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CCTV News (Focus interview): We are all workers and dreamers. Model workers are the benchmark for doing business. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly praised labor creation and eulogized the spirit of model workers. General Secretary Xi Jinping summed up the connotation of model worker spirit with his devotion to his job, striving for first-class, hard work, courage to innovate, indifference to fame and wealth, and willingness to contribute. Among them, being indifferent to fame and wealth and being willing to contribute can make us remain calm in the face of the temptation of fame and wealth, focus more on our own duties and anchor excellence. Today, we will introduce you to these models.
"One tower and one mountain, one pair of feet walk for half a day". Most of the transmission towers distributed in the depths of the Qinling Mountains are built on the top of the mountain. For the workers who patrol and maintain the transmission lines, climbing the mountain with heavy loads is a warm-up action before they start work.
Zhou Hongliang is the foreman of Qinling transmission operation and maintenance team of Baoji Power Supply Company of State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Co., Ltd. He put on his first pair of insulated shoes after taking up his job in June 1995. Since then, he has walked along with the undulating transmission lines until today.
Zhou Hongliang: "In 29 years, I have traveled more than 50000 kilometers and worn out more than 80 pairs of insulating shoes."
This time, the maintenance task of Zhou Hongliang's team is to replace the insulators that have reached the service life on the transmission tower. As the team leader, he took the lead.
Zhou Hongliang: "It takes a lot of energy to work on the tower, which is totally different from the ground, and the danger is also very high. There is only one position to work on the tower. One day, when you get down from the tower, your legs will cramp directly."
Compared with the harsh environment, Zhou Hongliang values the significance of his work more, because this transmission line is directly related to the operation of Baoji Chengdu Railway and the production and life of hundreds of thousands of people around. Despite the hardship, he chose to stick to it. In 2015, he was awarded the honorary title of "National Model Worker".
Zhou Hongliang: "At that time, I was very excited. After I arrived at the Great Hall of the People, General Secretary Xi told us that the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics is built by building bricks and tiles, and the happiness of the people is created bit by bit. I think as a model worker, I should be indifferent to fame and wealth and willing to contribute, as the General Secretary said."
Dong Xiaogang, Secretary of the Party Branch of Power Transmission and Transportation Inspection Center of Baoji Power Supply Company of State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Co., Ltd., said, "After being selected as a national model worker, the company plans to give him more honors according to his performance in the next few years, and he declined politely, thinking that these opportunities should be left to more young people."
Zhou Hongliang felt that if he won an honor, he would also bear a responsibility. As a model worker in the production line, he should play a role in the production line.
Lei Weibin, a staff member of the transmission and transportation inspection center of Baoji Power Supply Company of State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Co., Ltd., said, "One year, it rained heavily in Fengxian County and caused floods. We saw that many people had evacuated, but he did not consider other risks and investigated the lines we managed one by one."
Zhou Hongliang's wife, Wang Xiaoying, said, "Because he is the monitor, every time he goes into the mountain to patrol the line, he must walk in the front. Once, the sumac tree was poisoned, and when he came back, his face swelled up so that I could not recognize it. When he went to pick up the child, the teacher saw that it was not the father of the child, and dared not hand the child over to him. Later, the doctor said that it was hydronephrosis after testing."
In Zhou Hongliang's opinion, this kind of situation is inevitable for field workers. In winter, in order to avoid power failure caused by icing on the line, he would not hesitate to move into the depths of the Qinling Mountains to melt ice against the wind and snow.
Zhou Hongliang is not afraid of the difficult environment, but he is also thinking about how to improve production efficiency and reduce the risk of aerial work, such as whether there is a more clever way to remove suspended objects on the line.
Zhou Hongliang: "For manual cleaning, people have to climb to the iron tower, grind, drag and pull it down through the rope, which requires a lot of physical strength and people."
Zhou Hongliang wondered whether he could make a robot to remove obstacles and let it do the work for him?
Zhou Hongliang: "First, take the car wiper and the motor as the drive, but after making it, it will not be controlled. Finally, we want to make a control for it. Can we add some blades to it, and add a rotating cutter head to it, so that foreign objects and kite lines hanging in different directions on the line can be cut."
The "line barrier removal elf" not only received the consent of experts, but also obtained two national patents. Encouraged, they set up Zhou Hongliang's Innovation Studio and aimed at new goals.
Zhou Hongliang: "I said whether this robot can be improved again. After putting it on, we will deal with the broken strands of the line."
This repair technology for broken strands of overhead ground wire also won praise from experts, and won 6 national patents at one fell swoop. Zhou Hongliang knew that the existing achievements alone could not fundamentally change the hard work nature of line patrol workers, just as now, people are still replacing insulators in the way of tower construction. Because of this, Zhou Hongliang decided to continue to devote his talents.
By this year, Zhou Hongliang has been working for 29 years. Although he is nearly 50 years old, he still works hard with everyone in the position of monitor, indifferent to fame and wealth, and willing to contribute. He inspires himself with the spirit of a model worker, and also inspires people around him.
Zhou Hongliang, as a monitor, was busy in the deep Qinling Mountains, far away from the East China Sea, while another monitor was concentrating on his work on a bridge crane tens of meters high. His name is Zhu Shijie, and he is a bridge crane driver in Ningbo Zhoushan Port.
Different from operating other machinery, the bridge crane driver needs to operate the lifting appliance lock head in the tens of meters high cab to let it enter the lock hole less than half the size of the palm of the hand on the container. Is this kind of operation a bit like "threading a needle" at high altitude?
After hard training, Zhu Shijie gradually became competent and proficient in this work. His peers admired that he created the "Zhushijie Bridge Crane Operation Method" with his experience accumulated over 20 years, which greatly improved the accuracy, stability and speed of container loading and unloading. Nowadays, the rapid development of industrial Internet has made the remote control operation of bridge crane possible. Zhu Shijie decided to keep pace with the times and upgrade his operation method to a new level.
Compared with working at height in the cab 49 meters from the ground, the remote control operation environment is more comfortable, safer and less labor-intensive. However, the bridge crane drivers who have just come into contact with the new technology and are accustomed to the traditional operation mode still have some problems.
Zhu Shijie, the chief shift leader of the bridge crane team in the Chuanshan Port Area of Ningbo Zhoushan Port, said: "There is a time difference when we see the camera on the spot. This is the application of the inherent operational thinking of the traditional driver to transform to remote control. It is equal to saying that what we see is not what we get."
Is the "Zhushijie Bridge Crane Operation Method" still applicable? They were puzzled for a time, but after repeated exploration, they found that the original experience was also suitable for remote operation as long as it was properly adjusted and practiced frequently, and the new operation mode gave birth to the 4.0 version of "Zhushijie Bridge Crane Operation Method".
Zhu Shijie: "The operation method is from 1.0 to 4.0. At every stage, our port is developing rapidly, so my operation method can be upgraded from generation to generation, thanks to that I have been rooted in the front line, always on the scene, to find innovative breakthrough points, to collect breakthrough projects."
In March 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Ningbo Zhoushan Port Chuanshan Port Area for investigation, and talked cordially with the representatives of the port staff. Zhu Shijie, as the staff representative, reported to the General Secretary the achievements of Ningbo Zhoushan Port.
Zhu Shijie: "General Secretary Xi told me that we should give full play to the role of model workers and bring out more model workers. The spirit of model workers should be indifferent to fame and wealth and selfless dedication, so that the inheritance of our model workers' spirit and technology is an iterative process."
With 20 years of unremitting efforts, Zhu Shijie, like Zhou Hongliang, has won the honorary title of "National Model Worker". Now, he is also committed to training new people, innovation and research and development.
Indifference to fame and wealth reflects a person's extraordinary pursuit, and the willingness to contribute reveals the value of a person's life.
Cheng Xiangwen, an agronomist who is still in the field in his late nineties; Adiya, a firm patriot, a loyal border guard; Zhang Baoguo, a bomb disposal expert who puts protecting others' lives above his own; Willie, the hardworking gardener who communicates with children with her heart
Today, people who are indifferent to fame and wealth and willing to contribute are increasingly emerging around us.

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