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 You are welcome to make suggestions on the work of our team, or leave a message on the relevant laws, regulations and policies related to fire control. We will study your message and reply to relevant questions. Please pay attention to the common problems published on the website. Thank you for your attention, understanding and support of our team! Notice for public message: 1、 Please consciously abide by the Constitution and laws of the People's Republic of China, be responsible for the authenticity and objectivity of the message content, and bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom. 2、 The answers provided in this column are only for the public to understand the fire rescue work and solve relevant problems, and have no legal effect. The specific business is subject to the relevant laws and regulations. 3、 The expression of the message inquiry question should be clear, accurate and concise. "One thing, one consultation" should be implemented. Do not submit multiple questions at a time or submit the same question multiple times. Please do not post any advertisement, product or service, otherwise it will be deleted. 4、 The "Public Message" column is only used for the communication between our team and the public. Please do not include any content irrelevant to our team's work, or any information about reporting. 5、 Please fill in your contact information truthfully and accurately in order to contact you, and we will protect your personal privacy according to law; If your contact information is not true and accurate, the system will not accept it. 6、 Please call 12345 directly for reporting fire hazards. 7、 Please keep abreast of your messages through the background. If you carefully read and accept the above terms, please continue.
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Tip: Please call 12345 directly for reporting fire hazards.