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Lenovo ThinkPad E15 Reelung version notebook reinstallation system Win11

2024-01-31 16:39:04 Classification: course
 Windows 11 64 bit 23H2 Professional V2024.03

Windows 11 64 bit 23H2 Professional V2024.03

  • Published on: February 18, 2024
  • Size: 5.11 GB
  • Downloads: 233
This article introduces how to reinstall the system Win11 on Lenovo ThinkPad E15 Sharp Dragon notebook. Through this article, you can easily install the latest operating system on your laptop to enjoy better performance and functions.
matters needing attention:
1) Back up all important data on disk C, including all files on the desktop
2) During system reinstallation, key startup items of the system will be modified, so you need to exit the anti-virus software or close the firewall

1. Download and open Baiyun one click reinstallation system, and then click【 Reinstall the system 】;

Brief introduction of Baiyun one click reinstallation system:
-The easiest and easy to use system reinstallation software
-Exclusive technology of the whole network/support GPT-UEFI one button installation
-Perfect compatibility with all motherboards on the market
-Support installation of Windows XP/7/8/10/11 system
 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps
2. [Pure System] and [Original System] are provided to facilitate users to download and install their own operating systems;
 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps
 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps
3、 For example, if we want to install the original Win11 system, we can switch to the [Original System] tab and find the [Microsoft Windows 11 64 bit (Windows11 23H2 Microsoft official MSDN original system (professional version)] ) 】, and then click【 Installing the system 】;
 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps

4. Click Install the original Win11 system After that, you will be prompted whether to back up the data, and the backup file supports【 Desktop/My Documents/Favorites/Browser/QQ chat record/WeChat chat record 】, and backup【 Current system 】If no backup is required, click【 skip 】OK;
 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps
5. System installation (the next process does not require your intervention, the program will automatically complete the installation steps, and you can leave the computer to relax);
 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps
6. The installation process of the system only needs to wait patiently for the completion of the progress bar execution;
 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps
7. When the system installation is completed and the computer restarts, select the operating system and click【 Windows 11 Professional 】;
 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps
8. Finally, successfully enter the desktop, indicating that Win11 The system installation is completed;
 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps

Expand knowledge Win11 Open Windows sandbox function using PowerShell
1、 Press [Win+X], or [Right click] and click [Windows Logo] on the taskbar, and select [Run] from the open menu item;

 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps

2. Run window, enter【 powershell 】Command and press【 Ctrl + Shift + Enter Open the Windows PowerShell window with administrator privileges;

 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps

3. User account control window, do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? Click Yes;

 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps

4、 Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, enter and press Enter to execute the following command:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Containers-DisposableClientVM -All

Prompt: whether to restart the computer immediately to complete this operation, enter [Y] and press Enter.

 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps

5. After restarting the computer, open the Windows Start menu, and you can find the [Windows Sandbox] just installed in all applications;

 Lenovo, ThinkPad, reinstalling the system, Win11 steps

That's it Lenovo ThinkPad E15 Reelung version notebook reinstallation system Win11 article , if the method of this article can help you, then collect it Baiyun one click reinstallation system website , here we will share with you the solutions to common installation failures from time to time.
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