After the fire reform, have the team members changed into career members?

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2024-05-26 · Baidu certification: official account of Beijing Wuli Network Technology Co., Ltd
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Yes, the firefighters have been changed into career editors. Fire control is the general term for eliminating and preventing hazards, preventing and solving man-made, natural and accidental disasters encountered by people in the process of life, work and study. Broadly speaking, it includes fire fighting and fire prevention work. For example: fire truck, fire technology. The Chinese public security fire fighting logo reflects that the fire fighting forces are an important part of the Chinese public security forces, implying that the fire fighting forces are people-oriented and serve the society.
The Chinese fire brigade is composed of active public security fire brigade, local government full-time fire brigade and enterprise full-time fire brigade. 1. The public security fire brigade is an integral part of the public security organ, with a total number of nearly 124657 people. It implements the active service system and enjoys the same treatment as the Chinese People's Liberation Army. 2. The full-time fire brigade of the local government is invested by the local government, and employs more than 10000 full-time firefighters in the form of contract employment. 3. The full-time fire brigade of enterprises and institutions is set up in large enterprises and institutions with high fire risk, with a total of 76000 people nationwide, mainly responsible for the internal fire protection tasks of the unit.
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