Wuhan University Master's Enrollment Regulations in 2024 - Wuhan University Graduate Enrollment Information Network

Enrollment Regulations of Wuhan University for Postgraduates in 2024

Update time: December 15, 2023 Number of hits:

There are many mountains in the city, and Luojia is unique; There is a school on the mountain, Wuhan University.

Wuhan University is a key comprehensive university directly under the Ministry of Education, a key university under the national "985 Project" and "211 Project", and one of the first "double first-class" universities. It covers 12 disciplines including philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management and art. The university has 61 first level disciplines authorized for master's degree and 53 first level disciplines authorized for doctor's degree. There are 46 mobile postdoctoral research stations. The university now has 11 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 3 academicians of the Eurasian Academy of Sciences, 8 senior professors of humanities and social sciences, and 15 national famous teachers.

1、 Training objectives

Cultivate students who love the motherland, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support the socialist system, abide by discipline and law, have a good moral character, have a sense of social responsibility to serve the country and the people, master the solid basic theory and systematic professional knowledge of the discipline, have the spirit and ability of innovation, and engage in scientific research, teaching High level academic professionals with management and other working abilities, and high-level applied professionals with strong ability to solve practical problems, be able to undertake professional technology or management work, and have good professional quality.

2、 Enrollment plan and examination method

In 2024, our school plans to enroll about 6900 graduate students (including the candidates who are proposed to be exempted from examination). Among them, there are about 5400 full-time postgraduates and 1500 part-time postgraduates.

School of Chemistry and Molecular Science, School of Physical Science and Technology, School of Life Sciences, School of Water Resources and Hydropower, School of Electrical and Automation, School of Power and Machinery, School of Computer Science, School of Electronic Information, School of Network Security, School of Remote Sensing Information Engineering, School of Surveying and Mapping, School of Pharmacy, Research Center of Satellite Navigation and Positioning Technology The full-time professional degree of 14 units including the State Key Laboratory of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing Information Engineering includes the program of "Outstanding Engineer" (including the national special program for joint training of schools and enterprises). The enrollment number of each training unit will be appropriately adjusted according to the official enrollment plan issued by the state and the application examination situation at the time of admission. In addition, our school also enrolls a number of special plans, such as the "National Minority High level Key Talents Plan", the "Strong Military Plan", the "Retired College Student Soldiers" special plan, and the joint training plan, which will be announced separately.

The number of students to be enrolled (including the unified entrance examination enrollment plan and the number of students to be accepted and promoted) announced in the "Master Enrollment Catalog of All Training Units in 2024" of our school is the planned enrollment number. According to the enrollment plan issued by the Ministry of Education, the acceptance of master students and other actual situations, the school can make necessary adjustments (increases or decreases) to the number of students enrolled by specialty (research direction) and category (field), The specific situation will be announced and explained by each training unit.

The preliminary examination is divided into national unified examination, individual examination and recommended exemption.

In 2024, our school will not enroll part-time non targeted master's students.

3、 Length of schooling and learning form

(1) Full time academic degree postgraduate

Except for two years of French Language and Literature in the Institute of Foreign Languages and Literature, the academic degree of other postgraduate training units is three years.

(2) Full time professional degree postgraduate

1. The length of postgraduate education in law (non law), architecture, urban and rural planning, clinical medicine, stomatology, nursing, drama, film and television is 3 years.

2. The duration of postgraduate education for other professional degrees is 2 years.

3. The length of schooling of graduate students shortlisted for the 2024 "Outstanding Engineer" program is 3 years; Under the joint guidance of the school and the enterprise, the first academic year will be spent on campus learning, and the second and third academic years will be spent on practical learning by relevant enterprises in combination with actual projects. During this period, the enterprise will provide superior learning, living conditions and security.

(3) Part time postgraduate

For details of educational system, please refer to the Summary Sheet of Part time Enrollment Information and some professional enrollment brochures.

Learning form: Full time postgraduate students are full-time and study in school; Part time postgraduate students study part-time, and the main course teaching activities are in Wuhan University.

4、 Application conditions

(1) Those who apply for the national postgraduate entrance examination must meet the following conditions:

1. Citizens of the People's Republic of China.

2. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law.

3. The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements stipulated by the state and the relevant regulations of our school.

4. The academic level of candidates must meet one of the following conditions:

(1) Newly graduated undergraduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including graduates from ordinary colleges and universities, adult colleges and universities, adult higher education held by ordinary colleges and universities), self-study examinations and online education can graduate undergraduates at that time. Candidates must obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma or the Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education before entering the university in the year of admission, or their admission qualification will be invalid.

(2) A person with a bachelor's degree recognized by the state.

(3) Those who have obtained a nationally recognized higher vocational college graduation degree for at least 2 years (from graduation to admission, the same below) or more, as well as those who have completed undergraduate courses with a nationally recognized degree, and who meet the specific academic requirements of our university for candidates according to the training objectives, shall apply for the examination as undergraduate graduates with the same academic qualifications.

(4) Personnel who have obtained master's or doctoral degree or degree.

Graduate students in school must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying for the examination, and send the scanned copies of certification materials to the e-mail address of Graduate Admissions Office of Graduate School of Wuhan University before November 12, 2023( wdyz@whu.edu.cn )。

5. Applicants with the same educational level who have not obtained the graduation certificate at the time of the second examination must also meet the following conditions:

(1) Obtaining the National CET-4 Certificate or CET-4 Report (with a score of 425 or above); Or IELTS 5 or above; Or TOEFL score of 70 or above.

(2) Obtained the certificate of more than 8 major undergraduate courses in the major of application.

(3) Such candidates are not allowed to apply for the examination across disciplines.

The English achievement report and the certificate of achievement of the main courses shall be submitted to the relevant training unit for qualification review before the re examination.

(2) Those who apply for the national postgraduate entrance examination for the following professional degrees shall be subject to the following provisions:

1. Those who apply for the admission examination for master's degree in law (non law) must meet the following conditions:

(1) Meet the requirements in (I).

(2) The major you studied before you entered for the examination was non law major.

2. Those who apply for the postgraduate entrance examination for the degree of law (law) must meet the following conditions:

(1) Meet the requirements in (I).

(2) Before applying for the examination, the major studied was law (those who obtained the second bachelor's degree in law can apply for the examination).

3. Those who apply for the postgraduate entrance examination for engineering management [code 125601] professional degree in business administration, public administration, tourism management and engineering management must meet the following conditions:

(1) Meet the requirements of items 1, 2 and 3 in (I).

(2) Personnel with more than 3 years of work experience after graduation from a university; Or those who have obtained a national recognized diploma from a higher vocational college or a university undergraduate course, meet the relevant academic requirements of the enrollment unit, have the same academic qualifications as those of a university undergraduate course and have more than 5 years of work experience; Or the person who has obtained a master's or doctoral degree or has more than 2 years of work experience.

The relevant examination and enrollment policies for postgraduates of master of business administration are also implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Further Regulating the Education of Postgraduates of Master of Business Administration (Jiao Yan [2016] No. 2).

4. Postgraduates applying for the master's degree in clinical medicine in our university must obtain a full-time bachelor's degree or above in clinical medicine in the category of western medicine in the national education sequence. Postgraduates applying for the master's degree in stomatology must obtain a full-time bachelor's degree or above in stomatology in the category of western medicine in the national education sequence. According to the spirit of the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Guiding Training Program for Postgraduates with Master's Degree in Clinical Medicine, Stomatology and Traditional Chinese Medicine (Degree [2015] No. 9), in principle, those who have obtained the certificate of qualification for standardized training of resident doctors shall not apply for the post graduates with master's degree in clinical medicine or master's degree in stomatology.

5. Those who register for the postgraduate entrance examination for other professional degrees except for the degree of engineering management [code: 125601] in the master of law (non law), law (law), business administration, public administration, tourism management, and engineering management, and the degree of education management in the master of education must meet the requirements in (I).

6. Applicants with the same academic qualifications (except for engineering management [code 125601] in business administration, public administration, tourism management, master of engineering management, and education management degree in master of education), if they have not obtained a diploma at the time of the second examination, must also meet the following conditions:

(1) Obtaining the National CET-4 Certificate or CET-4 Report (with a score of 425 or above); Or IELTS 5 or above; Or TOEFL score of 70 or above.

(2) Obtained the certificate of more than 8 major undergraduate courses in the major of application.

(3) Such candidates are not allowed to apply for the examination across disciplines.

The English achievement report and the certificate of achievement of the main courses shall be submitted to the relevant training unit for qualification review before the re examination.

(3) The applicants for the individual examination must meet the following conditions

1. Meet the requirements of items 1, 2 and 3 in (I).

2. Those who have worked continuously for more than 4 years after graduation from the university, have excellent business, have published research papers (technical reports) or have become the backbone of business, and return to the original unit for targeted employment with the consent of the unit where the candidate works and the recommendation of two experts with senior professional and technical titles; Or those who have worked for more than 2 years after obtaining a master's or doctor's degree or degree, have excellent business, and return to the original unit for targeted employment with the consent of the unit where the candidate works and the recommendation of two experts with senior professional and technical titles.

3. The "separate examination" of our school is limited to "constitutional law and administrative law (specialty code 030103)" and financial (specialty code 025100) specialty enrollment (enrollment brochure will be issued separately).

(4) Our school does not limit the scope of candidates according to the unit, industry, region, etc., nor does it set other discriminatory application conditions.

(5) Recommended test free students

The promoted and exempted students (including those promoted and exempted by the "Graduate Education Support Group") who have been selected and confirmed by the undergraduate graduation school (the university with the qualification to carry out the promotion and exemption work) must log in to the "National Recommended Graduate Students (Exemption from Initial Examination, Transition) Information Publicity and Management Service System" (website: https://yz.chsi.com.cn/tm )Fill in the application form and participate in the second interview. Those who have been accepted by our school as exempt students shall not register for the national unified examination, otherwise their eligibility for exemption will be cancelled.

Our full-time postgraduate enrollment subjects (categories) and majors (fields) can accept promoted and exempted students. For details of the specific conditions and arrangements for receiving the recommended exempt students, please refer to the announcement of our school on receiving the recommended exempt students, which can be accessed on the website of the Graduate School of Wuhan University( https://gs.whu.edu.cn )Query.

In 2024, as one of the first batch of pilot universities, our school will recruit graduate students from the National Excellent Primary and Secondary School Teachers Training Program (hereinafter referred to as the "National Excellent Program") through the recommendation of free examination. It is planned to enroll about 30 people, mainly in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science and technology, artificial intelligence, remote sensing science and technology, etc. Postgraduates of the "National Excellence Program" enjoy the reform policy of exemption from the national primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination. Postgraduates of the National Excellence Program who have completed the required credits can apply for the qualification certificate of primary and secondary school teachers according to the procedures with reference to the relevant provisions on the examination free accreditation of educational postgraduates.

5、 Sign up

Registration includes online registration and online confirmation. Candidates who take part in the postgraduate enrollment examination must participate in online registration and online confirmation within the specified time, and will not be required to make up for it after the deadline. In principle, fresh undergraduate graduates should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where the school is located to handle online registration and online confirmation procedures. Among them, fresh undergraduate graduates of adult colleges can also choose the registration point designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where the teaching point is located to handle online registration and online confirmation procedures; Individual examinees should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where the enrollment unit is located to handle online registration and online confirmation procedures; Other examinees should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where they work or where their household registration is located to handle online registration and online confirmation procedures (relevant specific requirements should be reasonably determined by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where they are located).

(1) Online registration

1. Online registration time: 9:00-22:00 from October 8 to October 25, 2023. Time of online forecast name: 9:00-22:00 from September 24 to September 27, 2023. The forecast name information is valid, and there is no need to re register. During the registration period, the examinee can modify the online registration information or fill in the registration information again. One examinee can only keep one valid registration information. The registration information shall not be modified after the deadline.

2. Registration process: candidates log on to "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" (website: https://yz.chsi.com.cn, hereinafter referred to as "Research Recruitment Network") to browse the application instructions and register according to relevant requirements.

All candidates should carefully check and confirm their online registration information. The registration information will not be modified after being confirmed by the examinee, and all consequences caused by the omission or error of the examinee shall be borne by the examinee himself.

After successful online registration, candidates should take the initiative to learn about online confirmation, examination arrangements and precautions, and actively cooperate in completing relevant work by regularly consulting the provincial education enrollment and examination institutions, application sites, and the official website of the enrollment unit.

(2) Online confirmation

The specific time shall be determined and announced by each provincial education enrollment and examination management agency according to the local application situation.

All examinees (excluding those who are exempted from promotion) should carefully check their online registration information, confirm their online registration information, pay fees and collect their own images and other relevant electronic information, and do not need to make up for it after the deadline.

Candidates go to the place designated by the application site for online confirmation. Online confirmation requires candidates to submit their resident ID card, academic degree certificate (new undergraduate graduates hold student cards) and online registration number, which will be checked by the staff of the application site. Graduate students in school must provide the approval certificate of their training unit when confirming online.

The registration information confirmed by the examinee will not be modified during the examination, reexamination and admission stages. All consequences caused by the examinee's filling omissions and errors will be borne by the examinee.

6、 Examination of candidates' qualification

Please check carefully whether you meet the conditions and requirements before applying for the exam. The qualification review will be carried out at the stage of application and reexamination. During the registration period, online verification will be performed on the examinee's education (student status) information, and the examinee can view the verification results of education (student status) online. Candidates can also log into the "China Higher Education Student Information Network" (website: https://www.chsi.com.cn )Query your education (student status) information. Candidates who fail to pass the online verification of academic credentials (student status) shall go to the authority for academic credentials certification in time, so as to provide academic credentials (student status) certification report when confirming online.

If there is any doubt about the education (student status) information of the examinee, we must provide the certification issued by the authority within the specified time before we approve the examination.

examinee newspaper name Timely truthfully Fill in the rewards and punishments received , special Yes whole Institute for violation of discipline and cheating in the process of national education examination, such as postgraduate entrance examination suffer Punishment. Right Those who fill in the form truthfully will not be admitted by our school.

In 2024, some training units of Wuhan University will not enroll candidates with the same academic qualifications. Applicants with the same academic qualifications should carefully consult the enrollment directory of relevant training units to avoid false reports. For those who do not meet the requirements for registration, our school will not allow them to take the exam. Those who do not meet the requirements for application for the examination and those who practice fraud (including those who are recommended to be exempted from the examination) will be disqualified from the examination, re examination or admission or admission in accordance with the relevant regulations once verified at any time.

7、 Preliminary and re examination

About ten days before the test, candidates can log in to the "Research Recruitment Network" with their online username and password to download and print the "Examination Admission Card". The "Examination Admission Card" is printed on A4 size white paper, and the front and back sides are not allowed to be altered or written during use. Candidates can take the first and second examinations with downloaded and printed "Admission Card" and valid resident ID card. Candidates must sign the "Letter of Commitment on Good Faith Examination of Candidates" and comply with relevant agreements and requirements when registering.

(1) Time of initial examination: December 23-24, 2023 (8:30-11:30 a.m. and 14:00-17:00 p.m. every day).

The preliminary examination is written, and the examination time for all subjects is 3 hours. The specific time, examination subjects and precautions are detailed in the Examination Permit.

(2) Examination subject setting and score

1. The preliminary examination generally has four unit examination subjects, namely, Ideological and Political Theory, Foreign Language, Business Class I and Business Class II, with full scores of 100, 100, 150 and 150 respectively.

2. There are three unit examination subjects in the preliminary examination for master's degree candidates in history, medicine and other disciplines and master's degree candidates in applied psychology, museum, pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine, clinical medicine, stomatology, public health, nursing and other disciplines, namely, ideological and political theory, foreign language, and professional foundation integration, with full scores of 100, 100, and 300 respectively.

The business courses of the first level disciplines of education, history, psychology, clinical medicine (academic degree), computer science and technology, and software engineering, as well as the public courses of the separate examination and the military strengthening plan of our school, all use the national unified mandatory test questions (see the enrollment specialty catalog for details).

3. Two unit examination subjects are set for the preliminary examination of master's degree candidates in business administration, public administration, tourism management, accounting, library and information, and engineering management in engineering management [code: 125601], namely, foreign language and management comprehensive ability, with full scores of 100 and 200 respectively.

(3) Retest

1. Re examination time: March April 2024

2. Content of retest:

(1) Foreign language listening and speaking test.

(2) The subject background, basic quality, operation skills, thinking ability, innovation ability, etc. of the examinees are investigated in the form of professional written examination, comprehensive interview, etc.

(3) The ideological and political theory examination for the master's degree in business administration, public administration, tourism management, accounting, library and information and engineering management is conducted by the recruitment unit in the re examination, and the results are included in the total score of the re examination.

3. For candidates with the same academic qualifications [except for those who apply for the Master of Law (non law), Business Administration, Public Administration, Tourism Management or Engineering Management], two undergraduate backbone courses of the major they apply for must be taken in the second examination.

The specific time, place, content and form of the reexamination shall be subject to the notice of the training unit. The written examination subjects for the second round examination and the additional examination subjects with the same academic qualifications are indicated in the notes of the enrollment specialty catalog.

8、 Dispensing

The specific procedures and requirements for the adjustment of the reexamination shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Education and the relevant documents for the reexamination admission of the current year's graduate students. The transfer between majors shall be subject to the same self proposition examination of our school.

9、 Ideological and political quality and moral assessment

The ideological and political quality and moral character assessment is mainly to assess the examinee's actual performance, including the examinee's political attitude, ideological performance, moral quality, discipline and law compliance, honesty and trustworthiness. Those who fail to pass the ideological and moral assessment will not be admitted.

10、 Physical examination

The physical examination will be organized after the enrollment is planned. Candidates whose physical examination results meet the requirements of the Guidance on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Teaching [2003] No. 3) can be admitted.

11、 Admission

(I) According to the enrollment plan issued by the state, the re examination admission method, the examinee's preliminary and re examination results, ideological and political performance, physical and mental health, etc., a comprehensive evaluation of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty and labor will be carried out, and the admission will be based on the best.

(II) Admission categories are divided into "non targeted employment" and "targeted employment".

In 2024, the full-time plan will not recruit targeted employment students (except for special plans such as the minority backbone plan); In principle, part-time postgraduate students should recruit on-the-job targeted employment personnel.

(III) If the admitted freshmen retain their admission qualification, they need to apply in person. After the approval of the training unit and the approval of the Graduate School, they can work for 1 to 2 years and then enter the university.

12、 Tuition standard and reward system

(1) Tuition

According to relevant national regulations, the tuition standard for full-time academic degree graduates in our university is 8000 yuan/person · year; The tuition standard for full-time professional degree postgraduates is 13000 yuan/person · year, and the tuition adjustment of some professional fields (finance, international business, insurance, accounting of School of Economics and Management, Dublin Project of Software Engineering of School of Electronic Information) that are included in the reform pilot of professional degree education of the school will be announced by the school after the review of the financial department. The tuition standard for part-time graduate students is shown in the table below, and the final tuition is subject to the tuition standard approved by the price department of Hubei Province.

Summary of part-time enrollment information (based on the school two thousand and twenty-four The list of annual charges shall prevail)

Name of training unit

Major name

Length of schooling

Tuition standard ( 10000 yuan / year )


School of Information Management

engineering management

two year

six point four

School of Economics and Management

Business Administration( MBA

three year


Business Administration( EMBA

three year


Accounting( MPAcc

three year


Project management( MEM

three year

five point six

finance (MF)

two year

ten point five

Individual examination

college of art

Drama and Film

three year

two point two

School of Politics and Public Administration

Public management( MPA

two year


College of Physical Science and Technology

Integrated circuit engineering

two year

four point two

College of Resources and Environmental Sciences

Environmental engineering

three year

two point two

Surveying and mapping engineering

three year

two point two

Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydro-Electric Power

engineering management

two year


School of Electrical and Automation

electrical engineering

two year

three point four

College of Power Machinery

engineering management

two year


School of Urban Design

Urban and rural planning

three year

two point five


three year

two point five

School of civil engineering

engineering management

two year


College of Electronic Information

Integrated circuit engineering

two year

three point three

Instrument engineering

two year

three point three

School of Remote Sensing Information Engineering

Resources and environment

three year

two point two

Taikang Medical College (Basic Medical College)

biomedical engineering

three year

two point two

The First Clinical College


three year

two point two

biomedical engineering

three year

two point two

traditional Chinese medicine

two year

two point five

The Second Clinical College


three year

two point two

school of pharmacy


two year

two point five

traditional Chinese medicine

two year

two point five

School of Nursing


three year


Materials and Chemical Industry

two year

two point two

State Key Laboratory of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing Information Engineering

Resources and environment

three year

three point six

Electronic information

three year

three point six

Dong Fureng Economic and Social Development Research Institute

Business Administration( MBA

three year


National Institute of Cultural Development

Tourism management( MTA

two year

three point five

Inner Party Law Center

Constitutional Law and Administrative Law

three year

four point five

Individual examination

Water Engineering Research Institute

engineering management

two year


(2) Accommodation fee: According to accommodation conditions, 920-2480 yuan/person · year

(3) Awards and grants

In accordance with the relevant national policies, our school selects national scholarships for graduate students, sets up academic scholarships for graduate students, implements national grants for graduate students, and combines with the existing academic innovation award policies for graduate students and special scholarship policies to further improve the learning, scientific research and living conditions of graduate students and improve the treatment of graduate students. In accordance with the spirit of relevant national documents, our school's 2024 postgraduate awards and grants policy is as follows:

1. National scholarship for graduate students

The national scholarship award for postgraduates is included in the national postgraduate enrollment plan. The full-time (full-time study) postgraduates with the nationality of the People's Republic of China and outstanding performance within the basic schooling period, of which the national scholarship award standard for master's postgraduates is 20000 yuan per student per year.

2. Postgraduate scholarship

Graduate scholarship is divided into basic scholarship and excellent scholarship, which are used to reward students who are included in the national graduate enrollment plan The People's Republic of China Full time non targeted employment graduate students of Wuhan University with nationality within the basic schooling years, targeted graduate students of the ethnic minority high-level backbone talent plan and high-level talent military plan. The award standard of basic scholarship is the full tuition of each student every year, and the selection proportion of outstanding scholarship is 30% of the number of participants in basic scholarship. The specific settings and standards are as follows:

Academic Scholarship Settings for Postgraduates





(10000 yuan/academic year)

Outstanding academic scholarship



zero point four



zero point two

Basic academic scholarship



Full tuition

The academic scholarship scheme for full-time professional degree postgraduates who are included in the pilot units of the University's professional degree education reform, such as the School of Economics and Management and the School of Electronic Information, shall be separately formulated by the pilot units.

3. Graduate Academic Innovation Award

The academic innovation award for postgraduates aims to "lead the high-end and encourage excellence". It is a comprehensive assessment of the academic research level and innovation ability of postgraduates. The specific settings and standards are as follows:

Postgraduate Academic Innovation Award

Reward level

Limit (10000 yuan/academic year)

Number of awards

Grand Prize

(Graduate Academic Innovation President Award)



the first prize



second award

one point five


4. Scholarship for Excellent Freshmen of Postgraduates

The applicants are first-year non targeted master graduates (including long-term students entering the graduate stage) and direct doctoral students who have been included in the national graduate enrollment plan. Students who retain their admission qualifications in that year will not participate in the evaluation.

Grand prize 10000 yuan: a new graduate student from a high-level university or a university whose discipline ranks the top 10% in the latest round of national first level discipline overall level assessment, and whose academic performance ranks the top 1% in the major of the source school and is the first;

The first prize is 5000 yuan: graduates from high-level universities, or those whose disciplines rank in the top 10% of the latest round of national overall level assessment of first-class disciplines, and whose academic achievements rank in the top 5% of their own majors;

The second prize is 3000 yuan: graduates from high-level universities, or those whose disciplines rank the top 10% in the latest round of national first level discipline overall level assessment, and whose academic achievements rank the top 10% in the majors of the source schools; As well as freshmen from national key universities or universities whose disciplines rank in the top 20% in the latest round of national first level discipline overall level assessment, and whose academic achievements rank in the top 3% of the majors of the source schools.

5. National grants for graduate students

Postgraduate state grants are granted to full-time non targeted employment postgraduates of Wuhan University who are included in the national postgraduate enrollment plan and have the nationality of the People's Republic of China, and who are within the basic schooling years, as well as postgraduates of the ethnic minority high-level backbone talent plan and high-level talent military strengthening plan. The subsidy standard for master's degree candidates is 6000 yuan per student per year, which is paid for 12 months throughout the year.

6. Set up teaching assistant, research assistant and management assistant (referred to as "three assistant") posts

The post allowance of "Three Assistants" for postgraduates is used to support postgraduates to engage in the work of "teaching assistant, research assistant and management assistant". The subsidy standard for assistant management work is 20 yuan/hour for master students, and the salary standard for graduate students to serve as teaching assistants and research assistants shall be stipulated separately.

7. Special scholarship for graduate students

More than 40 special scholarships have been set up in our school by all sectors of society, and more than 3 million yuan of special scholarships have been granted to outstanding graduate students every year. By building a diversified and three-dimensional award and subsidy system, the learning, scientific research and living conditions of graduate students in Wuhan University will be improved to a greater extent, so as to provide guarantee for the majority of research and production of more high-level scientific research achievements.

13、 Employment

Postgraduates who are not targeted for employment shall be employed according to the way recommended by the university and chosen by themselves and the employer; Postgraduates with targeted employment will be employed according to targeted contracts.

14、 Other instructions

(I) Our school will be on the website of Graduate School of Wuhan University( https://gs.whu.edu.cn )And Wuhan University Graduate Enrollment and Examination Service System( http://yz.whu.edu.cn )Timely release postgraduate enrollment information. Please check online at any time during the initial examination, re examination, admission and other stages.

(II) Candidates can download from the Internet《 Wuhan University Master's Degree Enrollment Major Catalog in 2024 》。 Please log on the website of relevant training units or call for information about the scope of self test.

(III) Information inquiry and contact information

Enrollment unit code of Wuhan University: 10486 Application site code: 4201

Contact department: Graduate Admissions Office of Graduate School

Address: No. 299, Bayi Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City (postcode: 430072)

Tel.: 027-68754125

Website of Graduate School: https://gs.whu.edu.cn

Website of postgraduate enrollment and examination service system: http://yz.whu.edu.cn

For relevant information, please follow the official WeChat of "Graduate School of Wuhan University".

For other matters not covered, candidates can check the enrollment directory of relevant training units and contact the training units. The relevant staff and telephone numbers are attached, and you are welcome to inquire.

The University's postgraduate recruitment leading group is responsible for the interpretation of the Articles of Association.