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Win10 system installation tutorial: easy to understand U disk system installation steps!

2024-01-16 11:43:43 Classification: course
 Windows 10 64 bit 22H2 Professional V2024.03

Windows 10 64 bit 22H2 Professional V2024.03

  • Published on: February 18, 2024
  • Size: 4.83 GB
  • Downloads: 232
This article will provide you with a simple and easy to understand Win10 system installation tutorial to help you easily complete the system installation by installing the system on a USB flash drive. We will introduce each step from preparing the USB flash disk to installing the system in detail, so that you can master the whole installation process in a short time. Whether you are new to Windows or have some experience, you can get practical help from it.

prerequisite: There is a computer that can be used normally, or there is a prepared startup USB drive
First, prepare
1) 8G or above USB stick, Baiyun USB flash disk creation tool (PE features: 1. There is no boot disk bundled with any software; 2. It supports LEGACY/UEFI dual boot; 3. It supports PE auto repair UEFI+GPT boot; 4. It supports one click installation in ESD, WIM, GHO and other formats)
Windows system file [The article tutorial takes Win10 22H2 system in ISO format as an example]

1、 Steps for making a USB flash disk startup disk

1. First of all, we Baiyun one button reinstallation system Official website , download the Baiyun USB flash drive to start the production tool;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps

2. When the download is complete, open【 Baiyun one click reinstallation system tool

Baiyun one click reinstallation system is a simple and convenient reinstallation system tool that can install Windows XP/7/8/10/11 system, perfectly compatible with all motherboards in the market, and supports GPT-UEFI one click reinstallation. This software mainly includes reinstallation system (pure system/original system), U disk startup (U disk mode/local mode), backup and restore (restore system/backup system) and common software functions.

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
3、 After inserting the USB flash disk, click [USB flash disk startup];

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
4、 U disk mode: make a common U disk into a bootable U disk. After successful creation, you can use the startup shortcut key or set BIOS to enter the PE system of the U disk for system maintenance or reinstallation when the computer is turned on. Select the device, select [USB flash disk], and then click [Create Startup USB flash disk];

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
5、 Format prompt, if the USB stick Please backup important data If not, click OK directly;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
6、 Select prepared【 System files 】, and then click [Create Startup USB Disk+System], or click【 Only make startup USB flash disk 】;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps

7、 Make a startup USB flash disk (the next process does not require your intervention, the program will automatically complete the installation steps, and you can leave the computer to relax);

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
8、 Finally, the prompt "Congratulations, the execution is successful!" indicates that the USB flash disk startup disk is successfully created and the system can be installed;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
2、 Procedure for reinstalling Win10 system with USB flash disk

1. The above startup USB flash disk is ready. Now we need to find the startup hotkey of our computer in the figure below according to our computer brand or motherboard brand;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps

2. Then, insert the Baiyun USB stick into the computer that needs to be reinstalled, and keep clicking the【 Start hotkey 】。 Then enter the Boot Menu quick start menu;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps

3、 Under Baiyun Installation PE, press Enter to select the new computer【 02. Start Windows_10PE_64 bit (suitable for new machines) 】, old PC press Enter selection【 03. Start Windows_2003PE_64 bit (suitable for old machines)

Note: Legacy Menu selection is available when starting mode, and Win10 PE is automatically entered when starting UEFI mode

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps

4、 Double click to open the【 Reinstall the system 】;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
5. Open the Baiyun one click reinstallation system tool, Select【 Reinstall the system 】;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
6、 If the system is ready for installation, you can directly Switch to【 Local system 】Tab. Step 1: Select the prepared ISO format Win10 22H2 system Mirror file Step 2: Select system installation【 Drive letter 】, the default is C disk. If the computer has dual hard disks, you must select the correct drive letter; Step 3: Execute【 One button installation 】, you can start the installation;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
7、 It is recommended to back up the [C:] disk data before restoring the system! To continue, click OK, otherwise click Exit;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
8、 Start to mount the system image( Boot.wim is the boot image, and install.wim is the system image ), select after mounting【 Install.wim file 】, and Click【 determine

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
9、 Image file volume information, selecting【 System version to install 】, and then click【 determine 】;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
10、 Installing the system Process, just wait patiently;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
11、 Unplug the USB flash drive and restart the computer, Win10 The system will automatically complete the subsequent program installation until you see the desktop , the system is completely installed successfully;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
Extended knowledge: The Win10 shortcut arrow causes the taskbar icon to fail to open Solution
1、 In the blank area of the desktop, click [Right click] to open the right-click menu item, and select [New - Text Document];

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps

2、 Create a new text document - Notepad window, enter the following command:

taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Icons" /v 29 /d "C:\Windows\system32\imageres.dll,154" /t reg_sz /f
reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Icons" /v 29 /d "C:\Windows\system32\imageres.dll,154" /t reg_sz /f
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile" /v IsShortcut /t reg_sz /f
reg add "HEKY_CLASSES_ROOT\piffile" /v IsShortcut /t reg_sz /f
start explorer

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps

3、 Then click File in the upper left corner and select Save As (Ctrl+Shift+S) from the open drop-down list;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps

4、 Save as window, pay attention to three places:

1) Path to save file as
2) Fill in the file name ending in [. bat], and select [All Files] as the save type
3) Code selection 【 ANSI 】

Finally, click Save.

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps

5、 Find and select the file saved as the. bat suffix, click [Right click], and select [Run as administrator] from the open right-click menu item;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps

6、 User account control window, do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? Click [Yes], then the command will be executed automatically, and the command prompt window will flash by;

 Win10, System installation, U disk system installation steps
That's it Win10 system installation tutorial: easy to understand U disk system installation steps article , if the method of this article can help you, then collect it Baiyun one click reinstallation system website , here we will share with you the solutions to common installation failures from time to time.
 Reinstall System Help
 USB flash drive system
 Youbaiyun USB flash disk system

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