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Win10 Batch Delete File cmd Code Writing | How to batch delete files in a folder

2019-11-26 14:15:41 Classification: help
Some users may ask why they use code to delete files in batches when there are so many third-party tools that are not used in the market? This is because the code written by oneself can delete files, which is more executable, but it is necessary to understand the code. This article is Baiyun one button reinstallation system This is a simple method of writing a cmd file to delete files in batches. Interested users can learn about it.


1. Right click in the blank area of the desktop, and select New Notepad File from the menu item that opens. The name can be taken at will. Here, it is named Batch Delete File.txt;

 Batch delete files, delete file command steps

2. Modify the file suffix to. cmd or. bat, rename other suffixes, and a prompt window will pop up according to the convention. If you change the file extension, the file may become unavailable. Are you sure you want to change? Click Yes directly;

 Batch delete files, delete file command steps

The icons displayed on the desktop are different for different suffixes;

 Batch delete files, delete file command steps

3. Right click Batch delete the file. cmd. In the open menu item, select Edit;

 Batch delete files, delete file command steps

4. After opening the file, enter the following code:

@echo on

for /r %%f in (*txt) do del %%f

Please note that the file name you want to delete is entered in parentheses. If you want to delete all notepad files here, enter txt;

 Batch delete files, delete file command steps

5. Put this file in a pile of folders that need to be deleted. This folder may contain many different files;

 Batch delete files, delete file command steps

Double click the batch delete file. cmd to run. As shown in the previous example, there are files with the txt suffix and the jpg suffix under the folder. After execution, only files with the jpg suffix remain, which is to achieve the desired effect;

 Batch delete files, delete file command steps

That's it Win10 Batch Delete File cmd Code Writing | How to batch delete file articles in a folder If the method of this article can help you, then collect the Baiyun one click reinstallation system website, where you will occasionally share common installation fault solutions.
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