Personal deeds awarded by teachers

Time: 2022-08-26 08:38:36 Material of deeds I want to contribute

Personal deeds awarded by teachers (8 in general)

In the study, work and life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with deeds. The deeds are written materials to praise the advanced, promote integrity and promote work, and truthfully record and reflect the outstanding deeds of advanced collectives and advanced people emerging from work and study. How on earth should we draw up a story? The following is the personal story materials (8 articles in general) for teachers' rewards compiled by me. Welcome to read them. I hope you can enjoy them.

 Personal deeds awarded by teachers (8 in general)

Personal deeds awarded by teachers 1

Zhu Shipin, teacher, male, born in October 1980, is now 34 years old. He graduated from Qianxinan Normal College for Nationalities in 2003, and then completed correspondence undergraduate courses from Guizhou Normal University in three years of winter and summer vacation. He is a general English teacher of Haizi Middle School in Haizi Township. He has been working for nearly 11 years, and has always stuck to his teaching position. He has served as the English education and teaching work of the graduating class for several years, and also served as the leader of the English teaching and research team. His outstanding achievements in various work have made outstanding contributions to the improvement of the quality of education and teaching and the development of education in Haizi Middle School, And won the praise of the school and the society. He has been awarded the title of excellent teacher at the township level for many times and has been commended at the township level for many times.

1、 Teaching and educating people, selfless dedication

Mr. Zhu Shipin has selflessly devoted all his efforts to his beloved education. Home and school are his two front-line life path. The work of the school consumed a lot of his energy, and there were no "holidays" or "weekends" in his calendar. His busy work made him have no time to get together with his classmates. He left a lot of time for his students, and his wife alone did all the housework at home. The wife not only cooks, but also buys vegetables, picks up the children to school, and takes care of the elderly parents. For the development of the school, he owes his family and wife too much. I didn't ask for a day off. Sometimes when his children and parents are ill, he has no time to take them to the hospital for inspection. His wife always takes care of the children and parents alone, while he is still busy at school.

2、 Unique teaching methods and superb skills

He likes studying very much. No matter how busy and tired he is, he always finds time to strengthen his study. Good study habits enable him to have advanced education and teaching concepts and establish correct education and values. In the process of education and teaching, he has devoted himself to the research of education and teaching theory, constantly explored and innovated, accumulated rich teaching experience, and gradually formed a new, independent and unique teaching style. In the process of comprehensively promoting the reform of quality education, we should focus on cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability according to the new curriculum and new ideas. The ancients said well that it is better to teach people how to fish than to teach them how to fish. Therefore, when teaching, he no longer requires students to memorize simple words and grammar knowledge, but pays attention to the guidance of learning methods, attaches importance to the analysis of problem-solving ideas, actively creates problem scenarios, carries out exploratory teaching, inspires students to think about problems from different angles, thus exercising students' thinking ability and improving their ability to find and solve problems. In teaching, he has always followed the teaching principle of "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude", carried out classified promotion, improved teaching level by level, and adopted effective teaching methods, which not only enabled excellent students to "eat enough", but also enabled students to digest. Over the years, they have successfully completed various teaching tasks and achieved remarkable teaching results.

Mr. Zhu Shipin loves education and teaching, respects leaders, unites colleagues, loves students, and works hard with students. Both pay attention to the cultivation of teachers' morality and study business, and have made remarkable achievements in education and teaching.

3、 Be enterprising and responsible

He loves education, strives to improve teaching quality, makes every effort to improve teaching work, and strives to improve students' knowledge level and cultivate their ability to analyze and solve problems. He is interested in teaching research, constantly summarizes teaching experience, meticulously completes each teaching work, and strives to improve his teaching art level and strive for excellence. And in the classroom for efficient classroom practice and exploration, achieved good results. Able to solve problems for students in knowledge and thought. We always insist on quality education for students to reduce their burden. The exercises and assignments in each class have been carefully selected to make students learn English in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. With the development of educational reform, he constantly learns new educational theories, updates his own educational and teaching concepts and applies them to actual education and teaching.

Mr. Zhu Shipin is hardworking and obedient to the work arrangement of the school. Since 2006, he has served as an English teacher in the graduating class of junior three. He has shouldered the burden of English teaching in grades seven and eight. And cooperate with the head teacher to do a good job in the education and management of students. The English performance of the teaching class is remarkable, and the work of turning excellent students into poor students is remarkable. His high level of teaching art and efficient classroom teaching results have been widely praised by students and parents. At the same time, he also served as the head of the English teaching and research group of Haizi Middle School, doing his best to do a good job in the business inspection of the English teaching and research group, helping English teachers to improve their professional level, helping new teachers, helping new teachers with the old and other methods, and doing everything possible to improve our English education and teaching achievements and education and teaching level.

Personal deeds awarded by teachers 2

My name is Gao Xia, female, born in September 1984, and I am studying for a bachelor's degree in primary education. He is now a Chinese teacher and head teacher of Houyingzhuang Central Primary School in Yingzhuang Town, Wolong District, and director of the school's political and educational office. As a young teacher, with a strong sense of responsibility for education, I have devoted all my wishes and ambitions to the education I love. In my work, there are no magnificent advanced deeds or touching stories that make people cry. I just do ordinary things with a common mind, just like the existence of an elegant lily along the road, not to please passers-by accidentally, but just for the smiling faces full of naivety. It is a unique enjoyment of life to watch their growth and changes, and to watch them become sensible and mature. For their sake, I am fulfilling my vows on this road. Along the way, there are joys and sorrows, laughter and tears. Now let's talk about my work:

1、 Loving and dedicated, silently contributing

"Personality is to people what fragrance of flowers is to flowers." Only a teacher with noble personality can conquer students' hearts. The profession of a teacher should not only be like a candle, but also like soil, so that each seed can draw rich nutrition from it and grow healthily. I think that as a teacher, not only should he have a high level of teaching and research, but more importantly, he should use teaching as a means to finally achieve the goal of educating people. As the educator Suhomlinski said, "Please remember that you are not only a teacher of your own discipline, but also an educator of students, a mentor of life and a moral guide." For several years, I have always kept this sentence in mind and devoted myself with full enthusiasm to the education I love. In work, we can take the overall situation into consideration and never engage in special work. Under the guidance of school leaders, they can closely contact parents, coordinate relations in all aspects, and work without complaints. In the face of innocent and lovely students, I adhere to the meticulous work style. Insist on coming in early and leaving late every day, often go deep into the classroom to check class contradictions and children's learning puzzles, and work, study, rest, exercise, joy and sadness with students.

2、 Showing love, harvesting happiness

From the day I stepped on the three foot platform, I knew that the burden on my shoulders was one of obligation and the other of responsibility. My two hearts are filled with conscience and love. When I ask myself, I ask my conscience. When I give my heart, I sprinkle my love. Loving students is the premise of doing a good job in education and teaching, as well as the basic requirement of teachers' professional ethics. To educate students well, we should first care for students, love them, and be their confidants. Whenever I take over a new class and face different students, I always look for the bright spots in them. I do not favor or discriminate against any students. I care about every child, so that every child can grow up healthily and happily, and every child can show himself and find self-confidence in the class. I always adhere to the principle of "more patience, more love, more understanding and more encouragement" to make outstanding students become more excellent and ignite the hope of developing students' learning. Because of this, when I lose my voice, there will always be children secretly putting throat lozenges on my desk; When I am sad, careful children can find that they always write notes and draw pictures to comfort me; They will surprise me on my birthday. I will often receive short messages from junior and senior high school students to share their achievements with me and tell me their thoughts, which is enough for me. The children's pure heart, holy feelings and deep meaning have purified my heart, aroused my deep love for the education cause, and I really realized the greatest happiness and happiness of a teacher.

3、 Respect students and educate them with heart

As a head teacher, I firmly establish the educational concept of "strict teacher, loving mother and close friend" in class management. I not only strictly require students, but also respect their personality and emotion. In my opinion, a good teacher's morality exists in the teacher's heart and is invisible, but the correct practice of taking the lead is visible to students, which is the best performance of teacher's morality. A teacher believes in students and respects them. It is easy for excellent students to do so, but it is difficult for students with poor learning and quality to do so. But the important aspect of class work lies in these students. I believe that every student has his or her own creative strengths, and should allow for differences and patient guidance. Every student has certain strengths and highlights. We should be good at discovering students' strengths, seize every educational opportunity, and timely praise and encourage them. Be considerate of the backward students, cultivate their self-confidence, self-esteem and self-improvement, so that the backward students will not be left behind. Education without psychological education is incomplete education. Many students' problems are psychological problems rather than ideological problems. They need to go into their hearts, listen to their voices, comfort their injured hearts, dredge their closed hearts, and sincerely express their respect and love for them. With an encouraging smile, a kind pat on the shoulder, and a heart to heart conversation, I will show every student the need to be a person and the motivation to move forward. Now, Bai Jinzhu, a student with intellectual disabilities in my class, can play games and have classes with other students, and can jump rope more than 100 times per minute.

4、 Learn modestly and pursue excellence

I know that as a primary school teacher, if I want to get a bowl of water for my children, I must have a continuous supply of tap water, so I keep pace with the times, study hard, and constantly improve my professional level. "Every inch has its own merits." In my work, I learned from all the teachers around me, developed my strengths to make up for weaknesses, promoted the continuous development of my own education and teaching, and seriously thought about it in actual teaching. I can actively prepare to participate in every educational activity exchange. After each practice, I always said to myself: "This is not over, it is over. After that, I have to think carefully, listen carefully, and study hard. Where is not enough, how to do it will be better." Through self reflection and practice again and again, my teaching level has improved rapidly and become an outstanding person in our school's education and teaching. In my spare time, I will go to the library to read the relevant materials, look up and refer to the cases of some excellent teachers on the Internet, learn from others' good teaching methods, integrate them into my teaching, and explore more suitable teaching forms and methods for primary school students.

There is a long way to go, and there is a long way to go for teachers. I will return to zero the achievements I have made in my work, make efforts to improve the deficiencies in my work, and take various deficiencies as an opportunity to study hard and catch up. Spread the eternal love on the earth, and continue the flame of love. As a teacher, especially a head teacher, love every student with the spirit of "love all over the world"! Through a variety of activities to create a civilized and moral atmosphere, cultivate students' noble moral sentiments, improve their comprehensive quality, give more love to them, let the sun of love warm their hearts, let the rain of love moisten their hearts, let the flowers of the motherland grow healthily under the sun and rain!

Personal deeds awarded by teachers 3

"Learning from a high school is a teacher, and virtue is a model" is a sentence that every teacher should remember and use as his own guide to action. It shows that an excellent teacher should not only have rich knowledge, but also have good ethics, so that his students can not only gain academic achievements, but also learn how to behave.

I usually pay more attention to the ideological education of students while doing a good job in imparting knowledge, so that I can care about their lives, especially the students from difficult families who are considerate of them and take good care of everyone. When receiving a new class, we should first have a systematic understanding of the students' families, master their personality and temper, hobbies and expertise, and try to find a flexible education method suitable for people.

1、 Loving and dedicated, silently contributing, facing difficulties and bravely shouldering heavy burdens

Being strict with oneself and being a teacher is a concrete manifestation of teachers' ethics. I can always keep a good attitude at ordinary times. I never vent anger on students for my own fault, beat and scold students, and insult their personal dignity. It is my good tradition to get along well with students. I always keep vigorous energy to devote myself to education and teaching. I ask students to arrive at school on time. I am never absent and late. I ask students to write well, read well, and sweep the floor. I first set an example. I always greet each student with a smile in the morning and send each student away with a smile in the evening. Everywhere with their own civilized behavior to influence every student's soul.

In September this year, I was injured accidentally on a bike, which caused foot injuries. When the doctor told me that I could recover at least one month, I couldn't help crying. The doctor didn't understand at that time, and said, "It's not a big deal. Just have a good rest for a few months. It scares you!" I said, "I still have a class! I can only have classes for a month. What about my students?" People were forced to leave the front line of teaching, but their hearts stayed there. I asked the teachers of the same grade to bring back the students' homework and test papers, and learn about the students' learning through correcting the homework and test papers. As soon as I could limp, I couldn't wait to go to work. Tiredness is inevitable. In addition, I went to work without recovery. After a day, my injured feet were swollen and painful, and I was firmly performing my duties as a teacher. No pains, no gains. In the unified examination of the whole township, I got the third place in my subjects.

2、 Set an example, cultivate students' healthy personality, teach them by example, and guide them to grow healthily

Set an example, do not order. In the eyes of students, a teacher is a perfect person, a trustworthy person, and a respectable person. Your speech and behavior can influence children imperceptibly. The emphasis on teachers' morality is not to emphasize theoretical preaching, but to shape a good image of teaching and educating people. I usually pay attention to the combination of students' learning and practice. Educate students to study scientific and cultural knowledge seriously and combine it with practice on the basis of full understanding. Let students increase their ability and cultivate their sentiment in practice, so that they can learn about society and nature in a variety of practical activities, and lay a solid foundation for future work.

The class I took over this year has students from all over the world. Not only are their academic achievements uneven, but also their quality cultivation is very different. In view of this situation, I went deep into the class to understand the specific situation of each student, and then I worked according to their different ideological conditions. A female student in the class was not used to her life and study, and she was very depressed. After knowing this, I first cared about him from life. When he was ill, I took him to see a doctor, bought medicine for him with my own money, visited him at his residence several times, and even made her feel at home; Then he taught her how to study, helped him make a scientific study plan, let her build confidence, and finally helped him out of the low ebb of failure, and his grades rose. She gave me a card on Teachers' Day, which said: "Teacher, I will never forget your help to me.". The scene of you talking to me in the office is the most beautiful scenery in my memory! I said in my heart: "No, since your parents have handed you over to the school, and since the school has handed you over to me, it is my bounden duty to take you well!" Under my influence, several students in this class said with great emotion: "Teacher, you have told us what responsibility is with your practical actions! We know what to do in the future." My efforts are not in vain!

Only when students have a sound personality can they grow up healthily. Teachers also shoulder the burden of preaching, receiving jobs and dispelling doubts. In the course of teaching at ordinary times, I pay special attention to strengthening the cultural cultivation of students, telling them a lot of truth about life, and guiding them to grow up healthily. Now many students will talk about this in their letters to me. They believe that it is these explanations that have cultivated their profound cultural heritage, developed their healthy psychology and affected their life. One student said in his letter: "Teacher, what impressed me most at school is the truth of life you explained to us. The picture you explained on the platform is the most beautiful scenery in my memory!"

I am an ordinary and ordinary primary school teacher. I just did some work that I should do. But I think my life is valuable, because I use practical action to interpret the classic statement that "teachers, therefore preach, receive, and dispel doubts"; My life is meaningful, because I have fulfilled the promise of "learning from high school as a teacher and being virtuous as a model"; My life is wonderful, because I have all over the world!

Personal deeds awarded by teachers 4

1、 Love students and be a teacher

Since my work, I have always believed that "education without love cannot be called education." Love is the source, love is power, and love is wisdom. So I have always loved every student with my warm heart, treated every minor mistake of students with a tolerant heart, and paid attention to every shining point of students with the eyes of appreciation.

"Let every green leaf fully enjoy the sunshine, so that every child can thrive." - This has always been my educational principle. The ancients said, "If you are close to your teacher, you can believe in his way." A teacher can better complete his teaching work only if he sets an example everywhere and becomes a model for students. Therefore, in my work, I pay special attention to improving my own personality charm, and use practical actions to influence and educate students. In class, when I find a classmate lying on the desk, I will go to him, touch his head, kindly remind him, and ask him about his physical condition. If I find that some students have fallen behind in their studies, I will immediately find out the reasons and find countermeasures. Of course, there are some naughty students in every class whose academic performance is lagging behind. They are often indifferent and disgusted. But in my opinion, meticulous care seems to make them progress more than sarcasm and sarcasm. Because everyone's heart has the need to be recognized by the outside world. So I used encouragement and praise instead of random blame and criticism, and used heart to heart talk and communication to help them regain their confidence in learning. Facts have proved that this practice was effective. At that time, several students with learning difficulties in the class had changed their attitude towards learning, and their scores had also improved significantly.

In addition to playing a good role as a teacher, every day during the work of the head teacher, I insisted on arriving at the class early and leaving work late, paying attention to the students' ideological trends in a timely manner, helping them when they have difficulties in life, and guiding them when they have difficulties in learning. "Emotion is the first thing that moves people". Due to my patient education and sincere devotion, the distance between teachers and students gradually gets closer, and students' trust in me is also getting higher and higher. Now although they have entered the university hall, every year on Teachers' Day, I will receive many blessings from all over the world on my desk and in my email. I think that the greatest happiness of a teacher is this.

2、 Pay attention to study and study hard

"The spirit of poetry and calligraphy comes from China." The day when teachers start teaching, it is the time to relearn. There is no limit to learning and more business research. Students are in the period of personality shaping. The value orientation, ideals and beliefs, moral sentiment, aesthetic taste, etc. in social culture will be reflected from the teacher's role culture. In order to set an example for students, as a teacher, especially those young teachers who educate the next generation of the motherland, if you don't study for a day, you will feel like a goose falling behind. We must persist in learning and keep learning. Only in this way can we keep a fresh mind forever. Reading is always my must! Because I love reading, reading also rewards me. On the other hand, the classroom teaching record and reflection have provided me with excellent educational resources, allowing me to run the classroom smoothly.

Read other people's articles, but also should have their own ideas and insights. Over the years, I have not only learned business knowledge, but also read various books; Not only learn from peers, learn how to deal with teaching materials, control the classroom and study problems, but also learn from experts, read theoretical works, listen to experts' lectures, and understand experts' educational ideas and advanced teaching concepts. I am eager to learn modern education theory and other people's experience, at the same time, I am diligent in thinking, brave in exploration, and conscientiously summarize and reflect, internalize it into my own things.

In teaching, I persevere in actively learning the theory of curriculum reform, master the basic spirit of the New Curriculum Standards, adhere to classroom teaching reform, and constantly explore new ways of classroom teaching. In the classroom, I consciously let students participate in the classroom, and gradually cultivate students' Chinese literacy. I pay attention to the depth, the difficulty and the easy, and the seemingly ordinary problems are interesting and full of vitality. Over time, many students become more and more interested in Chinese learning.

In addition, as a young teacher, I attach great importance to lesson preparation before class, and always require myself to achieve "five preparations" in lesson preparation, that is, to prepare textbooks, students, teaching methods, teaching language, and blackboard writing; Enthusiastic input in class, handle all aspects of teaching well, make the classroom absorbing and arouse students' interest in learning; After class, carefully reflect on their own teaching process, listen to students' opinions and suggestions, analyze the successes or shortcomings, and formulate further improvement measures.

"If a teacher wants to win the favor and respect of students, he must first make his class solid and vivid; if a teacher wants to win the recognition and affirmation of the society, he must first show first-class educational and teaching achievements." I firmly believe that "as long as you pay sincerely and teach hard, you will get rich rewards".

3、 Be conscientious and enterprising

Since I was engaged in education and teaching, I have been conscientious, hardworking, and tireless in teaching and educating people. Always ask yourself to be an excellent teacher, be diligent and conscientious, insist on full attendance, do well, and never be late or leave early. Love students, unite comrades, and make extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts.

In daily education and teaching, in order to constantly improve my professional quality, improve my teaching awareness, and adapt to the requirements of education in the new situation, I will not miss any opportunity to improve my professional quality in teaching, actively participate in various political learning and education activities, actively participate in the construction of teachers' ethics Advanced educators study, so their performance in the new class contest held by the school has also been unanimously praised by the leaders, and has been rated as excellent teachers by the school many times.

However, during my work, I not only teach and educate people, but also often carry out ideological and moral education for students to teach them to be self reliant, honest, trustworthy and upright; In learning, we should be proactive, pioneering and innovative, generous and responsible; In life, we should be industrious and thrifty, and live a simple life. Students are often taught to love the motherland, the people and the collective, and to be qualified successors to socialism.

Personal deeds awarded by teachers 5

Shen Hanzhen, a member of the Communist Party of China, is the dean of the school administration of Youchegang Town Middle School, and a candidate for the district's teaching experts and reserve cadres. He came to Jiaxing in 1999 and served as a head teacher, head of teaching and research team, and head of teaching department. He annotated the glorious title of the people's teacher with hard work and dedication, love and confidence.

1、 A dedicated carer

Shen believes that every student has talent and can become a talent. Love is the key to open the door of children's hearts. He cared for students like a brother, especially in the transformation of backward students and psychological deviant students. He was good at appealing to emotion and reasoning, and achieved good results. His education oriented and selfless dedication attitude was highly praised by parents and peers. He was rated as the advanced worker of the school four times, excellent in two assessments, and was rated as the advanced worker of district education, culture and sports in 2008.

2、 An adventurous researcher

Mr. Shen attaches great importance to teaching and scientific research, and his teaching characteristics are to bring topics into the classroom. His research achievements won the first prize of municipal education and scientific research achievements. The three indicators of the middle school entrance examination results of the teaching classes ranked top in the region for five consecutive years. He is also good at in-depth research on teaching problems by doing research projects and writing papers. In recent years, he has presided over and participated in five provincial and municipal research projects. Six of the papers he wrote won the first and second prizes of the city or were published in provincial journals such as Teaching Research in Primary and Secondary Schools. He has won honors such as the city's teaching and research standard, the district's teaching and research advanced worker, and so on.

3、 Dedicated service provider

He is modest and pragmatic. Serve as the director of the teaching department, pay close attention to the construction of the teaching and scientific research system and culture, advocate teachers to do real subjects, do real subjects, and the school's teaching and scientific research atmosphere is strong and the effect is obvious; During the term of office, the school won the honors of "Advanced Collective of District Education and Scientific Research". As the Dean of Academic Affairs, I have successfully held such activities as backbone teacher demonstration week, parents' open day, school double high class evaluation, from classroom teaching to discipline teaching and research; From the training of young teachers to the attention of students' learning, all work has been carried out in an orderly manner, which has effectively promoted the improvement of teaching quality and the growth of teachers.

4、 A practical reaper

Mr. Shen is enthusiastic in his work and has the courage to shoulder heavy responsibilities. In addition to doing a good job in school management such as education and teaching, he also served as school information officer, teaching and research team leader, and was employed as town correspondent. As a team leader, he led the teachers to practice the new curriculum standards and take the initiative to attend seminars; As an informant, he worked hard to write articles, many of which were published on the municipal and district education networks and the Nanhu Evening News and won prizes. He was once awarded the title of district active informant and town excellent correspondent; In his spare time, he also actively participated in various activities organized by the town's Youth League Committee, such as the hosting of the town's literature and art show, the education of respecting the old and loving the young, and the golden idea forum.

Personal deeds awarded by teachers 6

Bu Qingxue, male, senior teacher of primary school, started working in 84 years. In the education and teaching work, we always adhere to the Party's educational policy, face all students, teach and educate people, be a teacher, establish the teaching thought of "taking students as the main body", "cultivating students to develop actively" as the center, attach importance to students' personality development, and attach importance to stimulating students' creativity. In the middle level cadre position, I can obey the leadership's division of labor and actively do my own work. Based on the actual situation of the school, I and a group of people from the Office of Academic Affairs carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of hardship, being pragmatic and pioneering, fully implement the Party's education policy, focus on improving the quality of education and teaching, deepen classroom teaching reform, standardize teaching research, and strengthen teaching quality management.

1、 Cultivate students with fraternity

Since I was transferred to Sinvsi Central Primary School, I have been able to quickly adapt to the new working environment, cultivate and educate students with a kind and fraternal heart, and won the students' love and parents' trust. In the school's work evaluation, they are often rated as excellent. In the training of "the first municipal senior class teacher backbone seminar", the article "Be a class teacher with your heart" was published in the first briefing.

I can creatively carry out class work, and my class style is good and strong, and my grades are high. I have won the first prize in the Spring and Autumn Games and ancient poetry rhythmic gymnastics competitions for many times. I focus on infecting students with love and patience, and actively and enthusiastically help students, especially poor students and left behind students. I give more love and more devotion. When he first served as the fourth grade head teacher, he found that the student Fang Yonghui's family was very poor, his grandmother was hemiplegic, and his grandfather was also sick in bed. Fang Yonghui was tasting the hardships of life at a young age. In order to help Fang Yonghui out of the predicament, I suggested that the whole class hold a charity donation activity for him, with a total of more than 40 yuan and some school supplies donated. Fang Yonghui's grandfather died suddenly this semester. I took the initiative to pay 50 yuan for Fang Yonghui's books. He also held a special class meeting in his class and organized a "help group". Every day, Fang Yonghui arranged students to help him at his home. From this series of activities, not only helped Fang Yonghuiting come out of the unlucky shadow, but also other students learned to unite, help each other and offer love.

2、 Infect teachers with their own actions

As the saying goes, "The village looks at the village, the household looks at the household, and the masses look at the cadres." I always set an example in the teaching office, and prepare for change first. I ask teachers to do what they want and do it first. Last semester, I asked the teacher to hand in papers and courseware for evaluation. I took the lead in writing, uploading, and making, and achieved good results. For another example, for the reading activities carried out this semester, I wrote down my notes and experience before the examination, leaving other teachers with nothing to say.

In the field of teaching, while emphasizing basic teaching, I am determined to innovate. In teaching, we do not teach according to the book, but use various teaching methods to create a relaxed, lively and progressive learning atmosphere, and use methods that students are willing to accept to teach. Last semester, our school set up an electronic whiteboard room, and I made full use of it. For example, I was teaching the lesson "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain". Because the students were far away from the war years, I called out a movie for them to watch. After watching it, the students really felt the hardships of the war years, and then they really felt the heroism of the five heroes. For another example, when I taught the lesson "Learn to see a doctor", I first played the song "Understand You" to introduce the topic, then showed the key words and sentences in the courseware to facilitate students' understanding, and finally asked students to recite the poem "Mother's Love" with music. I use step-by-step guidance and in-depth methods to introduce students to understand the good intentions of mothers who let their children exercise themselves. The whole classroom atmosphere is strong and simple, which has been praised by teachers and students. Under my influence, teachers at school like to go to the electronic whiteboard room in both normal and open classes.

3、 Moving forward with the concept of lifelong learning

While doing education and teaching work, I also helped the school to do publicity work. Many communication reports have been published on the Municipal Education Information Network. It plays a good role in promoting the image of the unit and the spirit of education. I also opened an education blog to upload my own papers, teaching designs, etc., so that resources can be shared. In addition, due to my subtle influence, students also fell in love with writing. In the last "Composition Contest for Primary and Secondary School Students", 11 students in the school won the first prize at the provincial level, and there were 5 in my class.

4、 Improve by correcting shortcomings

Although it has only been more than half a year since I went from an ordinary teacher to a grass-roots management post, my work has made some achievements thanks to the understanding and care of school leaders and the support and help of comrades. However, "no man is perfect, no gold is red." I still have shortcomings in my work. For example, I don't read enough books. I always think I am too busy to spare too much time for reading. In fact, time is like water in a sponge, which can be squeezed out; The other thing is that some old teachers don't do a good job in their ideological work. Sometimes they fail to pass some materials, but I don't have a good way to let them correct. In the future, I will consult leaders and colleagues more about this practice.

I would like to give a better play to my part under the supervision, care and help of teachers, and thank teachers for their support for my work. If there is anything unsatisfactory, I will catch up as soon as possible, because we are fellow travelers; Thank leaders for their trust, support, understanding and help. Without your help and support, I would deviate from the direction; Only when leaders, teachers, I and we are together forever, our cause will be invincible.

Personal deeds awarded by teachers 7

Around us, there is a person who works hard and tirelessly; Be sincere and devoted to education. She is Mr. Zhang XX. Teacher Zhang has worked for nearly 10 years and never stopped her busy pace. This non-stop pace comes from her responsibility for work, and her dedication comes from her deep love for education. She seems to forget the changes of the years, silently composing the spring and autumn of the season, just like the plum blossom that opens alone in the late winter, standing proudly in the wind and snow.

She is a "post-80s" teacher, a young head teacher, and a generation growing up in questioning. However, in the eyes of leaders and colleagues, she is dedicated, diligent and practical; In the eyes of students and parents, she treats people sincerely and warmly, friendly and approachable.

"Taking teaching and educating people as her career" is her career dream. In order to be better qualified for teaching in junior high school, she carefully studied textbooks and prepared lessons. As a young teacher, she humbly asked old teachers for advice. Through continuous learning and summary, my professional level has been greatly improved, and the physical performance of my class has also been recognized and affirmed by school leaders and parents.

She often said that "there is no profession like us, which deals with life, cultivates the soul, and gains the expectation". Teachers are a highly repetitive profession. Teaching and educating people is also hard and tiring. But in this process, she always adheres to a belief: love, warm and touch every student with sincerity, true love and sincerity. The work of the head teacher is tiring and hard. In addition to giving care to students in thought and study, they should also give meticulous care in life. When students have problems or emotional fluctuations, she is a listener, helping students adjust their emotions and get out of the trough; When the student was ill, she was busy before and after the parents ran for the student. One student in the class got gastritis. The doctor suggested eating more light and digestible food, and she cooked porridge and meals for the student every day. She joked: "Sometimes teachers are like 'whole companions', who study with children, sleep in the afternoon, chat with them, cry with them, laugh with them." The post-80s generation spent all her energy and love with the post-90s generation in high school.

The students feel her enthusiasm and love, and she is also moving the happiness that the students give her. Students in harmonious and happy groups learn easily and happily, and their achievements are certainly no problem; She pays attention to training students' abilities in all aspects. All students participate in the management of the class. Many students in the class actively give her advice and share her worries.

As the saying goes, spring breeze and summer rain can be achieved. Parents often say to her: "Mr. Zhang, we are very confident that the child will be handed to you!" "The teaching method is unique and novel", "We have the same language with students, and we know more about respect and understanding of students, so it is easy to gain their recognition and support." This is the old teacher's evaluation of her. She often talks about life, feelings and the latest fashion trends with us. She is our bosom sister. This is the student's recognition of her. There is no colorful, natural and comfortable life, but happiness is full of ups and downs with students day and night. She is not a famous teacher, but a famous teacher is her pursuit. She wants to manage teachers as a lifelong career, and let the three feet platform of her youth shine!

The sun rises and the sun sets, and the growth rings change. What remains unchanged is teacher Zhang's dedication to his job; The ebb and flow of the tide, the feelings remain the same, the same is the teacher Zhang's feelings of teaching and educating people.

Personal deeds awarded by teachers 8

I am an ordinary people's teacher, with no amazing achievements, only ordinary trivia; There is no illustrious glory, only silent dedication. Since he started working in 20xx, he has been rooted in Xiying Middle School and has made silent contributions to the education and teaching of his hometown without any regrets.

Since the first day of taking the education post, I have secretly made up my mind to be a good teacher! He believes in the famous saying of Mr. Tao Xingzhi, "Come with a heart, don't take half of the grass", and takes Premier Zhou's saying, "spit out the last mouthful of silk to the people like a spring silkworm" as his motto. "Loyalty education, dedication to work and love for the post; being a teacher, teaching and educating people; caring for students, selfless dedication." is a consistent teaching style. With persistent pursuit of career, tenacious perseverance, strong dedication, high sense of responsibility and selfless dedication, we have worked silently on the three foot platform of Xiying Middle School for seven years, and achieved the goal of "making people haggard for teaching and never regret their clothes". In the past seven years of teaching, always remember to take root in the countryside, dedicate youth, and sprinkle unlimited love on education.

No regrets, love your job

In 20xx, he was assigned to Xiying Middle School. In the face of the weakness of the school's teachers, the expectations of school leaders, and the desire of students for knowledge, his faith in rural education soon became firm. In teaching, prepare lessons carefully, give lectures carefully, do a good job of reflection summary and stage summary, often discuss teaching methods and learning methods, exchange experience and discuss experience with teachers in the same teaching and research group, prepare teaching plans carefully, and strive to have a good class. After class, we often communicate with parents by telephone, timely reflect the performance of students at school to their parents, understand their family situation, etc., and have received unanimous praise from parents.

In several years of work as a class teacher, I have integrated myself into the class, managed students with a high sense of responsibility, cared and encouraged students with love, led students with a vibrant heart of innovation, and transformed poor students with full patience. The rural students read less and their reading ability is poor. In view of this phenomenon, we advocate students to abandon the learning mode of learning books by death, treat the beautiful language, sentences and words in the model text with appreciation, taste the author's thoughts and feelings, and feel the inherent beauty of the works in the model text. In order to broaden their horizons, stimulate students' interest in learning and make up for their lack of extracurricular reading, we have organized students to carry out activities such as "speech contest", "story telling", and "evaluation of wonderful paragraphs of famous works" for many times, so that students can feel the value of Chinese learning and the charm of language and characters. The teaching of composition is a long-standing problem in rural Chinese teaching. For this reason, we have adopted such means as imitating sentences, describing appearance, psychology, animals, scenery fragments, supplementing the end of the text, and adding new arguments to the text to stimulate students' writing interest, improve their writing ability, and thus enhance their innovative consciousness. During the day, I was busy with class preparation and correction at night. I worked steadfastly and conscientiously. We have prepared lessons carefully and tried to teach in vivid and interesting language; Carefully correct the homework, and timely correct the problems found to the students. The average scores of the students in the teaching classes in the quality inspection at the end of each semester are among the top of the same grade.

Dedication to youth and boundless love

As a class teacher, we must overcome the "paternalistic" style and be good at creating a relaxed and harmonious class environment. In class work, both the formulation of class rules and regulations and the work practice fully carry forward democracy and improve the enthusiasm of class cadre management. At the beginning of each new semester, each student is required to express their own views on all aspects of class management in this semester, dare to offer advice and suggestions, and require each class cadre to draw up class rules and regulations according to the opinions of students and their own work needs. This practice not only fully solicits the opinions of all students, but also enables each student to enhance the sense of class ownership, It can also fully mobilize the enthusiasm of class cadres and make them realize that their work process is the process of implementing their own "political opinions". Therefore, in the daily class management, my head teacher's work is both easy and effective. Over the years, the work of the class has been successfully completed, and the relationship between teachers and students in the class is harmonious.

In education and teaching, we are always strict with ourselves and set an example for students. "If a man is not a saint, he cannot err". However, in practical work, teachers are unwilling to admit their own mistakes for fear of losing face in front of students. Once, when explaining the text, write the word "talking and laughing" into the "sound" of the voice. One student immediately stood up and pointed out the mistake. The whole class was silent and watched to see how it would end. Immediately and seriously, thank you this student. The word "teacher" is wrong and should be corrected. Then he said to the students that he was sorry for the mistakes he made due to the teacher's negligence. I hope all the students and teachers can correct this problem together, OK? The whole class immediately burst into thunderous applause.

In addition to my dedication to my job, my achievements in teaching are inseparable from my usual care for students. He has cared for countless students. As a head teacher, he loves students as much as he treats students in other classes. Rulfi, a student in his class, had a serious weariness of learning for a period of time, his academic performance declined rapidly, and even had conflicts with his teacher in class. When he learned about the situation, he did not criticize him, but contacted his parents in time to understand the situation, and patiently enlightened him. After two weeks, his thoughts improved, and he began to have enthusiasm for learning, The final exam scores have also made great progress.

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