Diligence in life

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Diligence in life means that the reason why human beings survive lies in diligence. Zuo Zhuan - Twelve Years of Xuangong:“ live well , one must work diligently If you are diligent, there will be no shortage. "
Zhang Heng famously said, "If you work hard, you can't get anything without asking."
Chinese name
Diligence in life
The reason why human beings survive lies in diligence
Zuo Zhuan - Twelve Years of Xuangong
Zhang Heng's famous sentence
Diligence in life, no gain without asking

Jia Sixie's famous sentence

On《 Qi People's Essential Skills 》Medium, Jia Sixie He has mentioned the concepts of "diligence", "sincerity", "strength" and "merit" for many times, and analyzed the relationship between these concepts and agricultural economy in combination with specific conditions. This is another aspect of Jia Sixie's agricultural thought. In Jia Sixie's view, agriculture is to provide public wealth All social wealth provided by agriculture is created by labor. In the Self Preface, he quoted the words of Elder Zhong: "When the weather is right, I don't farm, and I can't get the grain." He also quoted the words of Qiao Zi: "When the morning comes and the night goes out, the dishes will be abundant and the baskets will be poured out if you are diligent. You should wear no feathers, not weave, not dress; you can't drink with grass, not plough, not eat, and you can't be independent." Therefore, he very much agreed that "life is diligent, and diligence is not scarce." The view that "strength can overcome poverty, and prudence can overcome disaster" clearly states that "diligence can avoid poverty, and prudence can avoid disaster." This clearly shows that Jia Sixie The emphasis on labor shows that he has a vague concept of "labor is the source of wealth".
The "diligence" advocated by Jia Sixie is not only for workers, but for all members of society including rulers. In "Self Preface", he quoted "Shen Nong is haggard, Yao is thin, Li Hei is Shun, Yu is callow" and other examples, and also listed Term extension Wang Jing Huangfulong Zichong Huang Ba Gong Sui He worked hard to "pacify the people", and thus came to the conclusion that, although "farming is difficult", "under the jungle, there is a land of storehouse and a land of fish and turtles." Cultivate crops The place is the place where the emperor's heart is. It is sealed by the Ether and sowed with bittern grains of all sorts Zheng Baicheng and the year of no hunger in Guanzhong "," Since the Son of Heaven, as for common people It is unheard of when you are not diligent in your limbs and do not think about it. This view that all members of society should work hard to create agricultural prosperity was rare in ancient China. Jia Sixie The word "prudence" mainly refers to thrift and thrift. In his Preface, he quoted the words of Guan Zi: "Jie had a world but was not enough; Tang had 72 li and was more than enough, and heaven was not only for Tang Yu and Shu Su." For this reason, Jia Sixie emphasized "to use it sparingly". He noted that wasteful use will have a serious impact on people's livelihood. He said, "The life of wealth and goods is difficult, but it is not proper to use them. Ordinary people are lazy, and they are not honest. When government orders are lost, floods and droughts become disasters, and the grain does not reach the peak, and corruption continues, which can not be stopped in both ancient and modern times. Alas! And hungry people have great desires, and thirsty people have feelings of moderation. Eat lightly when you are full, and dress lightly when you are warm. Either the grain is abundant in the year, but suddenly it is accumulated, or the cloth is better than giving. When poverty comes, it comes gradually. " So many factors comprehensively analyze the impact of frugality《 Qi People's Essential Skills 》In the text, the benefit comparison of various "capitalist industries" has laid a solid theoretical foundation. Jia Sixie The "force" mentioned mainly refers to the physical labor paid by workers, while the "work" refers to the labor achievements obtained by various agricultural production activities.
In order to obtain the best economic benefits, Jia Sixie advocated "more evil is better than less good" ("Planting Valley III"), and advocated taking small areas to accumulate, based on the general principle of agricultural management that "follow the weather, measure the geographical advantages, use less force and achieve more success, return to the road freely, and work without gain" ("Planting Valley III") Intensive planting Road. The essence of China's traditional agricultural production lies in the combination of land use and land cultivation, intensive farming And strive to increase the output per unit area. At the time of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, China had entered the finalization period of the traditional production technology of dry farming in the north. The small area intensive planting mode advocated by Jia Sixie was a reflection of the finalization of this technology. To adapt intensive and meticulous farming For the need of traditional agricultural technology, Jia Sixie not only emphasized the beneficial labor input of "less effort leads to more grain" ("Grain Planting No.3"), but also advocated the active labor expenditure of "hoeing without getting tired of counting and starting again and again" ("Grain Planting No.3"). It seems that the contradictory labor input actually meets the production demand of traditional dry farming in China. The so-called "less effort, more grain" type of beneficial labor input is aimed at the relative ratio of labor expenditure and product benefits in the entire agricultural production process; However, the active labor expenditure of "hoeing without getting tired of counting and starting again and again" is for "raising the ground", that is, the improvement of soil performance by labor. It is advocated to use deep ploughing and fine harrowing to improve the drought resistance and fertility of the land, that is, the so-called "no matter how hard the land is, the drought will also Baoze ”(Farming First), which fully reflects the essence of Chinese traditional agriculture.

Zhang Heng's famous sentence

Zhang Heng's famous sentence: If you work hard, you can't get anything without asking. It means: if you don't work hard to seek and pursue, how can you gain in life. Life should strive, otherwise there will be no harvest. It shows Zhang Heng's diligent and enterprising pursuit of life.
"If you are diligent in life, you can get nothing without asking for it." This famous saying of Zhang Heng has been said for thousands of years, but we always like to spend it carelessly, leaving many regrets in our life! Black hair doesn't know how to study early, while white hair regrets studying late!