The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the strategy of implementing a healthy China. The Opinions of the State Council on Implementing the Healthy China Action proposed that the health knowledge popularization action should be implemented, and the "health knowledge popularization action" should be the first of the 15 tasks of implementing the Healthy China Action. Encyclopedia doctors are deeply engaged in the field of medical health science popularization. They formulate quality control processes and classified quality control standards in strict accordance with the Technical Guide for Health Science Popularization Information Generation and Communication, produce medical health science popularization knowledge that can be understood, used and effective by ordinary people, and widely spread it to the public through text, pictures, voice, animation, video and other forms. At the same time, based on clinical With the strong support of the National Health Commission and the branch of science and technology, doctors have the inherent advantages in the field of medicine, health and health. They have actively organized clinicians in top three hospitals nationwide to carry out science popularization campaigns; A personalized online science popularization expert studio has been created for them to facilitate medical health consultation for the public. In 2019, its product "Encyclopedia of Famous Doctors" small program was shortlisted in the National Press and Publication Administration's digital publishing boutique project, and won the award of excellence in the small program category of the 2019 New Era Health Science Popularization Contest jointly sponsored by the National Health Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Chinese Association for Science and Technology; In the same year, the Cooperation Agreement was signed with the National Commission for the Examination and Approval of Scientific and Technological Terms For the medical science and technology terms interpretation articles and relevant pictures reviewed by experts, and for the "Daily Science and Technology Terms" column of the "Learning Powerful Country" learning platform.
Encyclopedia of Famous Doctors is the designated website of the authoritative medical science popularization project of the National Health Commission, and has won the title of "Dianzan · 2017 Science Popularization China" Top Ten Science Popularization We Media.
With the development of medical science and technology in China, it has become the bounden duty of medical workers to vigorously carry out science popularization, disseminate health science knowledge, improve citizens' scientific literacy, and resist pseudoscience. As the main force of medical and health work, clinicians should become an important force in health science popularization. To this end, with the strong support of the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology, we have organized some top three hospitals' clinicians nationwide to carry out science popularization campaigns.
Our characteristics
1. Establish an authoritative, scientific and practical platform for health science popularization knowledge release and exchange;
2. Establish a science popularization expert studio for clinicians with a deputy senior professional title or above or with a doctor's degree in a Grade III A hospital;
3. Formulate a strict quality control mechanism and a three trial system to ensure that the content of popular science is scientific and free from political sensitivities;
The medical editing team of the encyclopedia famous doctors network has grown into an old, middle and young echelon. The core medical editors have the title of deputy high or above, and have many years of professional medical editing experience. A full-time first review editor shall be appointed to undertake the preliminary review and editing processing, and the second review shall be undertaken by the deputy editor or the director of the editorial department to evaluate the processing work of the responsible editor and solve quality problems. The chief editor is responsible for the final review, and carries out political, academic and scientific checks on the content of popular science.
Our purpose
Rigorous, scientific, authoritative and service. Bring health science knowledge to more people.