Expert Introduction -- Chen Gang
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Born in Yudu County, Jiangxi Province in July 1976, Han nationality, he is now an associate professor of the Department of Political Science of Wuhan University.
Chinese name Chen Gang field political science
Gender male the unit to which one belongs WuHan University
Department School of Politics and Public Administration Professional title associate professor
Degree PhD candidate Doctoral guidance or not
Research direction

Comparative political system, discipline development history of comparative politics, political theory


2001-2005, Doctorate in Political Science Theory, School of Politics and Public Management, Wuhan University
1998-2001, Master of Chinese and Foreign Political System, School of Politics and Public Administration, Wuhan University
1994-1998, Bachelor of Administration, School of Politics and Public Management, Wuhan University

Work experience:
From November 2003 to now, School of Politics and Public Management, Wuhan University

Social part-time jobs:
Director of Hubei Provincial Political Society

Representative papers

Chen Gang, Li Jiaqi: Political Innovation and Effectiveness of the National League after the 2017 French Presidential Election, French Studies, 2021, Issue 4. Chen Gang, Le Bingxin: Adjustment of Western Political Parties' Activity Strategies in the Web2.0 Era and Its Enlightenment, Journal of Hubei Administrative College, 2021, Issue 1. Chen Gang, Lou Yongli: Discourse System and Path Optimization of Community Red Propaganda after the 19th National Congress -- Taking Wuhan D Community as an Example, Learning Forum, 2020, Issue 10. Chen Gang, Xu Chongyi: "Space imbalance of mixed participation: an analysis of the mechanism of the Internet promoting the rise of populism", Journal of Hanjiang Normal University, 2019, Issue 5. Chen Gang, Ding Renzhi: Analysis of the root causes of Pakistan's military coup - based on the perspective of political institutionalization, Changjiang Forum, 2019, Issue 1. Chen Gang: Marxist View of the Origin of the State and Its Significance, Comparison of Economic and Social Systems, 2019, Issue 1. Chen Gang: Development of China's Comparative Political Studies in the 40 Years of Reform and Opening up, Tianjin Social Sciences, 2019, Issue 1, and the National People's Congress copy of Political Science, 2019, Issue 5. Chen Gang: Six Focus Points for Building National Security Barrier in the New Era, Leadership Science Forum · National Governance Review, 2017, Issue 6. Chen Gang and Wang Jian, Prudent Consultation: A New Analytical Framework for Legislative Consultation, Journal of Hubei Institute of Administration, 2017, Issue 4, reproduced in the People's Congress copy of Political Science, 2017, Issue 11. Chen Gang, Zhao Jiakun: Useful Experience and Enlightenment of Developed Countries in Legislative Consultation, Journal of Hanjiang Normal University, 2017, Issue 2.

Scientific research achievements

The special project of Wuhan University on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in 2019, "Research on Strengthening the Network Governance Ability of the Communist Party of China in the New Era", presided over. The 2018 regional and national research project of Wuhan University, "Research on India's Traditional Grass roots Governance System - Panchayat System centered Investigation", hosted by. In 2018, one of the members and chief experts of the key project of Hubei Social Science Fund, Research on Giving Play to the Functions of the People's Congress to Promote the Implementation of Hubei Rural Revitalization Strategy (Lou Diqing, the person in charge). 2016 Hubei Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee topic "Research on Improving Local Legislative Consultation Mechanism", presided over. In 2009, he presided over the independent scientific research project of Wuhan University, Democratic Outlook of Contemporary Western Marxism.

Main works

Liu Wei, Chen Gang, Editor in Chief: Interview with China: Selected Research Reports for Undergraduate Political Science Students at Wuhan University (2021), Guangming Daily Press, 2021. Translated by Hu Yong and Chen Gang: Political Psychology (2nd Edition) ([US] Martha L. Kotham, etc.), China Renmin University Press, 2013. Chen Gang, Public Policy, Wuhan University Press, 2011. Chen Gang: Public Administration and Representative Democracy: Historical Evolution of Western Public Administration and Its Enlightenment, China Social Sciences Press, 2010. Chen Gang: Between Power and Wealth (Edited by Peter J. Kazenstein), Jilin Publishing Group Beijing Branch, 2007. Translated by Liu Qijun, Jiang Shuoliang, and Chen Gang: New Public Management - Change of Concept and Practice (written by Tom Christensen and Per Leglad), Henan People's Publishing House, 2003.

personal honor

First Prize of 2016 Hubei Provincial People's Congress for Outstanding Research Achievements