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Outstanding youth of the school

Notice on Carrying out the 13th "Outstanding Youth (Faculty) of Wuhan University" Selection and Commendation Activity

Source: Published on: April 21, 2023 Hits: second

All departments and units of the university:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on youth work, further optimize the environment for young people to grow and become talents, unite the young faculty and staff of the university to firmly follow the party, and play the role of a fresh force in promoting the "double first-class" construction of the university, according to the "Measures for the Selection and Commendation of Outstanding Young People (faculty and staff) of Wuhan University" (revised version), After research, the university decided to carry out the 13th "Outstanding Youth (faculty) of Wuhan University" selection and commendation activity. Relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1、 Selection objects

The objects of this selection activity are: teachers and staff under the age of 45 (born after May 4, 1974).

2、 Selection conditions

(1) Practice core socialist values. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", and achieve the "Two Safeguards".

(2) Be loyal to the Party's educational cause. Implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, love the post, devote themselves to work and make outstanding achievements in unity and cooperation. Teachers have noble professional ethics and good academic ethics, and have made remarkable achievements in teaching, scientific research, teaching and educating people; The management personnel have good professional ethics and rich management service experience, and have outstanding achievements in management and education; The logistics service personnel have a strong sense of serving the people and excellent professional skills, and are highly praised in the service education.

(3) Abide by discipline and law, be honest and self disciplined. Model: Abide by national laws and regulations and various rules and regulations, and be a teacher and a model. No violation of discipline, rules and regulations.

(4) In order to encourage a group of high-level talents who have made outstanding achievements in teaching and scientific research, won widespread praise from teachers and students, and recognized by the competent department, a number of quotas are set up to commend young teachers and workers who have won the first prize or above at the provincial or ministerial level in teaching, scientific research, etc. Those who meet the above three conditions, won the first prize in the national or Hubei Province Young Teachers Teaching Contest, the national or Hubei Province "Workers Cup" Employees Entrepreneurship and Innovation Contest, and have the recommendation conditions of "Hubei Model Worker", "Hubei Advanced Worker", "Hubei May Day Labor Medal", and passed the assessment, are awarded "Wuhan University Outstanding Young People (faculty)" Honorary title.

3、 Selection organization

The selection committee of "Outstanding Young People (faculty and staff) of Wuhan University" (hereinafter referred to as "the selection committee") was established, with the following composition:

Director: Zhao Xuemei

Deputy director: Jiang Suofen

Members: heads of trade unions, Party and Government Offices, Organization Department, Publicity Department, Teacher Work Department, Youth League Committee, Personnel Department, undergraduate schools, graduate schools, research institutes of science and technology development, humanities and social sciences, and supervision departments.

The office of the Selection Committee is set up by the trade union of the school.

4、 Selection procedure

(1) Primary evaluation of the grassroots. Each unit can adopt the method of combining individual declaration with the recommendation of the grassroots trade union to select a candidate for "Outstanding Young People (faculty and staff) of Wuhan University" in principle. After the sub party committee (general party branch) reviews the candidate's application materials and signs the consent opinion, the candidate shall be publicized within the scope of the unit.

(2) Qualification examination. The Office of the Selection Committee reviews the application materials of candidates.

(3) Publicity and display. With the theme of "Chinese Dream · Youth Beauty", the Selection Committee Office held an exhibition of outstanding youth teaching, scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship.

(4) Judges review. The selection committee reviews the candidates and selects 10-20 candidates to be commended.

(5) Publicity. The candidates to be commended shall be publicized according to the selection procedure, and the publicity time shall be 5 working days.

(6) The school party committee approves and commends.

5、 Selection requirements

(1) Attach great importance to. All units should attach great importance to this work, strengthen leadership, organize meticulously, adhere to standards and recommend the best. Recommend outstanding young teachers and staff who have made outstanding contributions to teaching, scientific research, management, service and other posts.

(2) Do a good job of publicity. The deeds of the candidates recommended by all units for "Outstanding Young People (faculty and staff) of Wuhan University" should be true and vivid. We should be good at discovering and publicizing typical figures and deeds, and provide boosting services for the development of outstanding young talents.

(3) Report on time. All units shall fill in the Candidate Registration Form of the 13th "Outstanding Young People (faculty and staff) of Wuhan University" according to the recommendation requirements, attach the deeds of about 2000 words, and provide 1-2 work photos. Submit A4 paper and electronic materials before 12:00 a.m. on April 26, 2019 (Friday). Place of submission: Women's Department, Room 307 of the University Labor Union. Contact: Tang Xingliang. Tel: 68763996 Email: 767230613@qq.com

6、 Commendation and reward

The 13th "Outstanding Young People (faculty and staff) of Wuhan University" was awarded the honorary title, and the university commended them and issued honorary certificates and bonuses.

Notice is hereby given

Appendix: Candidate Registration Form of the 13th "Outstanding Youth (Faculty and Staff) of Wuhan University"

Wuhan University Committee of the Communist Party of China

April 19, 2019

The Party and Government Office of Wuhan University took the initiative to make public and printed and distributed on April 19, 2019

Appendix: Candidate Registration Form of the 13th "Outstanding Youth (Faculty and Staff) of Wuhan University"

full name


date of birth




Political outlook

Title or position

Work unit

Education and Degree





Main deeds (within 400 words)









In commission








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