
On the romantic Valentine's Day, give firemen husbands more time to chat with their wives on video

When "How to spend Valentine's Day" Has become the topic of today

When "Surprise on Valentine's Day" Brush the screen and circle of friends

When "Companion" As a matter of course

Video call between commander and wife

This is all about Our firemen have no connection

They all canceled the rest

Stick to the post

On site duty, fire fighting and rescue, fire troubleshooting and other work

Let's send the best Valentine's Day wishes to

A couple of firefighters who can't meet

During the festival

Pay attention to the safety of fire and electricity

Try not to bother firemen

Let them have more time to chat with their wives

I'm looking at you with my cell phone

Have you figured out how to celebrate

Are the gifts ready

Have you arranged a romantic date

About Valentine's Day

"Blue friend" thinks

Pay attention to fire safety while pursuing romance

Although the candle balloon is very romantic

But it may also hide "killing opportunities"

zero one

An Indian girl accidentally detonated a hydrogen balloon arranged on the scene when lighting candles on her birthday cake at her 21st birthday party. The balloon explosion ignited a huge flame, burning the girl into fireballs, causing extensive burns on her face and arms.

zero two

A man in Zhejiang celebrated his first anniversary with his girlfriend in a hotel and placed eight candles on the ground. However, when he went to pick up his girlfriend, the candles burned and left unattended, causing a fire. After that, the fire rescue personnel came to put out the open fire, and the guy had to pay 250000 yuan for the hotel. Romance also has a price to pay


In this pink day, we should pay attention to fire safety while seeking romance. Hydrogen is a highly combustible gas. High temperature, static electricity, light or sunlight exposure may cause hydrogen balloons to explode. When using candles, small colored lights and other flammable materials, we should pay more attention to fire safety, so that people go out of the fire, people go out of power, and safety holidays.

Pay attention to fire safety while pursuing romance


Fuzhou Fire Protection There is also a copy

"Valentine's Day Gift Bag" For everyone

Love ta, learn fire fighting with ta~


Chocolate, flowers, music

These low-carbon, environmentally friendly and safe ways are more romantic

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