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 Omnipotent King C Disk Cleaning Master

Omnipotent King C Disk Cleaning Master

  • Updated on: July 3rd, 2023
  • Software size: 3.94 MB
  • Authorization form: shareware
  • Support system: WinAll
The omnipotent king C disk cleaning master can help you quickly and safely solve various problems of C disk. The deep acceleration system can safely clean without deleting, and release 10G+space with one key!
 Omnipotent King C Disk Cleaning Master
All powerful King C disk cleaning master function features
1. Clean up useless files: you can quickly scan the system for junk files and useless files, clean them up, and free up C disk space
2. Cleaning temporary files: temporary files and cache files in the system can be cleaned up to reduce the system burden and improve the system running speed
3. Clear browser data: you can clear the history, cache files, cookies, etc. in the browser to protect personal privacy
4. Clean up system garbage: can be cleaned system Garbage files, log files, backup files, etc. in to improve system operation efficiency
5. Optimize system startup items: some unnecessary system startup items can be disabled to speed up system startup
Omnipotent king C disk cleaning master, with functions of [system disk slimming, large file relocation, high-risk privacy, system vulnerabilities, computer acceleration]
 All powerful king C disk cleaning master function
 USB flash drive system
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