" was grandly opened in the Art Museum of News Building. This exhibition includes the classic works of more than 60 famous artists active in the capital, including Song Di, Wang Hongxun, Zheng Shanlu, Wang Xiaolong, Lou Shude, Chao Gu, Li Defu, etc Beijing Business Daily The value and pursuit of art reporting over the years. It is worth mentioning that Marvin Pecher, the little prince of piano, made a special trip from Germany. In the blending and collision of eastern painting and western music, the tenth anniversary celebration of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame is more stylish.

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Hall of Fame Biography

Ten years ago, the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame came into being relying on the rich industrial resources of Beijing Business Daily. Mr. Xu Linlu, a famous freehand painter, gladly inscribed the plaque of the "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame". Many famous artists came to the scene to witness this precious moment. At the beginning, Beijing Business Daily opened a new chapter of culture and art reporting while focusing on the business field.

As a high-end cultural brand that Beijing Business Daily has been committed to building for a long time, the growth of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame over the past ten years has closely focused on culture, inheritance, innovation and development as its own value system, and takes reporting on the most top, influential and authoritative painting and calligraphy artists today as its own responsibility. It has launched masterpieces including Xu Linlu, Huang Miaozi, Wu Guanzhong, etc, Walk into their life in the interview, listen to the creative experience, and feel the endless charm of art. It is in the communication and learning with everyone that the Hall of Fame continues to grow along the artistic context, pays attention to the latest creative status of Chinese National Academy of Painting, Beijing Academy of Painting, National Museum and academic artists in colleges and universities, reflects the creative face of contemporary painting, and explores young and middle-aged artists of strength.

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Marvin Pecher gives a live performance

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Artists paint for the 10th anniversary of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame

Excellent speech

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Qiu Chengjun, President of Beijing Business Daily

"Ten year commitment to create an art exchange and publicity platform"

At the beginning of the establishment of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame, Beijing Business Daily hoped that this cultural brand could build a publicity platform for Chinese artists. In the past ten years, Beijing Business Daily has interviewed nearly 1000 artists, and also held a number of transnational large-scale cultural activities, making efforts to promote Chinese calligraphy and painting art. After ten years of growth, the platform of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame has become a distinctive publicity platform in China. Many artists have realized or are realizing their dreams through this platform. Over the past decade, Beijing Business Daily has thanked Mr. Song Di, Zhou Zhilong, Wang Hongxun, Lou Shude and others for their care and love for the Hall of Fame of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy. This year is the tenth year of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame. On this memorable day, the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame will soon publish an album to meet you as a valuable collection of this event.

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Song Di, a master of color ink painting

"The growth of the Hall of Fame has boosted the prosperity of cultural undertakings"

I have known Beijing Business Daily for eight years, and have made many contacts. In this process, the team of Beijing Business Daily is honest and sincere, and has played an important role in the cultural cause. The Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame of Beijing Business Daily is making positive contributions to the development of Chinese culture and art. The renaissance and prosperity of culture need artists to actively hone to create good works, but also need the support and help of society for artists. The renaissance and prosperity naturally need the role of media. Beijing Business Daily has been building a platform for artists since ten years ago, which has played a role in the spread of art. In particular, three years ago, it also established the New Art Museum, which provides opportunities for artists to display their works. The efforts of Beijing Business Daily in art have made positive contributions to the revitalization of Chinese culture.

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Famous Calligrapher and Painter Zhou Zhilong

"Time has turned a new friend into an old friend"

Beijing Business Daily has been making great efforts to promote calligraphy and painting art and culture. Over the past ten years, the platform of "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame" of Beijing Business Daily has provided a place for calligraphers and painters, and I believe that this platform can do better in the future. The prosperity of art and culture is not only reflected in the quantity, but also in the quality. The key to the gold content of culture lies in the artists themselves. Time has turned new friends into old friends. In the future, we hope that the artists and Beijing Business Daily will work together to achieve a high level of cultural achievements.

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Famous Calligrapher and Painter Zheng Shanlu

"Provide a space for artists to show"

The Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame of Beijing Business Daily creates a "piece of heaven and earth" for artists, providing a space for artists to display; At the same time, the New Art Museum is recommended for artists who have not held exhibitions in the New Art Museum. After years of development, it has not only created a high-end media display platform for artists, but also presented the face of Chinese painting through a professional media perspective. In the future, the Hall of Fame of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy will continue to carry forward the path of inheritance and innovation and promote the development of art.

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Zhang Zhiguo, a famous calligrapher and painter

"I hope more artists will cooperate with the Hall of Fame"

Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame" of Beijing Business Daily. In the ten years since I became acquainted with the Beijing Commercial Daily, I have been greatly helped by the Beijing Commercial Daily. It is hoped that more calligraphers and painters can exchange and cooperate with the "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Hall of Fame" of Beijing Business Daily. Beijing Business Daily reporter Zhang Shu/Wen Chen Wei Hu Xiao/photographer

Piano concert


Marvin Pecher shows his skills

The world of art is always interlinked. Sometimes a moving painting can give people the pleasure of listening to melodious music, and a piece of lingering piano music can also give the audience a picturesque poetic flavor. Today, on this memorable day, Marvin Pecher, the little piano prince from Germany, added color to the event with music.

Marvin Pecher, 17, has just won the top international piano competition in Germany, standing out from more than 300 players from 55 countries and winning the only special prize. It can be said that he is the best young pianist in the world this year. At the activity site, Marvin, the little prince, brought Haydn's Sonata in E minor, Schumann Symphony, Rachmaninov's Etudes for Music and Painting, etc. The whole concert was full of vitality, bright and transparent timbre, lively rhythm, smooth and melodious breath, showing the unique elegance and noble temperament of classicism, which attracted bursts of applause from the audience.

Exhibition site


Group photo of leaders of Beijing Business Daily and artists


Guests take photos at the event


The Little Prince Marvin Pecher and the Little Audience


Discuss creative skills


The audience is earnestly appreciating the painting

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