Answering questions from reporters at the press conference of Fujian Fire Protection Publicity Month in 2023

Source: Corps Author: News and Publicity Division Time: 2023-11-03 20:14  Increase font size  Reduce font size

   On November 2, the press conference of Fujian Fire Protection Publicity Month 2023 was held in Fuzhou. Leaders of the provincial fire rescue team, the provincial department of civil affairs, the provincial health commission and the provincial department of housing construction attended the conference, introduced the reform, construction and development of the national comprehensive fire rescue team in our province in the past five years, released the activity arrangement of the provincial fire publicity month in 2023 and answered questions from reporters.

   Chen Limin, Deputy Chief of Provincial Fire Rescue Corps The reform, construction and development of the provincial fire rescue team in the past five years were reported.

   The fire rescue team was formerly under the management of the Ministry of Public Security. In 2018, according to the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on deepening the reform of the Party and state institutions, the team retired from active service collectively and formed a national comprehensive fire rescue team with forest fire control, etc. On November 9, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally presented a flag to the national comprehensive fire rescue team and delivered an admonition, marking the orientation and journey of a new type of people's team. In the five years since the reform and restructuring, the provincial fire rescue team has thoroughly implemented the four sentence policy of "loyalty to the Party, strict discipline, going through fire and water, and dedicated to the people", and has made solid steps and achieved gratifying results in promoting the reform and development of the team. It is mainly reflected in the following three aspects:

   First, be honest and innovative, and take a new way to build fire rescue teams in the new era. With the strong support of relevant departments at all levels, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have successively studied and formulated supporting policy documents such as fire law enforcement reform, wage system, fund guarantee, team preferential treatment, etc., ensuring the safe transition, orderly connection and scientific development of fire protection institutions, personnel and work. The Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress deliberated and passed the newly revised Fire Control Regulations of Fujian Province. The provincial government issued and implemented the "14th Five Year Plan" fire control plan as a provincial key special plan, ensuring the high-quality development of fire rescue in the province. The provincial fire rescue teams adhere to the fundamental policy of political team building, adhere to the requirements of "two strictness and two standards" (that is, strict discipline, strict organization, quasi active service and quasi militarization), and ensure that they are always loyal, reliable and disciplined. A total of 8 officers and soldiers in the team were cordially received by General Secretary Xi Jinping, 18 individuals from 10 collectives were commended at or above the provincial and ministerial level, 13 collectives and 46 individuals won first and second class honors, and all prefecture and city fire rescue detachments were recorded by the local party committees and governments. In particular, Fuzhou Gulou District Sanfang Qixiang Fire Rescue Station (also the National Flag Guard of Fuzhou Wuyi Square), whose first flag was taken over from Comrade Xi Jinping, then Secretary of Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee. The station has been honored as "National Advanced Grass roots Party Organization", "National Advanced Collective of Emergency Management System", "National 119 Advanced Collective of Fire Fighting", etc., and was awarded the title of "Model in Fujian Province".

   Second, systematic governance to create a new situation of preventing and resolving major security risks. Accurately control prominent risks and hidden dangers, and solidly carry out a series of special renovations such as the "Three Year Action" for fire safety renovation. A total of 420000 places of various social units were investigated, and 510000 hidden dangers were eliminated. In the 2022 provincial government fire protection assessment by the Safety Committee of the State Council, our province ranked fourth in the country and was rated as "excellent". We have continuously deepened the reform of fire law enforcement, successfully handed over the responsibility for fire control verification of construction projects, took the lead in implementing "double random and one open" supervision nationwide, gradually established new supervision modes such as commitment management, credit supervision, Internet+supervision, and set up more than 1100 fire stations in township streets, giving them the power of administrative punishment for fire control. Continue to strengthen fire protection publicity and education, focus on building a "whole life cycle" publicity, education and training system from children to the elderly, and improve the fire safety quality of the whole people, with fire protection publicity into enterprises, rural areas, communities, schools and families as the starting point. The fire safety responsibilities are compacted level by level. The joint conference of fire protection work at all levels is upgraded to the fire safety committee. The provincial and municipal governments assign targets and tasks level by level, carry out fire protection work assessment, promote local governments and industry departments to perform their duties, promote self inspection, self awareness and self correction of hidden dangers in social units, and further strengthen the main responsibilities of all parties. Here, the fire department solemnly appeals to relevant units and places to take the main responsibility for fire safety, coordinate the relationship between development and safety, strengthen fire safety management, especially correct the problems of non-standard daily fire management, inadequate staff training, damaged fire facilities, illegal construction and hot welding, and improve the intrinsic fire safety level.

   Third, march forward bravely and shoulder the new mission of the main force of emergency rescue and the national team. Focusing on the construction of the "big emergency" system, we have established a multi department consultation, research and judgment, early warning and response mechanism, signed joint service linkage and joint guarantee agreements with 92 departments and units, and initially established a smooth and efficient emergency command mechanism. Focusing on the "full disaster" rescue task, the fire rescue team has extensively carried out activities such as large-scale training, competition and drill, built 54 professional formations in chemical, earthquake and water areas, increased the number of full-time government fire brigades in the province to 117, and added more than 2300 full-time government firefighters. Focusing on "systematic" combat service support, we accelerated the construction of training bases and combat service support bases at all levels, and the construction and operation of provincial and municipal emergency material reserves. Upgrade conventional equipment, replenish a batch of urgently needed equipment, and further optimize the equipment structure. In the past five years, the provincial team has received 304000 police calls, rescued 34000 trapped people and evacuated more than 81000 people in distress. It has successfully handled such urgent and dangerous tasks as the collapse of buildings in Fuzhou "2.16" and Quanzhou "3.77", the fire of the "7.12" fine chemical explosion in Longyan, the prevention of the new coronal epidemic, and the fight against typhoons "Du Surui" and "Sea anemone", We have completed major fire protection and security tasks such as the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the previous "Straits Forum" and "Digital China Construction Summit". At present, fire rescue The team still faces many challenges in resolving risks, preventing fires and maintaining safety. There are still many weaknesses in dealing with disasters, handling accidents and professional rescue. ranks We will adhere to the problem orientation, vigorously complement weaknesses, strengths, and capabilities, and make new contributions to maintaining social stability and the safety of people's lives and property.

   The theme of this year's 119 Fire Publicity Month is "prevention first, life first", which has the following characteristics compared with the past: First, the content is more abundant. On November 9, it coincided with the fifth anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's flag awarding and lecturing for the national comprehensive fire rescue team. During the publicity month, three series of activities, namely, "Report to the Party and the People", "Fire Safety and Public Governance" and "All People Learn to Fight", will be carried out in stages and steps. Second, the forms are more diverse. Fire departments at all levels All industries and units will be organized to carry out fire safety self-examination, hidden danger rectification, fire safety learning and training, fire fighting and escape drills, fire fun carnival and other activities, and mobilize people from all walks of life to participate in fire protection work extensively. Third, it is more interactive and participatory. On November 9, the brigade will hold the theme activity of the provincial fire publicity month in Fuzhou May Day Square, inviting all sectors of society to participate. During the publicity month, Internet celebrities and mainstream media participated in the "live broadcast of fire safety" activity, and the fire rescue station was open to the public to promote the integration of fire protection elements and common sense into urban parks and civic cultural squares, so that fire protection knowledge can be learned at any time. Welcome all media friends to actively promote and report at that time media Call for guiding all sectors of society to pay attention to fire protection, care about fire safety, and learn fire protection knowledge.

   The fire situation of the whole province this year was also introduced on the spot. Since this year (up to October 31), the province has received 20500 reports of fires, 42 deaths and direct property losses of 232 million yuan. Compared with the same period last year, the number of cases decreased by 3.3%, the number of deaths decreased by 12.5%, and the number of direct property losses decreased by 18.2%. Although the fire situation is generally stable, the fire risk in residential areas is relatively prominent. Most of the fatal fires occur in such places (accounting for 85.7%). In particular, electrical fires such as line short circuit and equipment failure account for the highest proportion, accounting for 41.8% of the total number of fires. In addition, fires caused by careless smoking and domestic fire also account for 29.7%. Recently, there are many "small fire deaths" accidents in the province. With the decrease of temperature, the social use of fire, gas, electricity and oil will increase, and the fire risk should not be underestimated. The whole society is called upon to act together, start from itself, start from daily drip, strictly manage power and fire sources, standardize the parking and charging of electric bicycles, safely use gas, do not throw cigarette butts, regularly carry out "three cleanings and three passes" (cleaning walkways, balconies, kitchens, turning off fire sources, turning off power and turning off gas sources when leaving people), and equip themselves with some fire-fighting equipment and escape masks, Let's work together to create a harmonious and stable fire safety environment.

   During the Q&A session, the media reporters present asked questions about their concerns.

   CCTV reporter asked: Fire safety is the "lifeline" of elderly care institutions. We learned that in April this year, Fujian Province carried out a special supervision and inspection on fire safety of elderly care institutions. Could you introduce the relevant information about the inspection?

   Guo Qi, second level inspector of Fujian Provincial Department of Civil Affairs Answer: The civil affairs system of the province has always attached importance to fire safety work, placing fire safety of elderly care institutions in an important position of "urgent difficulties and anxieties" in elderly care services, and strengthening the fire safety defense line of elderly care institutions through service, physical examination, analysis, training and other methods. In April this year, the provincial, municipal and county civil affairs departments and fire departments jointly carried out "granular" safety special supervision and inspection in terms of fire safety responsibilities, fire risk source management and control, fire facilities functions, fire fighting and rescue conditions and other aspects of elderly care institutions, relying on professional fire technical personnel. The provincial department and the provincial fire brigade are divided into three groups to carry out supervision and inspection of five-star elderly care institutions in the province in the form of standing book management and project-based promotion. The city and county supervise and inspect four-star, three-star and below elderly care service institutions, forming a working pattern of "linkage from top to bottom, department coordination, and joint management" to ensure full coverage of the inspection. So far, 897 elderly care institutions have been supervised and inspected, 13701 hidden dangers have been found, 12562 hidden dangers have been rectified, with a rectification rate of 91.69%. Next, we will, in accordance with the requirements of the newly implemented Regulations on Fire Safety Management of Elderly Care Institutions, and with the support of the fire department, adhere to the combination of "current reform" and "long-term establishment", strengthen the implementation of the main responsibility for fire safety of elderly care institutions, standardize the site safety settings, further refine the emergency plan, and improve the long-term management mechanism, Continuously improve the level of fire safety management.

   The reporter from the Legal Daily asked: On May 31 this year, the Standing Committee of Fujian Provincial People's Congress deliberated and passed the newly revised Fire Control Regulations of Fujian Province. Please briefly introduce what new regulations the new Regulations have in terms of ensuring people's livelihood safety and promoting social and economic development?

   Chen Limin, deputy chief of Fujian Fire Rescue Corps, replied that the newly revised Fujian Fire Prevention Regulations had been officially implemented since September 1 this year. The new Regulations have revised other articles except for the three articles of the original Regulations, with the revision rate of more than 95%. It is a department that implements the overall national safety concept, fully complies with the reform of the fire protection system Fire regulations that fully summarize practical experience. The Regulations also made some new provisions in terms of ensuring the safety of people's livelihood and promoting social and economic development, mainly in the following six aspects: (1) Strengthening the control of electric vehicles. In view of the current situation of frequent electric bicycle fires, specific provisions are made on the parking, charging behavior and site setting requirements, as well as the charging safety of electric vehicles. At the same time, it also stipulates that property service personnel should strengthen the fire safety management of electric bicycles, electric motorcycles and electric vehicles parking, charging behavior and charging facilities. (2) Ensure that the "life passage" is unblocked. In order to solve the problem of blocked "life passage" and unclear law enforcement boundary, the division of responsibilities of the public security traffic management, township (street), urban management and fire departments for illegal occupation, blocking, and closure of fire truck passages and fire truck climbing operation sites was clarified. (3) Strengthen petrochemical fire safety guarantee. Our province is a big petrochemical province, and the petrochemical industry is one of our pillar industries. In view of this feature, the Regulations put forward requirements for hazardous chemical production and operation enterprises to establish full-time fire brigade and process disposal team, and made it clear that enterprises should regularly carry out safety risk troubleshooting and assessment. (4) Strengthen fire protection measures for ancient buildings. In order to further release the vitality of the cultural and tourism industry, it has stipulated the historical buildings, traditional style buildings and other ancient buildings for business use. If it is really impossible to meet the technical standards for fire protection due to objective reasons, a matching fire safety guarantee scheme can be formulated through expert argumentation and other methods. (5) Improve the fire safety conditions of home stay. In view of the rapid development of the homestay industry in our province, it is stipulated that the government should strengthen the construction of public fire-fighting facilities in rural areas and homestay areas, and improve the fire safety conditions. Those engaged in business activities of home stay shall implement fire safety measures and be equipped with corresponding fire control facilities and equipment. (6) Continuously optimize the business environment. Implement the reform of "release, control and service", constantly optimize the business environment, and stipulate that public gathering places such as small hotels, small restaurants and small shops, and construction projects that do not need to obtain construction permits but need to go through fire protection records according to law can optimize the approval procedures. The specific measures shall be formulated by the relevant departments and submitted to the provincial government for approval.

   The reporter from asked: As an institution and place serving the people, hospitals are densely populated, with large turnover, special service objects, and weak action. As an industry management department, how does the Fujian Provincial Health Commission guide hospitals to do a good job in fire safety management and prevent fire and other hidden dangers?

   Lai Yigang, the second level inspector of Fujian Provincial Health Commission, replied that the provincial health commission has always attached importance to the fire safety of hospitals and other medical and health institutions. In recent years, under the leadership of the provincial fire safety commission, the provincial health commission has mainly guided hospitals to do a good job in fire safety prevention from the following three aspects. (1) Establish rules and regulations. To standardize the fire safety management of hospitals through rules and regulations, the National Health Commission has successively issued the Nine Provisions on Fire Safety of Medical Institutions, the Management Guide for Fire Safety Production of Medical and Disease Control Institutions, and the Implementation Plan for Fire Safety Standardization Management of Medical and Health Institutions in Fujian Province at the provincial level to guide hospitals in the province to carry out fire safety management, Fire safety precautions shall be taken. (2) Strengthen inspection and guidance. The Provincial Health Commission organizes fire safety supervision and inspection on a regular basis every year, carries out fire safety inspection and undercover visits, and compels hospitals to fulfill the main responsibility of fire safety through inspection to eliminate potential safety hazards. From February to April this year, the provincial health commission and the provincial fire rescue team carried out special supervision and inspection on fire safety in the province's top three hospitals; From April to May, in response to the "April 18" fire accident in Beijing Changfeng Hospital, the Provincial Health Commission carried out spot checks on fire safety hazards in medical and health institutions across the province. For the problems found in the inspection, we asked to establish a list to clarify the rectification. At the same time, through expert analysis, research and judgment, we put forward guidance and reasonable suggestions for rectification and improvement to guide and help the hospital prevent problems. (3) Strengthen publicity and education. Pay special attention to strengthening the fire safety education of all staff, and improve the fire safety awareness of all staff through publicity and education. As an institution serving the people, the hospital has the characteristics of dense population, large turnover, special service objects, and weak mobility. Fire safety prevention is not only limited to our medical staff, but also involves patients and accompanying family members and other service objects. Therefore, while strengthening the fire safety prevention ability of medical staff, we also distributed fire safety leaflets, posted fire warning signs Strengthen publicity and education for service objects by means of emergency disposal notice board and emergency contact number. Here, I also hope that the broad masses of people who come to our hospital for medical treatment will strongly support our hospital to do a good job in fire safety prevention, and everyone will work together to ensure safety.

   The reporter from China Economic Network asked: Since the fire design review and acceptance function was transferred to the housing construction department, have there been any adjustments in the policy of approval?

   Director of Fire Protection and Chemical Engineering Supervision Coordination Division of Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development Shen Hua In accordance with the national institutional reform decision deployment, the housing construction department will undertake the fire design review and acceptance function of construction projects in 2019. In order to do this work well, in 2020, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development issued the Interim Provisions on the Review and Acceptance Management of Fire Protection Design of Construction Projects, and then our province studied and formulated the Interim Implementation Rules on the Review and Acceptance Management of Fire Protection Design of Construction Projects. According to the relevant provisions of the ministerial order and the provincial implementation rules, the construction projects are divided into special construction projects and other construction projects. The special construction projects are subject to fire design review and fire acceptance. Other construction projects that need fire design according to the national engineering construction technical standards are subject to fire acceptance filing and spot check. In addition, according to work practice, in August 2023, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development issued an order to amend the Interim Provisions on the Management of Review and Acceptance of Fire Protection Design of Construction Projects, which mainly involves the application of special fire protection design, the requirements for the preparation of special fire protection design documents, the review of special fire protection design experts, and the filing, sampling and classified management of other construction projects. The newly amended ministerial order came into force on October 30.

   The reporter from Fujian Legal Daily asked: In 2018, after the reform and transformation of the fire rescue team, the identity of the personnel has changed from active service to local service. Facing the functional orientation of "full disaster, big emergency" in the new era, how to maintain and improve the combat effectiveness of the team? Please give a brief introduction.

   Chen Limin, deputy chief of Fujian Provincial Fire Rescue Corps, replied: after the reform and restructuring, as the "main force and national team" of emergency rescue, the provincial fire rescue teams have received 304000 alarms, an increase of 48.3% over the five years before the reform and restructuring, and the frequency of alarm calls has increased from once every 12.3 minutes to once every 8.6 minutes. The rescue tasks are more, heavier and more complicated. In order to maintain and improve the combat effectiveness of the team, we have mainly done the following work:

   (1) Adhere to the principle of being strict at the beginning, and demand combat effectiveness from personnel. Compared with the conscription mode before the reform and restructuring, we are currently recruiting firemen from the youth of the right age, outstanding ex soldiers and fresh graduates of colleges and universities in a way that is open to the whole society. Applicants need to pass strict physical examination, psychological test, physical fitness and adaptability to the fire post and other comprehensive evaluations before they can enter the fire rescue team and work in the fire rescue team for at least five years. At the same time, the recruited personnel will also go through a one-year induction training, during which the whole process will be eliminated, and they will be officially awarded the title of fire rescue after passing the assessment, which better ensures the comprehensive quality of the recruited personnel, and initially realizes the training goal of "becoming a talent when entering the job, being on duty when leaving the team". Since the reform and restructuring, Fujian Fire and Rescue Corps has recruited and trained 1675 firefighters in five batches, accounting for 33.6% of the provincial fire and rescue officers and fighters. The total number of duty forces has increased by 20% compared with that before the reform, and has become an important new force to maintain and guarantee the economic development of the residence. (2) Insist on training and preparing for war, and demand combat effectiveness from training. In view of the substantial expansion of emergency rescue responsibilities, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the team, improve the quality and strength, continue to deepen the reform of training and combat, comprehensively promote the "1+N" training model of "central station+satellite station", layout 17 practical teaching and training points such as "high and low", new energy, etc., establish 20 teaching and training teams, and strengthen ideological and war research and training. The provincial team continued to carry out on-the-job training, held martial arts competitions and professional skills competitions, created 54 professional rescue teams for earthquakes, waters, mountains and other disasters, and significantly improved their professional ability to deal with all kinds of disasters and accidents. The fire rescue stations were further organized. There were 85 new fire rescue stations in the province, with a total of 286. The average arrival time of the team for handling fire rescue tasks was nearly 20 minutes shorter than before the reform. The majority of fire rescue officers and fighters have fully implemented the 24-hour duty preparation system, and all levels are always ready for battle. At the same time, we will promote the construction of non emergency social assistance police situation diversion and handling mechanism, rely on full-time fire brigade and social rescue forces to establish rescue teams, and further improve the response and handling speed of non emergency police situations such as opening doors and unlocking, elevator trapping people, and catching snakes and insects. (3) Adhere to scientific and technological empowerment, and demand combat effectiveness from equipment. Since the reform and restructuring, we have focused on the needs of the task of "full disaster and major emergency", deepened the evaluation and demonstration of equipment construction, and strengthened the allocation of high-end equipment such as urban fire fighting main combat vehicles, climbing platform vehicles, lift jet vehicles, large water tank vehicles, remote water supply systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, fire robots, etc. in accordance with the principle of meeting the current and moderately advanced requirements. The province is equipped with 1381 fire-fighting vehicles, 214 fire boats, 334800 pieces (sets) of UAVs, fire robots, life detectors and other equipment. The fire-fighting vehicle equipment system has been well optimized and adjusted, and the ratio of intelligent high-end equipment has been greatly improved. One team level and eight detachment level emergency supplies reserve warehouses have been built and put into use, storing 69800 pieces (sets) of various equipment and materials, 1550 tons of fire fighting foam liquid, signing 135 joint service agreements with Nanchang Railway Bureau, Xiamen Airlines, Jingdong Logistics, Shenghui Logistics and other units, establishing and improving mechanisms for emergency transport capacity mobilization, cross regional priority fast traffic, etc., to ensure supply and use whenever needed, The capability of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief and the handling of major public emergencies has been greatly improved.

   The reporter from Fuzhou News Broadcasting asked: What new requirements does the newly revised Fire Protection Regulations of Fujian Province have on the review and acceptance of fire protection design in our province?

   Shen Hua, Director of Fire Protection and Chemical Engineering Supervision Coordination Department of Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development The newly revised Provincial Fire Control Regulations of our province came into force on September 1 this year, of which the requirements for fire control verification mainly include: first, it is clear that the housing and construction departments should perform the duties of fire control design review, fire control acceptance, filing and random inspection of construction projects, investigate and deal with relevant illegal acts and participate in fire accident investigation; Second, it stipulates that if the historical and cultural blocks, historical buildings and traditional buildings cannot meet the fire technical standards due to objective conditions, the fire safety guarantee scheme matching the protection can be formulated through expert argumentation and other methods; Third, it is required to strengthen the management of fire technical service institutions, and further optimize the filing procedures for fire acceptance of construction projects.