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Five Selected Model Essays of Life in Diligence Speech



Success is supreme


Excitement and joy


The synonym of diligence and sweat is

How many people struggle for it,

How many people continue to grow for it,

People only need to work hard

Will succeed


Today's editor brings you Fan's speech on life

Wen, I hope it can help you


[Speech on Diligence in Life] 1


As the ancients said, the plan of a year lies in spring, and the plan of a lifetime lies in diligence. In early spring

At the beginning of the new semester, I

Diligence in life

, for you on the way of life.


As for diligence, the ancients left us many ancient precepts, such as


Respecting meritorious deeds and making great achievements


To make great achievements,

We must have great ambitions


If you want to achieve a great cause,

Be diligent.

Diligence is the essence of life

The reason why human beings survive is that

Be diligent, as long as you are diligent, you will not worry about lack of food and clothing. And what we know


Be able to mend one's clumsiness


Heaven rewards diligence

Wait, all tell us to work hard at home, at home, at home

The importance of people.


There are many inspirational stories written by people today with diligence.

Xiaomi founder Lei Jun has a name

Speech: Working hard and curbing greed is the dumbest and wisest way in the world. he


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Successful entrepreneurs are not as well understood as the public,