Marriage registration
2023-02-24 22:49

Part I Marriage Registration

1、 Application conditions

1. Both men and women applying for marriage must be Live in Chinese citizens in Nigeria (residence refers to the situation that they have stayed in Nigeria legally for 180 consecutive days, or have obtained long-term and permanent residence identity certificates, work, study and other long-term visas).

2. Both men and women meet all the conditions for marriage in the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, such as both men and women have no spouse, both have no direct blood relatives and collateral blood relatives within three generations, and both have reached the legal age of marriage (male over 22 years old, female over 20 years old).

3. Both men and women must common Voluntarily apply to the Chinese Embassy and Consulate in Nigeria.

2、 Submittals

1. Valid identity documents (including valid passports, travel cards and other documents that can prove the Chinese nationality of the parties) and residence certificates (such as long-term visas for work and study in Nigeria, or long-term residence permits in Nigeria, commonly known as Nigerian green cards) of both men and women.

2.3 Two inch (3.5cm * 5.3cm) half length bareheaded color photos of both parties recently.

3. If one party is a compatriot of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who has not settled down abroad, the original and copy of his/her unmarried certificate during his/her stay in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall also be submitted.

4. The party who divorced without spouse shall submit the original and copy of the divorce certificate (or the court's divorce mediation statement or judgment, and the first instance judgment shall be attached with the effective certificate). If the relevant judgment is made by a foreign court, we must provide a written ruling of the relevant court recognizing the judgment of the foreign court.

5. If the party concerned remarries after the death of his or her spouse, he or she shall submit the death certificate of his or her former spouse, the original and photocopy of the proof of his or her marital relationship with the deceased.

6. If a Chinese citizen of Macao decides to divorce in a foreign court, he or she must submit the original and photocopy of the relevant certificate recognized by the Macao High Court.

7. Other materials deemed necessary by the Chinese Embassy and Consulate in Nigeria.

3、 Acceptance time

The applicant makes an appointment for marriage registration in the "Marriage Registration Appointment" module of the "Chinese Consul" APP. After the appointment is made successfully, you can go to the embassy or consulate in Nigeria to handle it according to the result of the appointment.

4、 Evidence collection and expenses

The certificate shall be issued on the spot and handled free of charge.

Tips: The marriage certificates issued by embassies and consulates abroad show passport information instead of resident ID card information. When a party holds a marriage certificate issued by a foreign embassy or consulate to handle affairs in China, he is often required to provide materials proving that the holder of the marriage certificate and the holder of the domestic resident identity card are the same person. It is suggested to apply for adding the ID card numbers of both husband and wife on the marriage certificate.

Part II Divorce Registration

1、 Application conditions

1. Both parties to the marriage must be Chinese citizens with full civil capacity.

2. The marriage relationship of the parties Concluded by the Embassy and Consulate in Nigeria according to law

3. Both men and women must apply for divorce by agreement in person at the embassy and consulate in Nigeria.

4. Both parties voluntarily divorce, and reach an agreement on child rearing, property and debt treatment.

2、 Submittals

1. Valid identity documents (including valid passports, travel cards and other documents that can prove the Chinese nationality of the parties) and residence certificates (such as long-term visas for work and study in Nigeria, or long-term residence permits in Nigeria, commonly known as Nigerian green cards) of both men and women.

2. Two two inch (3.5cm * 5.3cm) recent half length bareheaded color photos of single person for both men and women.

3. Divorce agreement (in triplicate). The content of the divorce agreement should include that both parties are willing to divorce and make arrangements for child rearing, property and debt handling, as well as agree to the content of the agreement, guarantee the authenticity of the agreement, and assume all legal liabilities arising from any false willingness.

4. Marriage certificates of both men and women.

5. Other materials that the embassy or consulate in Nigeria thinks should be provided.

3、 Acceptance time

The applicant makes an appointment for divorce registration in the "Marriage Registration Appointment" module of the "Chinese Consul" APP. After the appointment is made successfully, you can go to the embassy or consulate in Nigeria to handle it according to the result of the appointment..

4、 Evidence collection and expenses

Within 30 days after the expiration of the divorce cooling off period (30 natural days from the date when the divorce application is accepted), both parties can jointly go to the embassy and consulate in Nigeria to apply for the issuance of a divorce certificate for free.

Part III Reissue of Marriage Registration Certificate

If the marriage certificate of the marriage party is lost or damaged, he or she may personally or entrust others with valid identity documents to apply to the foreign embassies and consulates that originally handled the marriage registration for a replacement.

Materials to be submitted:

Valid identity documents, residence certificates and photos

If the party concerned submits the application in person, he shall fill in and sign the Declaration of Application for Re obtaining Marriage Certificate in front of the consular officer. If a party entrusts another person to apply for a replacement certificate in China, he/she shall submit the power of attorney notarized by our notary office and the Declaration of Application for Replacement of Marriage Certificate.

If the party concerned has returned to China, he or she may apply for a replacement marriage certificate at the marriage registration authority in the place where one party's permanent residence is located. When applying, he or she needs to submit the documentary proof of the marriage certificate handled by the Consulate General for him or her. The party concerned may apply in person or entrust another person (a notarized power of attorney is required) to the Consulate General (the marriage registration previously conducted in the Consulate General) for filing verification. There is no charge for the issuance of documentary evidence.

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