On December 5, a message from the World Wide Web attracted wide international attention.
On December 4, the deputy governor of the Norwegian Central Bank, Nicholas Sen, was forced to resign. As for the reason for his resignation, Nicholas Sen said that everything was because his wife came from China. It is speculated that he was forced to resign this time, perhaps because the local government was about to choose "standing in the line" in the multi-party confrontation.
Reuters reported on December 4 that when Nicholas resigned, Since his wife comes from China and lives in China, and his wife has received his support economically, the security agency believes that he can no longer obtain security permission after review. Nikolason said that the security agency told him that he could not find any problems through the audit on his own account, but that was not enough, so Nikolason could only be judged as unqualified in this audit.
Although Nicholas was helpless, he had to bear the consequences.
When the outside world was talking about this, the Norwegian government quickly made a statement on it. Relevant officials said that the security agencies made this decision purely because of personal assessment, and they only worked for Nicholas' employers. In addition, the official repeatedly stressed that the revocation of Nicolas' security permit had nothing to do with the national level. The Norwegian official issued a statement saying that his resignation application would take effect immediately. As for who can take over from Nicholas, there is no exact information at present.
After the government made a statement, the spokesman of the Bank of Norway said that the resignation of Nikolason had little impact on the Bank of Norway, and the bank would still operate as usual after Nikolason's task was transferred to others.
Of course, the governor of the Bank of Norway also affirmed him and thought that the vice governor who was forced to resign was very competent. It is understood that Nicholson and his wife married ten years ago. After four years of marriage, he was appointed as the deputy governor of the central bank. This year should be the time for him to renew his contract.
Although in this case, the Norwegian government claimed that Nicholas was forced to resign not because of any country's problems. However, it is understood that losing his position because his wife is a foreigner is not uncommon in Norway. As early as 18 years ago, an engineer in the Norwegian National Defense Research Institute lost his position for similar reasons, and his wife was a Russian.
But this engineer finally filed a lawsuit and won the final victory in the related lawsuit with the Norwegian government, which inevitably makes people think that this matter is very similar to that engineer, and Nicholas can not but follow that engineer in the future.
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