Check the atlas
Relational atlas
Business Information
Date of establishment
Registration status
registered capital
Paid in capital
Enterprise type
Number of insured persons
Personnel size
Unified social credit code
Taxpayer identification number
Industrial and commercial registration number
three hundred and ten trillion and five hundred million five hundred and seventy-nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Organization code
Import and export enterprise code
Taxpayer qualification
General VAT taxpayer
English name
Name used before
Monetary and financial services
Business scope
To operate foreign exchange business for various customers and RMB business for customers other than Chinese citizens within the following scope: to absorb public deposits; Issue short-term, medium-term and long-term loans; Handle bill acceptance and discount; Buying and selling government bonds, financial bonds, and foreign currency securities other than stocks; Provide letter of credit service and guarantee; Handle domestic and foreign settlement; Buying and selling foreign exchange; Interbank lending; Provide safe deposit box service; Provide credit investigation and advisory services; Other businesses approved by the China Banking Regulatory Commission. [Projects that must be approved according to law can only be operated after being approved by relevant departments]
essential information
legal proceedings
Business information
intellectual property right
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