Japan will allow large-scale overseas tourists to enter the country, but they are required to provide a negative virus test certificate

[Japan will allow large scale overseas tourists to enter the country] Japanese media reported on the 2nd that Japan will allow "large scale" overseas tourists to enter the country to participate in the Tokyo Olympic Games. Tourists will not be forced to be vaccinated or quarantined, but only if they provide a negative certificate for new coronavirus detection and download the travel tracking applet manually.

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The report did not specify the number of tourists allowed to enter the country, but said that Japan would not restrict overseas tourists to take public transport. According to statistics, the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee has sold nearly 1 million Olympic tickets overseas. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Japan's current policy requires the arrived personnel to self isolate for 14 days and download the travel tracking mobile app.

It is reported that 11000 athletes are expected to participate in the Tokyo Olympic Games, and thousands of athletes will participate in the subsequent Paralympic Games. Kotz, chairman of the Coordination Committee of the International Olympic Committee for the Tokyo Olympic Games, said last month that the number of athletes participating in the Tokyo Olympic Games will not decrease and the organizing committee will ensure their safety.

Japan has relaxed entry restrictions since October 1 this year, allowing long-term visa holders such as business and overseas students from all countries and regions in the world to enter with conditions. Sightseeing tourists are not included in the scope of the relaxed immigration target.

Editor in charge: Zhang Danjie