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How to eliminate microphone echo in Win7 | Methods to eliminate microphone echo

2024-05-20 14:05:32 Classification: help
 Windows 11 64 bit 23H2 Professional V2024.05

Windows 11 64 bit 23H2 Professional V2024.05

  • Published on: February 18, 2024
  • Size: 5.11 GB
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Recently, a user of Win7 system found that there was echo when he spoke with the microphone, and he did not know how to solve the problem. This article will introduce the operation method of Win7 system to eliminate microphone echo.

 Win7, Microphone echo cancellation, microphone steps

1. First, open the control panel interface of Win7 system, and click to enter "Hardware and Sound".
 Win7, Microphone echo cancellation, microphone steps
2. Then, find“ voice ”, click Change system sound ”。
 Win7, Microphone echo cancellation, microphone steps
3. Then, in the pop-up window, switch to“ Recording ”In the option bar, find the default microphone device and right-click to open it“ attribute ”Interface.
 Win7, Microphone echo cancellation, microphone steps
4. Then, in the open attribute interface, switch to“ Listen ”Options Bar, uncheck“ Listen on this device ”Option, click OK.
 Win7, Microphone echo cancellation, microphone steps

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