10:31 Wednesday, September 18, 2019 At the end of August 20 in the year of the first lunar month (pig)

Nanning: Huang Shengxin - "Bull Temper"

  • Release time: August 23, 2021 17:35
  • Author: Nanning Fire Rescue Detachment
  • Reading volume: 38077
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The horizon can be polished, and he has already got up while others are still sleeping soundly. It was his habit for many years to get up at dawn. With the intermittent sound of water, the rustle of life reflects the beginning of a new day.

It was already dawn, and the road was gradually noisy. Before going out, he looked in the mirror and straightened his clothes. Whenever he wore the "Flame Blue", he always asked himself with the best posture.

"Good morning, Deputy Huang!"

"Good morning! Hard work!" He always replied with a smile when he met someone who greeted him.

His figure slowly disappeared into sight

He is Huang Shengxin, deputy director of the fire fighting and rescue headquarters of Nanning Fire Rescue Detachment and director of the combat training department. Counting up, this year is the 24th year that he joined the fire department. Twenty four years have passed, and years have given him more and more responsibilities besides traces.

"Deputy Huang, today is the first day for you." The joking voice sounded, and Huang Shengxin followed the speaker, waved his hands and smiled: "No, I'm used to this point, and I can't sleep when it's dawn." Every day he is the first to arrive at the office, and a busy day begins.

Time passes quickly, and time passes quickly. Although his chest is covered with various martial arts medals, he still keeps his original intention. Twenty years are like a day. Where there are urgent, dangerous and heavy tasks, there is his figure of forging ahead in the face of danger. In the face of difficulties, Huang Shengxin has always risen to the occasion and stubbornly rushed ahead.

Since joining the fire brigade, Huang Shengxin has withstood severe tests again and again in the face of urgent and dangerous tasks, and won one battle after another. He has participated in more than 2200 fire fighting and rescue operations, and successfully rescued more than 800 people in distress. He has won the first class merit twice, the second class merit three times, and the third class merit 11 times. He has been awarded the titles of "Advanced Individual in Earthquake Relief" in the national public security system, "Excellent Fire Guard", "Elite in On duty Training", "Outstanding Communist Party Member", "Top Ten Cadres", and "China Youth May 4th Medal" by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the All China Youth Federation, Awarded by the People's Government of the Autonomous Region as a "patriotic and good soldier for the people", he has practiced his absolute loyalty to the Party and the people and to the fire rescue cause with practical actions.

His hard work has never changed. Huang Shengxin has always been known as an "old scalper" in the fire brigade. He looks coldly at a thousand fingers and bows his head to be a willing ox. He is always in the forefront for the people and the fire cause. Over the years, he has never changed. His teammates often pointed at him and said, "You should change your temper!" Whenever this happened, he would always smile and squint, "As long as I can plow, I will not change."

  Stormy "Cattle bad temper

In every dangerous situation, he can never get rid of the "old problem" of "rushing into battle".

When the Wenchuan earthquake occurred in 2008, Huang Shengxin, who was on vacation at home, volunteered to join the trans regional rescue team in Sichuan. In one rescue, Uncle Dong, 79 years old, was trapped in a three storey residential building that collapsed as a whole. His thigh was pressed down by a table and he could not move at all. As there were more than 4 meters of bricks and stones above the trapped position, they collapsed at any time. It was very difficult to rescue. Huang Shengxin and his friends were worried that the machine rescue would cause secondary injury to Uncle Dong and face the danger, They decided to change their strategy and choose to dig a channel to save people. After nearly four hours of digging, the rescue team finally managed to open a channel. Huang Shengxin used a jack to hold the wall column on his body to form an activity space. Just after the support was completed, suddenly an aftershock came, and debris fell from his head, A firefighter found the danger and shouted to Huang Shengxin: "The squad leader should get out quickly, something is going to collapse!" He ignored it and still chose not to give up, In the rescue in a race against time, his bull like temper prompted him to finally save the old man. At that time, Huang Shengxin, who participated in the rescue, had not rested for nearly 36 hours.

During the Wenchuan earthquake relief, Huang Shengxin and his comrades rescued 30 trapped people, 8 of whom survived. His "bull temper" also made everyone remember this "leader".

lose sleep and forget to eat from anxiety , etc. Of Bull temper

"Deputy Huang, you have worked hard. Go back and have a rest first. Let's go" "It's not hard, it's all work, and it should be." He waved his hand and refused his teammate's suggestion.

During the "two sessions", Huang Shengxin organized the officers and soldiers to be on duty and prepare for the war, and the effective sleep time was only 5 hours a day. Whenever his teammates want to replace him, Huang Shengxin just shakes his head and refuses, because he thinks this is the mission and responsibility.

During his duty, he forgot to eat and sleep. Every time someone tried to persuade him to take a rest, his "bull temper" would immediately refuse. No matter what task it was, he had to do it himself to rest assured.

"You are so arrogant that you can't persuade him. When can you change your temper?" Faced with his stubborn temper, his teammates always had no choice but to dissuade him, which was useless, so they had to ask jokingly. Huang Shengxin laughed, waved his hand and said, "It's been decades

As an "old scalper" with many years of security experience, Huang Shengxin, in combination with the pilot results of the national fire rescue team's intelligent alarm receiving and handling command system, carried out the upgrading of the security system serving ASEAN's "two sessions", successfully prepared a three-dimensional "one picture" and a digital plan, deployed a fire fighting command platform, an urban intelligent high point monitoring system, a live command platform The fire load system, visual intercom system and other information communication systems realize the new security dispatching and command mechanism of "accurate alarm receiving and dispatching, whole process command support and intelligent auxiliary decision-making", and provide information support for the fire security command and dispatching, auxiliary decision-making, comprehensive research and judgment, monitoring and early warning and other aspects of the ASEAN "Two Sessions", To ensure that in an emergency, we can "pull out, rush and win"

  real practice and hard work Of Bull temper

President Xi Jinping pointed out that "the fundamental way to improve the combat level of the team is to train the team from the needs of actual combat and from difficulties to rigor." He has always kept in mind what President Xi Jinping said. He paid close attention to the post training of all staff, organized and carried out duty training competition, business general examination, and training of grassroots commanders.

Huang Shengxin is always fighting with himself with "bull temper", step by step. He always treats training and daily work with the most sincere attitude and never slackens.

Huang Shengxin also carried out familiarization drills for key units such as epidemic related hospitals and enterprises returning to work, which led to 1032 drills and 1686 familiarization drills. He formulated 310 two-dimensional interactive plans and 930 card plans. Participated in 5 pull drills of departments, bureaus and teams. In addition, he also focused on the construction of big data and trained communication backbone to use UAV technology to carry out aerial survey modeling, which greatly improved the emergency communication support capability of the detachment.

Comrade Huang Shengxin has always been strict with himself according to the standard of an excellent Communist Party member, and has always been at the forefront of fire fighting and rescue. With blood and sweat, he has interpreted the "bull temper" of "loyalty to the Party, strict discipline, going through fire and water, and dedicated to the people".