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November 20, 2008 week four
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Wang Bu, President of Rabobank Shanghai Branch, visited Dali
Wang Bu (second from the left), accompanied by Cun Zunxi (second from the right), director of Dali Office of the Provincial Associated Press, went deep into the business department of Xiaguan Sub branch of Dali Rural Cooperative Bank for investigation.

□ Our correspondent Dai Chantao and Kang Li give an article/picture

On November 14, on a crisp autumn day, accompanied by Cun Zunxi, the director of Dali Office of the Provincial Associated Press, Wang Bu, the general manager of the Netherlands Cooperative Bank Co., Ltd. in China and the president of Shanghai Branch, went to Dali Rural Cooperative Bank for an in-depth investigation.

Rabobank has developed from a credit union to a powerful cooperative banking group after more than 100 years of development. At present, Rabobank has cooperated with Hangzhou Rural Cooperative Bank, and is negotiating business cooperation with rural credit cooperatives in our province. Dali Rural Credit Cooperative was "promoted" to be a bank in January 2005. It is one of the first four rural cooperative banks set up by rural credit cooperatives in the province, and has made gratifying achievements in management, financial product innovation, risk prevention, etc. Not long ago, Fan Anbo, the director and general manager of the International Consulting Company of the Netherlands Cooperative Bank, and Heines, the human resources manager of the Institutional Development Company, inspected the reform and development of the Dali Rural Cooperative Bank.

During this visit, President Wang Bu and his party went to the business department of Xiaguan Sub branch of Dali Rural Cooperative Bank to inspect the operation and service on the spot. Huan Jinsheng, Chairman of Dali Rural Cooperative Bank, introduced the reform and development of Rural Cooperative Bank in recent three years to Wang Bu. President Wang Bu was very satisfied with the reform and development of the Agricultural Cooperative Bank of China, and introduced the development, management, risk prevention and other aspects of the Netherlands Cooperative Bank.

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Wang Bu, President of Rabobank Shanghai Branch, visited Dali
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