The Norwegian Central Bank announced on Friday that Nicholas Sen, the deputy governor of the Norwegian Central Bank, who married a Chinese woman, resigned from his post because he failed to renew the security permit, effective immediately!
As the second person of the Bank of Norway, Nicholas Sen is mainly responsible for the national supervision of Norway's sovereign wealth fund, which is the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world with assets of more than one trillion euros.
Nikolason was appointed as the deputy governor of the Bank of Norway in 2014 and was re elected on April 1 last year. He was born in 1959 and married his Chinese wife in 2010.
When initially appointed as the deputy governor of the central bank, the Norwegian Ministry of Finance was responsible for the assessment of security permits.
However, at present, a special financial security institution is responsible for extending the security license, which is under the joint jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of National Security.

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