Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation

Time: 2023-05-12 14:20:06 Xingliang Personal deeds I want to contribute

Main deeds of teachers' personal awards (24 selected articles)

In our ordinary daily life, everyone must have been exposed to deeds, which have the purpose of summarizing the main contents or materials of advanced deeds. Is there no clue to draw up a story? The following are the main deeds of teachers' personal commendation materials sorted out by the editor. Welcome to read them. I hope you can enjoy them.

 Main deeds of teachers' personal awards (24 selected articles)

Main deeds of teachers' personal awards Part 1

Mr. Sun Qianhe has been working as a head teacher since graduation. As a young head teacher, he works steadfastly and conscientiously, with proper methods, and has won unanimous praise from students and school leaders. The work of a class teacher is arduous and important. Since I worked as a class teacher, I have been working hard to be an excellent class teacher. During her work, she worked hard and gained gratifying achievements. In the face of these years' full working life, she really has no regrets!

1、 Being good at doing students' ideological work is the foundation of all work in the class.

Teacher Qianhe has always put the ideological work at the top of the class work. Class meetings are often used for physical and mental education of students to help students clarify their vague understanding and improve their ideological realm. Also, we should make full use of our spare time to have a heart to heart talk with the students concerned and give them targeted education in a timely manner. And actively carry out various effective educational activities in the class, such as "ideal education", "thanksgiving education", "formative education", so that each student can find goals, set up ideals, tap their potential, and stimulate their morale! The class atmosphere she led was strong, and there had never been a serious violation of discipline. All this was due to the achievements of ideological work.

2、 Good at organizing and managing students

The head teacher must be good at organizing and managing students, which is the deepest feeling. As a class teacher, the work to be done is numerous and complicated. If a good class youth league committee cannot be established, it is difficult to carry out all the work smoothly. So at the beginning of each new semester, I will spend a lot of time to cultivate the backbone of the team and let the students manage themselves. This not only makes the class teacher relaxed, but also cultivates the organizational ability of class cadres. Take the current class as an example. The monitor is responsible for the general affairs in the class, but the specific work is assigned to each class committee member. The monitor is responsible for daily work such as morning reading and exercise; The blackboard newspaper in the classroom is in the charge of the publicity committee, the teacher gives proper guidance, and the study committee and the representatives of each department are responsible for learning. Of course, the head teacher should check and guide at any time and anywhere. Since then, the work in the class has become procedural and institutionalized, and all work can be carried out more smoothly.

3、 Be good at transforming underachievers

In the aspect of student management, the work of the head teacher can be roughly divided into three aspects;

1. Cultivation of top students.

2. The promotion of intermediate students.

3. The transformation of underachievers. Compared with the first two, the latter is more difficult and important, because every student is a hope, the more backward students need the help and encouragement of teachers. First of all, we will make in-depth investigation and find out the reason why they become underachievers, teach them in accordance with their aptitude, treat them sincerely everywhere, help them patiently, and truly become their intimate friends and most trusted friends. Timely strengthen psychological counseling for underachievers, help them eliminate or alleviate various psychological worries, and let them realize their value. At the same time, she also created conditions and opportunities for backward students to show their advantages and strengths, so that they can enjoy the joy and joy of success, in return for the improvement of their academic performance.

4、 Make a good link between the class and the teacher

As a head teacher, you must deliberately introduce some advantages of the teacher to the students. Such as personality, hobbies, expertise, achievements in education and teaching, etc., so as to win the respect and trust of students for teachers and make them respect their teachers and value their teaching. At the same time, I should work closely with the teacher, and often get in touch with the teacher to understand the students' strengths, hobbies, classroom discipline, learning attitude, emotions, etc. We should have a clear idea of these class teachers, because this is conducive to better and appropriate class work. It is conducive to learning by practicing and learning according to the students' strengths and hobbies. For example, we often carry out various class meeting activities by taking advantage of the students' competitive mentality. This can not only arouse the enthusiasm of students, but also enhance their self-confidence, sense of honor and desire for competition. At the same time, teachers and students exchanged feelings and improved understanding.

In recent years, Mr. Sun Qianhe has really made some achievements. But she deeply knew that these achievements could not be achieved without the strong support and help of the school leaders and the great environment for the school to vigorously develop education. She will continue to work hard to do better!

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 2

Gao Yun, male, member of the Communist Party of China, has a bachelor's degree. Since 1999, he has been engaged in education and teaching for 20 years. During his long teaching career, he has been working as a head teacher and has been sticking to the forefront of moral education. In order to be a good guide on students' moral path, and to help students better shape their own character, he always remembers his identity as a party member and teacher, sets an example, strictly demands himself, and silently contributes his own strength in moral education.

1、 Do a good job of moral propaganda.

Good publicity is a kind of moral guidance. Teachers should pay special attention to publicity when they discipline students. "We should arm people with scientific theories, guide people with correct public opinion and shape people with noble spirit."

When he worked in Dashuwan No. 1 Middle School, he was responsible for the publicity work of the school. In order to do a good job in moral education publicity, he repaired the badly damaged loudspeaker, selected broadcasters, collected valuable information in newspapers and news for students' moral growth, broadcast it during recess, pointed out some bad behaviors among students in the broadcast, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages from the perspective of students' development, and helped students identify right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, We have set up correct ideological values and achieved good results. The campus radio station is deeply loved by everyone and recognized by all teachers and students.

In the work of the head teacher, he also attaches great importance to the daily moral propaganda work. He carefully prepares the content of the weekly class group meeting and each newspaper. He educates students in advance to improve their ideological awareness and prevent problems before they occur.

In the moral education publicity work, he often tells students that to be a person of noble character and respected, good people will gain more, good people will live a safe life, and good people will live a happy life; It is not necessarily self-interest to do bad things at the expense of others, but also to pay a high cost of life. Bad things cannot be done. Because his moral education propaganda is always for the growth and development of students, which is easier for students to understand and accept, so it can always achieve very good educational results.

2、 Lead by example

As a moral educator, he knows the power of role models. A teacher is a leader in the growth of students' morality, not because of how much truth he can say, but because of his attitude towards students and the height of his moral level. When students are on campus, the biggest role model around them is the teacher, whose words and deeds have a great impact on the formation of students' ideological values. In order to improve the moral cultivation of students and cultivate more people with noble morality, he pays special attention to his own words and deeds. He never speaks or acts carelessly.

In moral education, although the teacher has a lot to say, he still keeps his words and deeds in mind. What he says must be done, and what he says must be reasonable and trustworthy. What the students are required to do, he must do first.

In terms of the work of the head teacher, he is well guided, lenient and strict. He has always done things fairly, and has won the trust of the students; In terms of teaching, he studied hard, had a deep study of subject knowledge and classroom teaching methods, and his class had excellent grades. He was also rated as an excellent teacher by the superior department many times.

As the old saying goes: Peaches and plums don't say anything, but they make a difference. His down-to-earth, fair, diligent, and dedicated style has affected a large number of teachers and students, contributed to the moral education work of the school, and added a lot of positive energy to the school spirit and style of study.

3、 Improve moral education through practical activities.

He knows that moral education is the basis for shaping and improving students' personality, but to improve students' morality is not to recite a few famous maxims. The focus of moral education is to practice.

In 2016, in order to improve students' patriotic feelings and make students deeply feel the importance of family ties, with the support of school leaders, he carefully organized a large-scale campus recitation contest with the theme of "singing the motherland and eulogizing family ties"; In order to make students realize the importance of integrity, he organized a campus speech contest in 2017 with the theme of "Welcoming July 1st, stressing civilization and building integrity"; In addition, in cooperation with the work of the Moral Education Department of the school, he collected manuscripts from students, organized Chinese teachers to carefully review them, and published three moral education books up to one in three, including Listening to Sands, Eighteen Years Old, and Youth Horn. These activities have played an immeasurable role in improving the moral character of students, and can be called the classics of collective moral education in schools.

Without concrete actions, moral education will not deeply affect students. As a moral education worker, he attaches great importance to guiding students in specific "things" and improving their moral cultivation through practice.

Now, puppy love and online games seriously affect the healthy growth of some students. Most of the students who fall into it are due to their lack of ideals, narrow selfishness, or poor sense of responsibility. In view of the students' ideological situation, Mr. Gao communicated with the students many times to understand the crux, and then contacted the parents to think about solutions. Or strengthen the education of ideals, or organize various thematic class meetings such as speeches and debates, or through specific extracurricular activities, awaken students' ideals and enhance their sense of responsibility. Infiltrate moral education in activities and awaken students.

In spring and autumn, a hard work, a harvest. Mr. Gao and his class have won many awards in the selection activities organized by the school, the flag and the city. As an ordinary Communist Party member, he silently contributes to the front line of moral education, and interprets his loyalty to the party's education cause with his own practical actions.

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 3

Jing Guofa, a physics teacher, head of physics teaching and research team, and head teacher of Class 12 of Senior Three in Dalate Banner No. 1 Middle School, has been working as a head teacher since 2001. During his work, he loved his job, cared for students, disciplined himself, and united colleagues. The class performance is outstanding, especially in the past six years, the class style is good and the style of study is strong, and the students in the class have achieved excellent results in various teaching and activity evaluations. Due to outstanding class performance, it was rated as a flag level advanced class collective in 2016.

1、 Set an example and teach by example

In order to manage the class well, the head teacher should first establish a good image, constantly improve their ideological quality and work ability, love their jobs, be strict with themselves, and play a good role model for students. The garbage cans placed in the class are dirty. I personally lead the children to wash the garbage cans. On Sundays of senior high school, they sometimes need to train their ability to do questions. The children get up late and have little time to come to the class. Doing duty will delay doing questions. At this time, I will teach the children to clean the class no matter when they are on duty. A class that can not do a good job in hygiene will not do a good job, It is impossible to succeed in any aspect, including the college entrance examination. After education, I personally watered the flowers, mopped the floor, and poured washing water for the class. The children kept it in mind when they saw it, so that the class would always be clean and tidy. As a teacher, I never relax my requirements on my business. After sending my children to school every day, I must first come to the class to have a look, observe the class situation and health conditions, and then go back to the office to prepare lessons carefully and select topics carefully. Only in this way can I have a clear target in the course of teaching, and be able to open and close freely. Therefore, the children in the two classes I took are particularly fond of calling me "male god" In fact, I don't like children calling me that, but it reflects that they really like me.

2、 To educate children, we should first love them

Love is the foundation of education; Love is the end result of education. I have been doing this since I taught for 18 years. People say that everyone has advantages and highlights. It depends on whether you are willing to discover, use and teach students to remember empty preaching. As a class teacher, when we educate children, we should try our best to let them accept your education instead of the aversion and hostility after education. They say that teachers and students are not natural enemies, but you say that they are not natural enemies every day. No matter who they are, it may not be easy to accept this, so being a class teacher is really an art, Therefore, I have seen Carnegie's strengths and weaknesses in human nature. Only by studying people can we better enter people and better manage a class and even more people.

3、 Fine management

In order to manage a class well, we need to formulate some necessary class rules and agreements. Without rules, we can not be square. These rules and agreements are designed by children themselves, so they are easy to follow when implemented. Fine management is also a necessary measure to reduce class conflicts and enhance class cohesion. When making the duty schedule, the duty items must be detailed to individuals, The class seats are rotated in large groups. These fair and democratic measures make the children very standardized and united.

4、 Unite teachers of all subjects and improve the relationship between teachers and students

Class management is not just a class teacher alone, it requires the joint efforts of teachers of all subjects. Therefore, I actively communicate with teachers in various subjects, actively negotiate with teachers, listen to and adopt their opinions. Be able to handle the relationship between students and teachers carefully, and try to avoid intensifying the contradiction when dealing with the contradiction between teachers and students. In this regard, I usually pay attention to educating students more, making them polite, respecting teachers, and enhancing the friendship between teachers and students, so as to create a harmonious and harmonious class atmosphere. In recent years, there has not been any behavior of contradicting or disrespecting teachers in my class, so all the teachers in our class think that teaching is very happy.

5、 Keep in touch with home and school

The management and education of a class should not lack family education. All activities held by the class must be approved and supported by parents. We have held several representative activities in the three years of high school, which have been strongly supported and participated by parents. It is of great significance and has a profound impact on children's life. For example, the activities of crossing the Kubuqi Desert in Senior One, the adult ceremony in Senior Two, and the hundred day oath taking activities in Senior Three have all been held successfully, which has played a powerful role in promoting the cultivation of children's various excellent characters.

6、 Outstanding class performance

With the joint efforts of all teachers, the class 15 of Grade 3 in 2015 had 27 first degree students and 24 second degree students in the college entrance examination, with a graduation rate of 100%. In 2018, there were 41 first year students and 26 second year students in 12 classes of Grade 3 of the college entrance examination. The undergraduate entrance rate was 100%, and the number of students in the class was the largest in the same class of the college entrance examination. My classes have successively won the "Warm Classroom" at the flag level and the city level. In 2016, I was rated as an excellent teacher at the flag level.

The road of education is novel and long. I will search up and down with full love for children. In this world of education, I will be tireless.

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 4

Ma Yanhong, female, is 28 years old. Secondary school teachers. Since taking part in the education work, he has been working as a head teacher. At present, she is the class teacher of Grade 5 in Jolepan Village, Salblak Town, Huocheng County. She is a pillar of the school's work structure, a hard gardener who makes those young plants grow healthily and fragrant, and a pioneer in human soul engineers. With her loyalty to the people, her fiery heart, endless love, hard work, hard work, and quiet hard work, she has become a strong pillar. Her hard work has left a series of solid footprints in the post of educating people, and has written a moving chapter of dedication, diligence, humility, preciseness, realism, harmony, and love.

She is self-motivated, active, pioneering and innovative, and writes a glorious journey of love and dedication with practical actions. Her class has been rated as "excellent class" for many times, and her thesis has also been rated as the first prize of excellent thesis on modern education and teaching exploration by the China Education Trade Union. She has personally won the third prize of the classroom skills contest, the second prize of the junior high school group instructor in the national Olympic composition contest for primary and secondary school students, the red flag bearer of the "March 8th" education system, and an advanced individual of "teacher ethics".

For many years, while serving as the head of the school's educational administration and teaching and research section, Mr. Ma was unwilling to give up his work as a head teacher. He moistened the tender land with sincerity, infected the innocent seedlings with love, and watered the lively life groups with enthusiasm. The sincere love of teachers has won the pure love of students.

After years of education and teaching, she deeply felt that education is an art, but also an art of love. In this fertile land of education, on the beloved three feet platform, she learned to warm the hearts of students with true feelings and love, and open the hearts of students with wisdom and honesty. The famous educator Tao Xingzhi once said: "True education is an activity of mutual affinity, only from the heart can it move the heart." Teacher Ma took this sentence as his life motto. She always comes to school early every day to find out about the class, help students clean up, guide students to read aloud, recite, or talk with individual students, or help students solve difficulties in life and study. When the teacher is busy or self-study class, she volunteered to hang out with the students and lead them to read and study together; Ten minutes between classes, often with students; She cleans with students; In life, she cares about every student meticulously and reminds them to pay attention to safety and health. When students are ill or injured, she is always the first to arrive at the scene, take good care of them and send them to the hospital in time. I remember one time, Ma Long in her class accidentally scratched her finger while playing games with other students during recess. The situation was very critical at that time. If not treated in time, the part of the finger that fell off would be necrotic. She didn't bother to inform the parents of the students, and took the students to the hospital half an hour by car. When the doctor cleaned his wound, he was in great pain. Teacher Ma held him tightly in his arms to encourage him. After the wound was bandaged, she didn't care to rest. She sent the students home safely and told their parents what had happened. When she left, she repeatedly told parents to pay attention to the wound and avoid infection. Later, Mr. Ma went to the student's home many times in his spare time to inquire about his illness until he recovered. So that the student wrote in his composition: Teacher Ma is like a mother, no! More kiss than mother!

She is good at studying in teaching, has a unique teaching model, has a relatively strong basic theoretical foundation and dedication. When the new round of curriculum reform was implemented, she took the initiative to take on the important task. In combination with the teaching model of the new curriculum reform, she carefully designed seating arrangements, group cooperation, group competition, group interaction and other ways that meet the characteristics of primary school students to mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning and drive the improvement of students' learning achievements. In several observation classes, she can highlight and stimulate students' desire for knowledge, The design of the questions answered by the students greatly stimulates the students' desire for performance, enables them to devote themselves to learning in a relaxed and happy mood, improves their interest in learning mathematics, opens up a new teaching idea for the "small class system" teaching, and changes the boring teaching method that was only taught by teachers to students in the past, Make students become the masters of the classroom. He has become the leader of the new curriculum reform teaching in the school.

Whenever schools and classes hold activities, she always accompanies students to experience severe cold and heat, and enjoy pain and joy together. Therefore, her class has won a good place in the "61" literary and artistic performance, the first, second and ninth choruses, speech competitions, and gymnastics competitions.

He actively creates good class discipline, democratic teaching atmosphere, neat and clean class health environment, and friendly and mutual student relations. He called on students to grow flowers in the classroom. He instructed students to put up such things as curriculum, duty schedule, work schedule, etc. neatly.

In class management, she attaches great importance to the training of class cadres. She implements the responsibility to person system, that is, the monitor is responsible for general affairs in the class, but the specific work is divided to each class committee member. The monitor is responsible for the morning reading and the exercises between classes, the labor committee is responsible for the health of the class, and the study committee members and representatives of various departments are responsible for learning. This practice not only tempered the ability of class leaders, but also gave full play to the role of student masters. Therefore, in the absence of Miss Ma, all the work of her class can be carried out smoothly and effectively.

As the saying goes, ten fingers are different. He treats the students equally, without prejudice, without any personal prejudice, without relatives or strangers, far or near. No matter whether the students are male or female, ugly or handsome, obedient or disobedient, children of leading cadres, or children of ordinary workers, he cares about them and devotes his love to every student. He walked into the middle of the students and became their good friends, so that teachers and students can achieve a real exchange of hearts. He loves his students. He never criticizes the introverted students in a harsh way, but he patiently uses his true feelings to influence the stubborn students who refuse to eat. In the transformation of backward students, she can always help each other patiently, truly become their intimate friends, the most reliable friends, timely strengthen psychological counseling for backward students, help them eliminate or alleviate various psychological worries, let them realize their value, and create conditions and opportunities for backward students to show their advantages and strengths, Let them taste the joy and joy of success. There were several naughty students in their class. They were noisy all day long, and the class was not quiet. They did not obey discipline, and they often reported to others. They never did homework in class or after class. They didn't care whether the teacher or the monitor checked homework. Teacher Ma did not punish them with discipline and system after learning the situation, but started from approaching students, Find all kinds of reasons to get close to them, try to find their shining points, and praise them when they find them. Later, they fell in love with Mr. Ma and became good friends who said everything. Their previous shortcomings also changed. Another student in her class is Ma Fugang. When Ma took over the class, she was a student who was discouraged by the teacher, but Ma didn't give up. She firmly believes that every life has its value. She often pays attention to him in class, encourages him to answer some simple questions, and patiently tutors him after class. When the student makes slight progress, she can always give timely praise and encouragement! After long-term tutorship, the student made rapid progress in Chinese and passed every exam, achieving a 100% pass rate of the class's language. In addition, the student's composition also occasionally shines. Recently, Mr. Ma arranged a composition to write a person. I didn't expect that the student should write Mr. Ma. Although the sentences are not very smooth and the words are not so gorgeous, I can feel how much influence Mr. Ma has brought to him in ordinary language!

In the development of class meetings, Miss Ma attaches great importance to the effectiveness of class meetings. Before each class meeting, she carefully prepares lessons, collects all kinds of materials, gives full play to her painting skills, carefully arranges the classroom, and organizes students to rehearse sketches and other popular art forms to deepen the theme of class meetings, Make each activity give students a baptism of thought and soul, leave a deep impression and guide their words and deeds in the future.

In terms of communication and coordination with the teacher, Mr. Ma can always play the role of connecting the class and the teacher. After class, listen to the teacher's feedback on the class situation, investigate and understand in a timely manner, and take relevant effective measures to improve the class situation, so that every teacher can enter the classroom happily and leave the classroom happily. When there are conflicts and disputes between teachers and parents, she always takes the lead, promotes good communication between teachers and parents, and turns hostility into friendship.

In ten years of work as a class teacher, she has dealt with many parents, but she has never been ashamed of them. No matter how much trouble their children bring to classes, schools and individuals at school, even if she is choked up with anger, she always smiles when she sees parents, never pours her anger on parents, always explains to them in a deliberative tone, talks with them and discusses the best way to educate children, which not only gains the trust of parents, but also achieves good results.

The spring breeze turns into rain and flowers thousands of trees, love cultivates happiness flowers. Teacher Ma is sowing love and reaping happiness. Tan Xiaohui, a student in her class, was lucky enough to be admitted by the junior high school in the district in the entrance examination of the junior high school in the mainland, becoming the second student admitted by the junior high school in the school since the entrance examination. In addition, after the subsequent entrance examination, nearly two-thirds of the students in her class entered the experimental class. This not only won the honor for the alma mater, but also let parents see the hope of studying and the improvement of the school's teaching quality.

Years of education and teaching work made her deeply realize that education is the education of the soul, and education itself means that a tree can shake a tree, a cloud can promote a cloud, and a soul can awaken another soul. Miss Ma, she is the tree and the cloud.

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 5

Liu xx started work in July 2008 and has worked hard in Dalate Banner No. 7 Middle School for 10 years. I have been working as a class teacher for 10 years. "Let every child find their own success" is the goal of my career; "Learning from high school is a teacher, and virtue is a model" is my self-discipline creed. In an ordinary job, I dedicate my youth with a sincere heart, weave a bright future for children with love, and interpret my life pursuit with a sincere heart.

1、 Be committed to your duties and lead by example

The head teacher who is responsible for education and teaching must constantly improve his/her ideological and political quality and work ability, establish his/her good image, be loyal to his/her duties, and set an example to lead a good class. The first thing that students are required to do is to do it by themselves. If students are not required to do it by themselves, they are determined not to do it. They are very aware of the subtle influence of their own behavior on students, and truly achieve both teaching and educating people. As a head teacher, I have never missed a day's work in the past 10 years. The daily running exercises and recess exercises are held together with the students to chant slogans; Clean up on duty every week, and participate in labor as a member of the class; As long as students are in school, they must go to the student dormitory every night when they go to bed to check and solve their problems; In the classroom, as long as there are paper scraps on the ground, pick them up and throw them into the dustbin; In learning, students are required to prepare error correction books, and they should also prepare a large error correction book; Students are required to answer questions carefully and normatively. Therefore, each class requires their own blackboard writing to be clear, hierarchical, and the key and difficult points are clear at a glance, thus forming an efficient classroom teaching mode. Their own code of conduct and setting an example are silent education and powerful influence on students, making students feel equal between teachers and students. It is precisely because of this kind of educational concept of loyalty to duty and setting an example that students are neither strict nor absurd, thus making teachers and students become true friends.

2、 Care for students, love first

Love is the foundation of education; Love is the end result of education. As a class teacher, we must care for every student. First, care for students in life. I found that Wang Yun, a student, did not eat dinner for several times. Through understanding, I knew that his family was in difficulty and his living expenses were not enough that month, so I subsidized his living expenses; Secondly, he cared about students in study. One day, Zhang Zhixun, a student, came to me with tears and said he didn't want to go to school. After knowing that he didn't want to go to school in, he knew that his exam results were not ideal. Through an afternoon of heart to heart talk, he once again summoned his courage to study; Pay attention to students psychologically. Learning is a hard process, and students bear great psychological pressure. As the head teacher, he always pays attention to the psychology of students, so he specially studied psychology and obtained the second level psychological consultant certificate. Zhang Hao, a student, was not studying for a period of time. When asked, he said that he was worried: he could not complete the learning task assigned by his mother. So we communicated with Zhang Hao's parents in a timely manner to let the students lay down their ideological burden, and Zhang Hao's grades rose straightly afterwards; At the same time, I also care about students' physique. The college entrance examination not only tests students' intelligence, but also their bodies. Whenever free time in the afternoon, I ask students who do not often exercise to run together on the playground. It is precisely because of this love for students that every student is enthusiastic about learning and life. The relationship between teachers and students has also grown into a friendship in these activities. The relationship between students is like brothers and sisters.

3、 Democratic management, trust students

Democratic management is conducive to scientific decision-making, trusting students and fully believing students is the premise of democratic management. At the beginning of class formation, a powerful class committee and Youth League Committee were democratically formed. The class committee and Youth League Committee gathered their wisdom and formed a monthly opinion consultation system for democratic decision-making. According to the teaching progress, the monthly activity theme for the next month was formulated at the end of each month. We have successively carried out the ideal of learning from the cloud and sky, down-to-earth learning, and celebrated the National Day throughout the country. We have been moving forward with the same goal, and I have absorbed the experience of others. We have learned from others with an open mind. One yuan starts on New Year's Day, and after one model, we have been happy and struggling for 100 days. We dare to teach the sun and the moon to change their appearance, standardize, be careful and innovate. We are the only one at the top of Mount Tai, and others are relaxed. Our parents are successful at home Seven points for morale, three points for morale, and one big grade improvement activity every day. At the same time, learning and mutual aid groups and one-on-one pairing activities were carried out; The evaluation system of learning excellence, code of conduct and health discipline based on dormitory has been formulated. The educational concept of democratic decision-making and respect for confident students has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of students in learning and management. In all previous examinations in a year, our class ranked the top two in the grade, and the comprehensive evaluation of students' discipline, health, code of conduct, etc. ranked the second in the school. My class won the honorary title of mobile red flag and excellent class four times.

4、 Typical approach, gradient propulsion

An excellent head teacher needs not only a strong sense of responsibility, but also better working methods. The students in Class 6 of liberal arts who I am leading have weak foundation, weak self-control and great differences. How to make students improve their academic performance in a large area has become the center and focus of my education and teaching management. Through joint exploration with the class teachers and the whole class, we have formed a guiding method of typical guidance and gradient advancement, and organized and implemented a ternary experiential education activity. At the weekly class meeting, we carefully selected inspirational stories such as "Why did I enter Peking University in a third class school", "Success is not just a legend" to read to students, so as to enhance the self-confidence of students; The student who made the greatest progress in each exam made a typical speech to help him build confidence; The mutual aid groups established according to the subject interest form three person guidance groups to answer the students' questions; The course teacher is required to produce three levels of papers, namely, difficult, medium and easy papers, for the excellent, good and poor students each time in the quiz, and evaluate the students with gradient advancement and scores. In the three unified examinations, only the ordinary classes I took have entered the top 20, of which three people have entered the top 10. Through typical guidance and gradient advancement, students' self-confidence has been greatly improved, so that each student can see their own advantages and direction of progress, and science teachers can see students' progress. All the subjects of Class 6 of liberal arts in my school have excellent scientific achievements.

5、 Scientific research leads the way and improves the height

While managing the class well, I constantly summarized and innovated new ways of moral education. Through the study of the head teacher, I formed a new mode of moral education of ternary experience type belonging to the school, improved the form of class meetings, and tried new micro class meetings. The gains and losses in the work of the head teacher are written and published. Over the past year, he published articles such as "Talking about the Art of Class Teacher's Work" in Science Guide - Education Forum.

Ten years of work as a class teacher has given me a taste of the bitterness and sweetness of education. This year, students in Class 6 of liberal arts have also become the most influential in my life. They let me deeply appreciate the happiness, glory, responsibility and pride of being a people's teacher. In my future work, I will continue to devote myself to students and contribute my strength to the cultivation of pillars of the country.

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 6

Li x, 25 years old, a member of the Communist Party of China, is a math teacher in the third grade of Hefei Wanghu Primary School and also serves as the head of lesson preparation. She works silently in her teaching post, sowing love education with heart; In the process of getting along with her colleagues, she tried her best to help sincerely; In her communication with parents, she gave timely feedback and patiently answered questions. With a strong sense of responsibility for education and unlimited love for students, she devoted all her wishes and ambitions to education. She used her own practical actions to explain the purpose of a young Communist Party member to serve the people wholeheartedly. She set an example everywhere and played an exemplary role. Her virtue reflects the spiritual quality of most teachers in the contemporary teaching team, and also encourages young teachers to be loyal and diligent to the education cause.

"Without love, there is no education." Her love for students is the starting point for her to engage in education and teaching activities, and it is precisely because of her love for students that she continues to study education methods suitable for students in education and teaching activities. In her eyes, every child is a lovely angel with great potential. She loves every student equally. In the first grade, in order to encourage children, she prepared a star book for each child. After each math class, the children went out to play. She also drew stars for the children in the classroom according to their performance in various aspects. When the children came back, they opened their star books and felt surprised every day. They often said excitedly that they had harvested several more stars, At this time, teacher evaluation is the main focus. When the children got older, she upgraded the reward measures to points, and each child had his own learning points. In the second grade, the group leader gave priority to the evaluation. In the third grade, the group leader gave priority to the self-evaluation. Every week, she would count the children's points and update the scoreboard posted on the class wall, so that every child could feel their progress. Although these jobs are tedious and tiring, she has always insisted on them so that children can grow better in the evaluation.

There are always many forms on her desk, all of which are made by her. There are heart to heart talk record forms, help forms for students with learning disabilities, mathematical group forms, assignment registration forms, total score forms, score feedback forms, etc. Behind each form is a lot of specific and detailed work, which is not a task imposed on her by anyone, but her selfless love for students. She always tries her best to spare some time from her meager rest time to talk with some special students, understand them as a friend, and try to help them. For some students who have difficulties in learning, she will find time to help them alone before and after class, encourage them to take the initiative to ask teachers and students for help, and set up a mutual aid group in the class. In order to stimulate students' autonomy in learning, she also encourages students to set up various interest groups in the class and carry out activities regularly. At present, the Math Picture Book Group, Math Pictorial Group, Interesting Math Group, and Homework Guidance Group have gradually matured. Under her guidance, students have independently determined the division of labor, activity time, and activity content, and have successfully carried out many activities. However, she has been silently devoting countless efforts behind her back. She often volunteered to work overtime for education and teaching. She is tired and happy. Because she was afraid of delaying the students' courses and causing trouble to her colleagues and leaders, she often stuck to her post with illness and has never taken a sick leave.

Li X has always been low-key and modest in the process of getting along with colleagues, and is willing to help colleagues as much as possible. When the school needs to work overtime, she never refuses to take the initiative to share temporary tasks. When the head teacher of the class asked for leave for more than a week at home, she actively took charge of class management affairs and some courses of the head teacher, and tried to do everything well without complaining. She is willing to share with her colleagues whenever some of her own practices in teaching are effective. She will talk about her own unique practices at the conference, and will also interact with teachers in the lesson preparation group. In the process of communication with parents, she will listen to, answer and give some suggestions patiently, and often feed back the children's progress and shortcomings to parents. After work, she will also use telephone, SMS, QQ, WeChat and other channels to communicate with parents, strengthen cooperation between home and school, and deepen the understanding of students. Her seriousness and responsibility have been unanimously recognized by parents, and her work has also been widely supported by parents. Although these jobs take up a lot of private time and space, she believes that as long as we can work together with family education to promote the growth of students, all the efforts are worthwhile.

In a word, Li X, as the soul teacher of students, has given her blood back to the education cause. Her virtue is reflected in every day's trivial work and every detail.

Main deeds of teachers' personal awards 7

Comrade Xu, female, Han nationality, has been teaching in Xiantai Primary School of Changchun Economic and Technological Development Zone since August 1997, serving as the teaching of Chinese, head teacher and grade leader. As a teacher in charge of a class, she works steadfastly and conscientiously. Her method of educating students in the class is appropriate, and she has been praised by students and school leaders. From the day she served as the head teacher, she has always worked hard to be an excellent head teacher. Since then, she has gone early and returned late, tasting all the joys and sorrows of being a head teacher.

1、 Infect students with love.

As a head teacher, caring for students is like caring for her own children. She cares about their lives, their health, and whether they know how to learn. The more important thing is whether they know how to behave. Now Han Yunze, a classmate in the class, has a special family situation. He lives with his grandparents. He used to be obsessed with games and didn't want to go to school. The teacher often talks with him and encourages him. Now I not only love learning, but also my academic performance has been steadily improved. In fact, this is the concrete love of a class teacher

2、 Be good at transforming underachievers.

In terms of student management, she divides the work of the head teacher into three aspects; Cultivation of top students. The promotion of intermediate students. The transformation of underachievers. Compared with the first two, the latter is more difficult and important, because every student is an expectation, the more backward students need the help and encouragement of teachers. First of all, she made a thorough investigation and found out the reason why they became underachievers. She taught them in accordance with their aptitude, treated them sincerely, helped them patiently, and really became their intimate friends and most trusted friends.

3、 Be friends with students and parents.

The head teacher is the link between school, family and society. In the work of the head teacher, she often communicates with the parents, but she never blushes with them. No matter how much trouble their children bring to school and how much anger they have in their stomach, as long as they see the parents, they always greet each other with a smile and never pour their anger on the parents. She understands the situation of students at home, parents understand the situation of children at school, and discuss the best way to educate children, Realize double teaching.

Over the years of teaching accumulation, the teaching has its own style, which drives the teaching research and learning of the year group, so the teaching performance is also very significant. In December 2019, all disciplines of the class I took were ranked first in the teaching quality survey and test of the Economic and Technological Development Zone. The year group led by him in 2021 also achieved excellent results in the final test of the Economic and Technological Development Zone.

Participated in compiling and publishing many exercise books. He has been awarded the title of provincial and municipal excellent teacher and backbone teacher for many times, participated in undertaking many subjects, and won the title of provincial advanced scientific research worker. The courses taught have also been rated as provincial and municipal excellent courses for many times.

It's good to be a teacher and a primary school teacher. This is her voice. One of the greatest happiness of people is to be able to do what they like, without regrets. In class work, only by releasing her own value can she gain joy. Ordinary work will not make her tired, because she will silently tell herself: Don't be surprised, watch the flowers bloom in front of the court; I have no intention of leaving or staying. I hope the clouds roll in the sky.

Over the past 20 years of teaching, Mr. Fei Yihua has worked diligently. From the beginning, he became a glorious people's teacher with love for the teaching profession, to the present, he is more dedicated to education, hard work, and a fragrant peach and plum. He has won the honors of Changchun Excellent Teacher, Ministry of Education "One teacher, one excellent class, one teacher" ministerial excellent class, Changchun scientific research backbone teacher, the first prize of Jilin Province Teachers' Basic Skills Competition, District Excellent Head Teacher, District Excellent Teacher, etc. He has compiled exercises, participated in many scientific research topics, and taught courses that have won national, provincial and municipal awards for many times. The students are highly motivated and have good grades. Many students still rank among the best after entering junior high school. As a head teacher for many years, she knows that in addition to imparting knowledge and learning methods to children, she also needs to be a "big parent" of children at school, care for their growth, and dedicate love to each child, so that they can grow up healthily and happily. Teach students in accordance with their aptitude in different classes, discover the shining points of each student, and let each child grow up with confidence in learning.

In her work, she has been strict with herself, set an example and become a teacher, always pay attention to her words and deeds, achieve civilized language, treat others politely, behave modestly, dress simply, and look neat, so that she can set a good example for students in many aspects such as thinking, learning, labor, and life. We care for and care for all students, respect their personality, and promote their all-round development in morality, intelligence, and physique. He is not only a teacher of students, but also a trusted friend of students. While improving their ideological and political awareness, they should strengthen the theoretical and professional learning of education and teaching, and constantly improve the level of education and teaching. I seriously participated in the teaching and research activities of the Section Group, learned and discussed professional knowledge and new teaching concepts and ideas with my colleagues, and applied these new teaching methods to teaching, and achieved good results. Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished. She always has a love for education.

Main deeds of teachers' personal awards 8

Chen XX, 19, the head teacher of Class 1 of Primary School Bridge, stepped on the podium and became attached to education in the best years of life. I have been working as a head teacher for 25 years. In this process, I experienced the tension, confusion and confusion brought by the work pressure, and also enjoyed the purity and happiness of getting along with children day and night. I care for students with a warm heart, guide students with intelligent education, and grow up with a heavy responsibility and a good desire in reflection and understanding in growth.

1、 Set an example to infect students.

Teacher Li Zhenxi, a famous national education expert, proposed that it is very simple to be a good head teacher, that is, to "be the best yourself" and guide students with your own words and deeds. Indeed, a good head teacher's personality power is "an educational power that cannot be replaced by any textbook, any moral maxim, any punishment and reward mechanism." Therefore, I set an example. With a rigorous work style, serious attitude and strict self-discipline spirit, it subtly affects students and sets an example for students to learn. When I hoisted the flag, I first made sure that I was solemn and quiet, and the children also stopped their small movements. Some students are sloppy in their homework and cope. When they see that I am serious about writing, they will become more serious. Over a period of time, the children have developed many good habits with me. The correct sitting posture and standard etiquette have been highly praised by school leaders and teachers. Look! Children are used to packing various books in different document bags, and the small book bags are neat. After class, like me, they will consciously pack up the things on the desk before leaving, and they can always be seen consciously queuing up and down the stairs between classes. After school, they will consciously push their chairs under the table and pick up the garbage under their feet before leaving. Small actions show good habits everywhere.

2、 Observe carefully and take care of students

As a class teacher, you should have a pair of eyes that can see everything, and pay attention to the children's every move at any time. Today, who is uncomfortable, who is unhappy, and who has a quarrel with whom... Help the children in time when they need to, and love them. Therefore, I often pay close attention to the children's expressions.

Zeze, poor eyesight. When I entered the first grade, I didn't find any problem with my eyesight. After a period of school, I found that no matter which seat the child changed to, he often tilted his head and looked sideways at the blackboard. So I took him to the school doctor's office to test his eyesight, and found that the gap between the two eyes of the child was too big. That day after school, I told his mother about this situation, and suggested that he go to a special hospital to check carefully. Later, his mother told me that the doctor said there was something wrong with the child's vision development, but she didn't find it at all. Fortunately, the teacher found it early, otherwise, it might not be able to recover after a while. Zeze's mother is very grateful. In fact, I think I just did what I should do. Isn't the head teacher supposed to pay close attention to every child? I'm glad that I found the problem of the child in time and put forward reasonable suggestions to parents at the critical moment to protect the child's eyesight, which is my greatest pleasure.

3、 Put yourself in the other's shoes and help students

The work of the head teacher faces not only students, but also parents. Doing a good job of parents also helps students grow. I am not only a class teacher but also a mother. I understand them very well, so I will try my best to help them.

At work, we often meet children who are fond of playing and do not write homework. Yueyue is such a child. She didn't like to do homework in school before, and this time she has been studying at home alone because of the epidemic. Once I called his mother to talk about the child's failure to do homework. Her mother said helplessly to me: "The child will not write without staring at him. Every day when he gets off work and is too late, the child will not finish his homework if he sleeps. The mother often calls home to urge the child to do homework while working. Sometimes it doesn't work if she has to call more than ten times a day.", With that, the young mother choked up. She also said that she could not press the camera in every room of the house later, just to remind children to do their homework in time, but it still didn't work. At last, the mother said that the child had no choice. Hearing this, I really love this mother. It's not easy. I have to help her. First of all, I comforted her that the child's problem was not so serious. Is it playful? It's a child's nature. In addition, children still have many advantages, such as independence, good expression and quick learning. My mother's mood is much better. I then told her that there is no problem that can not be solved. I will help you to find a way together. You can work safely and don't be too anxious. That afternoon, the course of the day ended. I called Yueyue. I talked a lot with her. First, I praised her for being smart and sensible, and being able to take online lessons at home alone at a young age. It's really amazing. Then he said that his mother worked very hard to be considerate and let them worry less. Of course, it's OK to play, but it's not better to play after finishing her homework. Finally, I encourage her to take the initiative to finish her homework today, instead of waiting for her mother to stare at it after work. The child said a good word without confidence. The children's homework was handed in before six o'clock that night. When I reported my temperature at night, I asked how I felt when I handed in my monthly homework, whether it was easier and happier to play. The child confidently said, "Yes", and I said to her, "The teacher is happy for you too, and I will be more happy when my mother comes back in the evening!" That night I received a reply from my mother, which was filled with gratitude. Since then, my mother no longer has to stare at my homework every month, until now. In fact, when I think about it, I didn't do anything, just called and talked. I'm really happy for her to see her change.

4、 Grasp the opportunity to train students

The reason for this epidemic is that we are all learning online in a new form, which is a new test for every teacher and student. Especially in the lower grades, when the children are so young and their parents are working one after another, will they use equipment? Can you follow the rules and have a good class? Can you protect your eyesight? Parents will worry, and we as class teachers will also worry. In order to let children adapt to this new learning style as soon as possible and let parents rest assured, I have come up with some effective measures. For example, play the role of small cadres. Every morning, the team leader is responsible for checking the group of students who are late to attend the meeting, and promptly contacting them by phone before class to quickly enter the meeting. This ensures that all students join the Association on time every day. One minute before each class, the monitor loudly reminds everyone: turn on the camera, get ready for class, and sit upright. It's like standing up and saying hello in the classroom. In addition, as the head teacher, I will accompany the children to finish all the courses of the day and pay attention to the completion of assignments in other subjects, in addition to my own Chinese and math lessons. Whenever a child can't control himself in class, I will remind him in time, and I will urge him to finish his English homework in time. I will give full praise and encouragement to children who perform well and make progress. When we were free, we would talk through the camera about our parents' hard work, about our fun life at home, show each other how to make handicrafts, exchange extra-curricular books that everyone likes to read, and show small picture books made by children themselves

Entering the children's world has enhanced the feelings between our teachers and students. Looking down day by day, the children's performance is getting better and better, although their eyes are dazzled and their waist hurts. Everyone is good every day. They enter the class on time, turn on the camera, turn off the microphone, and never have to be silenced by the teacher. In class, everyone actively interacts with the teacher, answers questions with humility, and does not grab the microphone. The classroom atmosphere is active and orderly. Every teacher praised that our class had the best class and that our class had the most complete homework. Think about it all worth it.

5、 Self growth and achievement of students.

In the past two years, I have always led the junior class. Although the children are young, I will also make use of all independent growth mechanisms to give full play to the students' subjective initiative and implement the activities so that the children can grow independently in the activities. The effective use of the Evaluation Manual for Primary School Students, the Three Year Action Plan for Nurturing Education - Self growth Manual, and the Physical Exercise Manual. In addition, during the epidemic, children were allowed to set their own learning goals, and the Learning Evaluation Form was designed and produced based on the learning goals to reflect on their own learning. All these give full play to the main role of students in the evaluation. The multiple evaluations of students, peers, parents, head teachers and subject teachers create a good incentive mechanism among students and set an example for learning. Students learn about themselves and build self-confidence in their independent participation, thus stimulating their enthusiasm for active learning, enterprising and all-round development, and teaching students to learn and behave.

Finally, I want to say "gratitude". I am grateful to every innocent and lovely child I meet; Be grateful to every parent you know; Thank everyone who has cooperated with us. What I have done is really extraordinary, but it has been loved by children, recognized by parents, and encouraged by leaders and peers. These are the driving forces for my progress.

Not long ago in Chinese class, we had oral communication: what to do when we grow up. A little girl in our class said, "When I grow up, I want to be a good teacher like Mr. Chen, because Mr. Chen is so kind to us, so hard every day to accompany us in class and educate us." I asked her if she knew you are not afraid of hard work? She replied, "I'm not afraid, because it's meaningful to see the progress of students and train talents for the country." I was very happy and touched to hear that.

Some people say that a teacher who has never been a head teacher is an incomplete teacher, which is very reasonable. Memories of the process of growing up together with children, one picture after another, moved again and again. The work of the head teacher is hard, but the harvest is sweet. Last year, the class I took was rated as a municipal advanced class group after less than a year of enrollment. This is the result of the joint efforts of our teachers and students. This honor is our driving force. I will lead our 38 lovely children to continue to work hard! Create a better tomorrow!

To be a warm teacher and a smart education is for nothing but a responsibility, a peace of mind and a touch.

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 9

Mr. Lin xx graduated from Yangjiang Normal School in June 1999 and has been teaching in Liangtong Primary School, Tanshui Town, Yangchun City since July 1999. He has worked for education for 12 years. Since he taught, he loved his job, conscientiously fulfilled his job responsibilities, and made certain contributions to the education cause in ordinary positions. Especially in the teaching of the past two years, Mr. Lin xx, who has some teaching experience, is more serious in teaching and has made gratifying achievements in teaching. Now, his advanced deeds are summarized as follows:

1、 Loving your job and being noble.

Since he taught, he has loved the motherland, loved the Communist Party of China, adhered to the four basic principles, cared about national affairs, loved education, conscientiously implemented the Party's education policy, comprehensively implemented quality education, loved his job, had the courage to innovate, blazed new trails, made selfless contributions, was strict with himself, was a model for others, had a noble teacher's morality, was happy to teach, worked actively, and consciously complied with the Teacher Law Education Law and other laws and regulations; Studied hard in education and teaching business, explored education laws, improved teaching methods, had a strong sense of dedication and responsibility, took the school as the home, focused on work, obeyed the division of labor of school leaders, and did a good job in graduation classes, making great contributions to popularizing nine-year compulsory education and comprehensively improving the quality of students.

2、 Keep exploring and eager to learn.

In her long-term teaching work, Ms. Lin xx has deeply felt that to become an excellent people's teacher, not only must she have noble character and good teacher ethics, but also must have solid basic teaching skills and strong teaching ability. Therefore, in order to make greater contributions on the long road of teaching, he actively participated in teaching and research activities held by units at all levels while teaching and learning. Every semester, he participated in the "one person, one lesson" teaching and research activities of our school, often participated in the open teaching and research courses in the town and various teaching and research outlets, discussed the "problems" in teaching with his peers, constantly updated knowledge, enriched his professional knowledge, and accumulated valuable experience. Especially last semester, his film "The Interaction of Percentage and Decimal" on the teaching and research network was highly praised by peers.

3、 Work hard to study business, improve their theoretical level and professional quality, and do a good job in education and teaching.

In the work of teaching and educating people, he has always adhered to the policy of "moral education first, intellectual education first, all-round development, and education first", to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, face all, turn the best into the worst, and inspire and induce; To do everything for students, comprehensively promote quality education, fully reflect the characteristics of "teacher led, student oriented, training oriented" in the classroom, grasp the teaching of basic knowledge and basic skills, fully mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning, and students' enthusiasm for learning is high.

For a long time, he has insisted on teaching in Putonghua, achieving accurate language, clear rhythm, prominent focus, proper methods, and strong teaching ability.

In his teaching work, he formulated practical teaching goals and plans according to the requirements of the syllabus and textbooks, grasped the teaching requirements and key and difficult points of each class, selected appropriate teaching methods, and carefully prepared classes. In the teaching process, he guided students to create a warm and interesting classroom atmosphere and optimize the classroom efficiency flexibly, based on the prepared teaching plan, combined with the characteristics of students, and used artistic language. The homework situation after class is the feedback of classroom teaching, and each unit test is the assessment of the whole unit knowledge of students. Therefore, he can timely correct and evaluate students' homework and unit test papers, and take remedial measures against existing problems. He also made reasonable use of his spare time to give guidance to students, and received good results.

In a word, in his teaching activities, he boldly carried out innovative teaching and seriously handled the dialectical relationship between teacher leadership and student subjectivity. The new teaching mode of independent innovation is adopted to break the cramming test oriented teaching and let students study in groups "hand in hand", so as to actively mobilize students' learning initiative and enthusiasm and improve their thinking ability.

4、 It is fruitful to teach and educate people.

Since his work, thanks to his unremitting efforts, he has achieved fruitful results through hard work.

In terms of transforming underachievers, he often contacted their parents, did a good job in bilateral education, influenced underachievers with the love of teachers, and carried out "appreciation education" for underachievers. He did not dislike them emotionally and was not rude in his attitude. Instead, he tried every way to find their "shining points", and carried out "adaptive education" for them, which achieved good results, The conversion rate of poor students reached 100%. For example, Feng Weixiong in his class had no intention of learning. He was often late and absent from class. Even when he came to class, he often dozed off and played with things. His performance was very poor. For this reason, Mr. Lin xx talked with Weixiong many times, patiently taught him and cared about him, and knew from it that he liked drawing, so he asked him to participate in the town's drawing contest, coach him in painting, and guide him to change to a correct learning attitude. As a result, Weixiong's painting works won the third prize in the town, and his performance also improved greatly.

In the work of training excellent students, he used his spare time to guide excellent students in a planned way, and achieved remarkable results. In the drawing, calligraphy and singing competitions held on June 1 in the town, Feng Weixiong and Zhang Zongzheng, whom he tutored, won the third prize in the drawing competition; Feng Xuelan and Chen Guiyang both won the third prize in the calligraphy contest; Li Xue won the third prize in the singing contest. In the final entrance examination, Feng Yonghui, who was tutored by him, was admitted to the middle school with the score of No. 5 in the town.

While giving individual tutoring to students, Ms. Lin xx also paid attention to the overall teaching results of the class. The sixth grade math he held the year before last ranked first in the city in the spot check in Yangchun, and his performance was very excellent.

In a word, Mr. Lin xx works hard and has made great contributions to the education and teaching cause.

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 10

Liang xx, in September 1999, full of sincerity for education, stepped on the three feet platform. Twenty two years are like a day, always adhere to: Xingtan cultivates peach and plum with loyalty, and cultivates wisdom and moistens life all the way!

Love is the most beautiful language for teachers. Only love can lead to education, but teachers need the ability to love students scientifically. Respect students. She believes that every flower has a reason to bloom. She kindly supports every child who falls. She listens to the children's opinions, understands their feelings, tolerates their shortcomings, and shares their joy. Love is a handful of sand in your hand. The more open you are, the greater your harvest will be. She freely implements the class model of group cooperation and independent management. All educational and teaching activities are carried out in groups. The group responsibility system is implemented, so that the class is always managed and everything in the class is done.

She always insists on professional theory learning and constantly improves her professional teaching level. In order to better enter the children's psychology, she has learned psychological courses such as sand table, NLP, family system arrangement, etc.

The meaning of life lies in struggle and dedication. Twenty two years of hard work has brought us both success and success. She won the first prize in the mathematics quality class competition held in Donggang District, and taught municipal open classes in the teaching activities organized by the municipal education bureau. She was successively rated as: Rizhao City Teaching Expert, Rizhao City Excellent Class Teacher. Mr. Bing Xin once said: "Love is on the left, love is on the right, walk on both sides of life, sow and blossom at any time". Therefore, she will continue to adhere to the "Xingtan cultivates peaches and plums, cultivates wisdom and moistens life", and become the most beautiful teacher and the most beautiful self!

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation 11

Mou xx, male, member of the Communist Party of China, started working in July 1999. Love the Party's education cause, and devote to education and teaching with a high sense of dedication and responsibility. Take the overall situation into consideration in work and shoulder heavy burdens bravely. Be conscientious and conscientious in business. He has always made outstanding achievements in education and teaching. He is an excellent teacher loved by students and trusted by parents.

1、 Careful Care - Let Students Experience the Joy of Success

Teachers' love for students is a rational love radiating the light of human nature. The teacher's rational love for students can awaken all the beautiful things on students and inspire them to sail forward.

2、 Cultivate students' independent innovation and become the masters of the collective

In class management, he always adheres to the principle of full participation, and encourages students to actively participate in whatever activities. And create opportunities for them. The arrangement of the wall newspaper in the class is also completely completed by the students themselves. The cultural wall of the class in the previous semester started from designing the background of the picture to designing the stars of each group in groups. The students are very interested, and each student has made suggestions for the group. And the students work together, some paintings, some cut, some write, some paste. Every student participated in the class management and became a real little master. Their class also carried out a "Weekly Little Star" appraisal activity. Each week, the group will select a student to show his talent, small inventions, small creations, etc. The teacher will give the student prizes to encourage, and the best star group will be selected at the end of the term. This not only cultivates students' independent innovation ability, but also enhances their collective sense of honor.

3、 Respect students and form mutual understanding, respect and care

He often said to students: "They are all equal people, and you have the right to be respected and to express different opinions. He will do what he asks you to do." Only by doing what he says can students be convinced. Only by really considering from the other side's perspective can we win the students' understanding and love.

4、 Constantly enrich oneself and improve educational ability

"Accumulate knowledge to store treasure, and use reason to enrich talent." In order to better qualify for the job of class teacher, he has traveled in the ocean of education for many years, hungry and thirsty, and carefully carved himself. I believe that he will perform better in the future work. In the future education and teaching work, he will be based on reality, earnestly do a good job in teaching, creatively carry out the school's education and teaching, teaching reform and scientific research, work hard in the field of education, actively explore, and dedicate his youth without regret.

He firmly believes that "the infatuation will never regret, only for the peach and plum to compete", as long as hard work and sweat. I am sure I can be an excellent teacher of the people and make the world full of peaches and plums!

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 12

Mr. Wang is an excellent young teacher in primary school. Since he started working in August, he has devoted himself to teaching reform and has the courage to explore and practice. He was dressed in simple and decent clothes and had a friendly smile. This was Teacher Wang in the eyes of the students - gentle and quiet. The down-to-earth and diligent work style, few words but meticulous, is the teacher Wang in the eyes of colleagues - rigorous and modest. A beginner with limited ability but high enthusiasm, this is Mr. Wang's insightful evaluation of himself - he can only forge ahead with an open mind to seek classics.

1、 Devoted to teaching reform and brave to explore and practice

As a young teacher, Mr. Wang was able to learn from experienced teachers with an open mind. At the same time, he also studied hard and kept improving, so he grew up rapidly in business. She always believes that: to become an excellent primary school teacher, it is far from enough to rely on some simple skills. To keep up with the pace of educational reform, we must constantly improve our ability to adapt to the requirements of the development of the situation for primary school teachers.

In terms of education and teaching, she conscientiously studied the new curriculum standards, studied textbooks, worked out lesson plans, prepared lessons carefully as required, and carefully designed each lesson according to the different age characteristics of children, followed the scientific and innovative education principles, and tried to make teaching methods novel. She pays attention to improving the efficiency of classroom teaching, is good at guiding students to actively explore, properly stimulates students' desire to discuss, and timely excavates students' thinking potential. Students become the masters of learning, change "I want to learn" to "I want to learn", adapt to the concept of curriculum reform, and greatly cultivate students' interest in learning. In classroom practice, she strengthened the effectiveness and pertinence of exercise training, and gradually formed her own teaching characteristics. In the process of teaching practice, she always adheres to the "one time teaching method". That is to say, appropriately slow down the teaching speed, try to teach new knowledge deeply and thoroughly, and help students establish a complete knowledge system. At the same time, exercise training should ensure the quality, strive to be few and excellent, and highlight ability training. This teaching method finally frees students from the vast sea of questions. Practice has proved that this teaching method is successful. In the six years of primary school teaching, her academic achievements have always been among the best. In particular, her math and English scores of the graduating class in ranked first among the five centers in the township, and her three rates and scores exceeded the second by 10 to 20 percentage points respectively.

Teacher Wang not only excels in teaching, but also works hard and contributes silently in the education field of the head teacher. She is loved by students, praised by parents, affirmed by leaders and praised by colleagues. In class management, she focuses on infecting students with love and patience, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, actively and enthusiastically helping students to form excellent qualities of unity, diligence and morality. Teaching and educating people should be carried out at the same time, and students should be strictly required to help them develop good learning habits, sound character and healthy personality that are constantly improving, serious and meticulous.

In September 2008, she took over a class composed of students who had just come out of various villages. Students have no collective consciousness, no class concept, and no good behavior habits. Students only communicate in their own small groups, three groups and five groups. In the face of such a starting point, Mr. Wang infected students with love. For example, he inspected the classroom every morning to see if all the students had arrived. When it was cold or hot, he looked after the students to see if their clothes were suitable, whether they had eaten breakfast in the morning, and whether they had brought all kinds of learning equipment. Before group activities, we should arrange necessary supplies for students. It seems very common, because this is the most basic work as a class teacher. In fact, this is the concrete embodiment of a class teacher's love. As a head teacher, she is also good at organizing and managing students. She leaves school late in the afternoon, urges students to clean up, arrives at school early in the morning, checks homework, and organizes early reading.

The head teacher has seats for exercises in class and queuing for meetings. Every semester's opening plan, final summary, weekly meeting, irregular class work meeting, student union, classroom arrangement, blackboard newspaper, theme class meeting and other work should be in place. With the occasional events and family visits every day, the time spent cannot be calculated. She used to do these jobs herself. During a period of guidance, she gradually cultivated the backbone of a team of classes to let students manage themselves. This not only makes the class teacher relaxed, but also cultivates the organizational ability of class cadres. In the class, the monitor is generally responsible for everything, but the specific work is assigned to each member of the class committee. The monitor is responsible for daily work such as early reading and morning exercises; The blackboard newspaper in the classroom is in the charge of the publicity committee, and the teacher gives proper guidance. The study committee and representatives of various departments are responsible for learning. Of course, the head teacher should check and guide at any time and anywhere. Their class cadres can arrange all kinds of activities organized by the school in good order.

In just one year, the class she led took the lead in learning, sports, literature and art, health and discipline, and was repeatedly rated as the advanced class collective of the county and city.

2、 Be loving, careful and patient, and become a good teacher and friend for students

During her six years as a front-line teacher, she insisted on "everything is for the students, everything for the students", starting from cultivating and establishing a new type of equal relationship between teachers and students, looking for the window of students' spiritual world, and teaching and educating people on the basis of knowing people. Her students are not afraid of her, but also very close to her, and are willing to tell her any psychological words. Therefore, her words always reach the heart of the students.

"Love is the golden key to open the hearts of students. You can't let a poor student fall behind. There are no students who can't teach well, only teachers who can't teach. As long as you have love, patience and perseverance for poor students, you can..." She said so and did the same. In her class, there is such a student named Wang Junwei, whose parents are old and disabled. Life at home is hard, and I am often bullied by my classmates. Living in this situation, he did not have the joy of childhood. He was always silent and timid when talking to others, which made people feel pain in their hearts. Teacher Wang always pays more attention to students like him and understands his difficulties in life and study in time. At the same time, he talked with the students who bullied him many times and praised the students who helped him. After all, the student's heart is innocent and pure. Gradually, he is less bullied and more helped. He feels the warmth of home. In the evaluation form for teachers, Wang Junwei always writes such a common and heartfelt sentence: "Teacher, you are like my mother, and I will study hard to repay you!"

Mr. Wang has a high sense of love and responsibility for his students. She believes that as a teacher, not giving up any student should be the most basic principle.

Wang Yahong is also a student in her class. Her parents died. She lives with her grandparents. Due to the lack of parental care and education, Wang Yahong is withdrawn, often late and absent from class. She often quarrels with her classmates because of little things and does not do homework, becoming a headache for the teacher. Seeing all this, Mr. Wang did not endlessly scold and ridicule her for violating discipline, but cared for her and loved her with the love of a family member. Guide her to develop good living habits, point out her words and deeds that violate discipline, and tell her not to do homework. Teacher Wang accompanies her to finish her homework every afternoon and then sends her home. Sincere love can be like a volcano, warming the cold heart. Once she proposed her determination to the teacher to ensure that she could finish her homework independently, and she fulfilled her promise with her actions. When he left school after graduation, the child could not control his inner feelings. He burst into tears and hugged his teacher tightly.

"It's a mountain stone that can attack jade." For six years, she has poured out a garden of peach and plum fragrance with her own sweat. In the education garden, she gained the respect of students, the recognition of parents, the praise of leaders and colleagues with enthusiasm.

3、 Be strict with yourself and pay attention to the cultivation of teachers' morality

Miss Wang has a high sense of responsibility and goal in mind. She puts her love for education in the first place, pays attention to being a teacher, strengthens professional ethics, bases herself on her own duty, studies business diligently, and strives to improve cultural expertise and education and teaching skills. Actively participate in political and business studies, do not be late or leave early, correct educational ideas, love education, adhere to equal emphasis on education, and fully implement the Party's educational policy. In terms of the work of the Young Pioneers, she actively organized members to participate in various activities, enriched everyone's spare time life, and further improved the quality of the Young Pioneers.

In terms of daily life, she has high standards and strict requirements for herself, strictly abides by national laws and regulations, follows the rules and regulations of the school, is willing to contribute, works hard, and devotes herself to every task assigned to her by the leadership. Pay attention to the cultivation of teachers' morality, always remember that "learning from high school is a teacher, and being upright is a model", always pay attention to your words and deeds, set an example in front of colleagues and students, and strive to become a recognized qualified and even excellent young teacher.

Marx said that people should have some spiritual pursuit to live. She firmly believes in this famous saying. Therefore, while doing her job well, she also longs for more opportunities to exercise herself, constantly improve herself and surpass herself. Therefore, since she entered the primary school, she has actively participated in various teaching and evaluation activities, and has served as the task of observing and observing classes and opening classes for many times, so that she can make achievements on the education stage.

Mr. Wang is like this. With his passion for his career, love for his students, enthusiasm for his work, and confidence in the future, he has been conscientious and selfless in his education posts, and has made continuous achievements in just six years of work. In, her thesis "Classroom Reform and Innovative Education in Mathematics" won the third prize in the municipal paper competition; In May 2006, Mr. Wang was named as the model head teacher of the county; In 2004, he was successively awarded as the model teacher and excellent instructor of the joint school; He was rated as the advanced individual of the county's general education in September, and as the county's teaching expert in December. His paper How to Cultivate Students' Reading Ability also won the prize that year.

Miss Wang firmly believes that achievements will always belong to the past. Only by constantly improving herself can we continue to maintain a good teaching ethics and style. On the ordinary three platforms, with the spirit of spring silkworm and the character of candle, she will do her part and responsibility for the future of the motherland. She firmly believes that this is the endless dedication and pursuit of an excellent people's teacher.

Main deeds of teachers' personal awards 13

Sun xx, from Dongshao Central Primary School, I have been working as a teacher for 25 years. For the past 25 years, I have always loved the profession of teacher. In my work, I have conscientiously implemented the Party's education policy, earnestly fulfilled the responsibility of teaching and educating people, strictly obeyed the school's work arrangement, united comrades, cared for students, worked hard, was willing to contribute, and was strict with myself, They are loved by students, respected by parents, praised by colleagues and trusted by leaders.

1、 Caring for students and building excellent talents.

For 25 years, I have been working as a class teacher, and the class management has been very effective. I pay attention to the construction of class atmosphere and style of study. I care about students ideologically, close to students emotionally, and care about students in life. I try every possible way to mobilize students' learning motivation. The teacher-student relationship is very harmonious, which greatly stimulates the students' enthusiasm for learning. Therefore, the class atmosphere of my class is good and the style of study is strong. The class has excellent performance in various evaluations, ranks first in the regular management assessment, and is far ahead in the regular periodic learning examination. At the same time, students are required to learn how to behave and be useful to society. I attach great importance to the improvement of students' political and ideological quality, and exchange my love for students' sincerity. Sometimes, in order to save a fallen goose, I often give up my rest time, carry out home visits, talk with students individually, understand students' psychological dynamics, communicate with parents privately, understand students' family conditions, and patiently and meticulously do a good job in the transformation of underachievers. With my encouragement and help, many students have rebuilt their confidence in learning and raised their ideal sails.

2、 Love work, create excellence and different achievements.

Twenty five years of education and teaching work has made me deeply understand that education and teaching work is of great responsibility. From a small point of view, it is related to the future and destiny of individuals and families. In general, it is related to the rise and fall and development of the nation and the country. Therefore, I have never regarded teachers as a simple career to earn a living, but as a career that I have pursued all my life and devoted myself wholeheartedly. Therefore, I have always been diligent, down-to-earth, meticulous and outstanding in my work. I usually pay attention to the improvement of my knowledge and professional quality.

"Morality is the foundation of teachers" As a teacher, the cultivation of teacher's morality is the most important. To be a teacher, first of all, is to be a person, a sincere person, and an honest person. Whether in daily teaching or in life, whether in front of students or colleagues, I pay attention to my perfect image, use my personality charm to impress and infect people, establish the lofty ideal of selfless dedication and highly responsible dedication to education, and turn love for students and dedication to career into conscious action. Under my influence, some naughty students became docile, and they also realized their own shortcomings and mistakes.

Love is an eternal topic. Teachers' love for students is a kind of sincerity that dedicates all their hearts and talents to children. This kind of love is selfless, it should be unreservedly dedicated to all students; This kind of love is deep, which is contained in everything we do for all students; This kind of love is sacred, and it melts into a harmonious friendship. I have won the respect of students and the trust of parents with my love.

The core of teacher morality is love. Without love, there is no education. Whenever I look at the smiling faces of children, listen to the sincere words, and feel the happiness when love collides with love, I feel as if I have entered the most brilliant moment in my life. With the development of economy and the progress of society, left behind children came into being. Such students lack the care and supervision of their parents in their daily life, and their behavior has become lax. Some begin to fall in love with online games, and some even fight in groups, resulting in a decline in academic performance. Seeing this, I targeted ideological education to them, held many targeted theme conferences using the class team meeting, and changed their bad habits. For those students who are slow in thinking and low in intelligence, I will never abandon them. I will patiently help them find their bright spots and praise them in time to build their self-confidence. At the same time, we designate top students in our class to be their little teachers and help them care about them enthusiastically so that they are not alone. I will use all the time I can to find out and fill in the gaps of the knowledge I learned that day, and give them patient guidance.

I deeply felt the impact of a student with learning difficulties on the class, and more clearly understood the importance of transforming students with learning difficulties, so I decided to start with the worst students and play the role of point to area. For example, there is a student in the class called Mindfulness, who requires parents to call their teachers regularly and contact them in time. Every night, they take time out to supervise and coach their children and complete their homework with quality and quantity guaranteed. Then, according to the characteristics of his flexible mind, give him the opportunity to express himself. In class, he is often encouraged to speak and answer questions, so that he has confidence in learning. Whenever I have time, I will talk with him and follow his progress. Through one semester's hard work, I finally got a return and achieved good results in all aspects.

For decades, he has selflessly dedicated his life on the three feet platform, and watered seedlings with true feelings and love to grow up healthily without regrets.

Main deeds of teachers' personal awards 14

Fu Laiying, a teacher in our school, always adheres to the Party's educational policy in education and teaching. Face all students, teach and educate people, and be a teacher. Establish the teaching idea of "taking students as the main body" and "cultivating students' active development" as the center. Pay attention to the development of students' personality and stimulate their creativity. Be able to obey the division of labor of leaders, actively do their own work, assume the general affairs of the school, and be based on the actual situation of the school. School work is not divided into internal and external work. Carry forward the spirit of fearing hardship and being pragmatic and pioneering. It can fully implement the Party's education policy, focus on improving the quality of education and teaching, carry out in-depth classroom teaching reform, standardize class management, and strengthen the improvement of teaching quality.

1、 Cultivate students with fraternity

She was able to comprehensively promote the new curriculum reform, cultivate and educate students with a kind and fraternal heart, and won the students' love, parents' trust, and the praise of leaders and teachers. In the school's work evaluation, they are often rated as excellent. Be able to carry out class work creatively. The class style is good, the style of study is strong, and the results are good. The results of each test are always among the best. She pays attention to infecting students with love and patience, and actively helps students, especially poor students and left behind students. She gives more love and more devotion. There was a student in the class whose family was very poor, whose grandmother was half paralyzed, and whose parents were divorced. He was tasting the hardships of life at a young age. In order to help the student out of his predicament, she suggested that the whole class hold a charity donation activity for him, and donated a total of more than 40 yuan and some school supplies. He also held a special meeting in his class, organized a "help group", and arranged students to go to his home every day to help with housework. From this series of activities, not only helped this student out of the shadow of misfortune, but also other students learned to unite, help each other, and offer love.

2、 Hard work and dedication

In her work, she can insist on coming in early and leaving late every day, be close to students, devote herself to education and teaching work, and impart her morality, knowledge, talent and learning to students without reservation. I deeply feel that there will be a harvest if you work hard. In her more than 20 years of work, there were countless dilemmas, work career and family, for which she paid a huge price and had a clear conscience. She can put work first. For all the children, there are many times when she faces those young eyes who are eager for knowledge. A sense of mission and responsibility drives her to choose her students and give up a lot of family for them. Many times, she entrusted her children to others and insisted on working at school when her lover was sick. I suffered from cervical and lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, chronic pharyngitis, and never affected my work. No matter how hard or tired she gritted her teeth to resist. When she saw the substantial improvement of students' comprehensive quality, she felt extremely gratified. For the sake of career, I would like to devote myself and show my teacher's demeanor.

3、 Diligent research and sincere dedication

During her work, she has been able to prepare lessons carefully and study textbooks. In combination with the actual situation of the current students, ask for the quality of 40 minutes, so that students can understand in class and learn the learning methods taught to students. In order to have a good class, we should find out our own shortcomings every time. In this way, we should constantly enrich and improve our teaching level. To give students a drop of water, teachers should first have a bucket of water, especially in today's era of very rapid knowledge update, in order to better adapt to teaching work. She can actively participate in various studies, such as "national training". Her hard work earned praise from leaders at all levels, and her seriousness in teaching and care for students won unanimous praise from parents.

These achievements made her more deeply realize that it is the three foot platform that has given her so much inspiration and inspiration, given me so many hints and meanings in life, and felt so much joy of self sublimation. In the process of comprehensively promoting the new curriculum reform, we have the courage to stand in the front, establish a noble professional ethics of teachers, contribute our own strength to the training of qualified successors across the century, and truly achieve "dedication to education, no regrets in this life".

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 15

Comrade Qi. Since August 2001, I have worked as a head teacher for 12 years. As a teacher in charge of a class, he works steadfastly and conscientiously, with proper methods, and has been praised by students and leaders alike. At the same time, from the day when he served as the head teacher, he had tasted the sweet, bitter and hot tastes of the head teacher.

1、 Set an example, selfless and selfless, and set an example for students.

He pays special attention to his words and deeds in his work. If he asks students to do so, he should go ahead and give them an example. For example, in terms of class, students are required not to be late. They must stand at the door of the classroom or have already stood on the platform when the bell rings, so that students have no reason to be late. Over the years, no matter how bad the weather is, he always stands in the classroom at 7:00 every day. Students are used to it and will not be late. Therefore, in the work of the head teacher, it is better to do as he does rather than ask the students to do as he says. He has won many honors in the city. For example, on June 15, 2013, Class 8, Grade 3, was rated as a municipal excellent class collective; In March 2016, the Class 8 of Senior Three he led was rated as a municipal excellent class collective; In November 2017, Class 8, Senior Three, which she led, was rated as a municipal excellent class group.

2、 Caring for students and giving their full love.

In order to make students become useful and bring them to an ideal situation, we must care for them and be their confidants. Comrade Qi took "moving with emotion, guiding with action, being reasonable and persevering" as the motto of caring for students. Since he worked as a head teacher, he has never physically punished students. Even if students make mistakes, they can be calm and take the right medicine. There are dozens of children from rural migrant families and divorced parents in the class. With his meticulous and patient work, they can all live and study in this harmonious family.

3、 Believe students, respect students, and do a good job in ideological and psychological education of students.

A teacher believes in students and respects them. It is easy for excellent students to do so, but it is difficult for students with poor learning and quality to do so. But the important aspect of class work lies in these students. He believes that every student has his own creative strengths, and should allow for differences and patient guidance. In addition, every student has certain strengths and highlights. We should be good at discovering students' strengths, seize every educational opportunity, and timely praise and encourage them. Be considerate of the backward students, cultivate their self-confidence, self-esteem and self-improvement, so that the backward students will not be left behind.

4、 Attach importance to the development of theme class meetings and theme group meetings.

Comrade Qi attaches great importance to the effectiveness of each theme class meeting and theme group meeting, so that each activity will impress students and guide their words and deeds in the future. Their class regularly holds class group meeting activities related to teaching and life safety twice a week. For example, the class meeting on Monday emphasized and praised some things or explained the necessity of safety education, and the theme group meeting on Tuesday, talking about experiences and participating in reading activities. Through carrying out colorful class cultural activities, optimizing the class cultural environment and enriching the students' spiritual life, we can promote the comprehensive development of students' comprehensive quality. In addition, he also actively organized theme class group meetings in the form of knowledge contests, speech contests, entertainment performances, etc. to show students' talents in all aspects and develop their personalities. Let students organize, manage and develop by themselves, and gradually form a healthy, progressive, united and cooperative class collective.

In a word, when he was a head teacher, he started with ideological education, focused on improving learning methods, and used discipline management as a means to achieve the goal of mobilizing students' enthusiasm for learning in an all-round way.

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 16

He xx, female, Han nationality, bachelor's degree, a secondary teacher of Changning County Kindergarten, is now the head teacher of Class 5 of Xingning Branch of Changning County Kindergarten. Since teaching for 15 years, she has been like a big tree, deeply rooted in the soil of preschool education, protected and caressed a batch of small babies with the dense branches and leaves, and cultivated a batch of healthy and sunny children. She always regards learning as a responsibility, constantly strengthens professional learning, strives to improve her comprehensive quality, comprehensively learns the Ten Principles of Professional Conduct for Kindergarten Teachers in the New Era, and carefully interprets the Learning and Development Guide for Children Aged 3-6. Actively prepare lessons, teach in a way that children like, constantly stimulate children's learning motivation, timely reflect on the gains and losses of each activity, and find out the existing problems. In the process of leading the class, we should focus on the essence of dedication and dedication to the post, always put children first, follow their steps, support and observe children, and grow together with them. She loves the work of preschool education, regards the hard work of teachers as a sacred cause, always adheres to the concept of "being kind to children, making children happy in kindergarten, being enthusiastic to parents, and making parents feel at ease with teachers", bases herself on her position, scrupulously fulfills her duties, always focuses on the overall situation of her work, conscientiously performs her duties as a class teacher, and successfully completes all ages Education and teaching in various fields.

During the period of teaching in small classes, in view of the characteristics of young children who have just entered the kindergarten, are young and have poor ability to take care of themselves, start with stabilizing children's emotions and cultivating children's daily routine training, organize children's one-day game teaching activities, make full use of various games, organize and guide children's learning randomly, so that they can learn children's songs and music rhythms in a relaxed and pleasant environment, Listening to interesting stories has laid a solid foundation for entering the middle class. During her teaching work in medium and large classes, she carefully formulated teaching plans in various fields, grasped the teaching focus, adjusted the input of change operation materials according to the interest points of children in medium and large classes and the progress of the theme activity of linking young children with young children, learned about children, generated activities, taught children in accordance with their aptitude, and paid attention to the cultivation of children's good behavior habits and learning quality, They have made full preparations for their adaptation to primary school life as soon as possible and their smooth transition to the role of primary school students. The ancients said: "The teacher is a model of people.". She has always followed this practice. In the cooperation with the teachers in the class, I never care about personal gains and losses. I set an example to guide and help young teachers to grow rapidly while doing my own work. In the communication and cooperation with parents, I know how to think in terms of empathy. For the sake of children's joint efforts, my class has a positive and progressive class atmosphere, which has been unanimously praised by leaders, colleagues and parents. It has won the honorary titles of "Excellent Head Teacher" of Changning County and "Excellent Teacher" of Changning County Kindergarten for many consecutive years. Suhomlinski said: loving children is the most important thing in teachers' life. In the future, she will continue to work hard to become a "Four Haves" good teacher with ideals, beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge and benevolence. Nurture children's hearts with sincere love; With encouraging embrace, accompany the growth of children; Sprinkle warm rain and dew on children's hearts.

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 17

Shanxi came to Qiongzhong, Hainan Province, deep in Wuzhi Mountain, as a volunteer. He is going to form a women's football team here. When selecting the team members, Xiao xx asked a group of girls in the age of xx: Do you know what football is? The girls answered with one voice: Yes! Then I ask you what is football? A girl replied, "Football is volleyball. Kick with your feet!"! This is what happened when Xiao xx selected women's football players eight years ago. The children have no idea what football is. And missed the best training period. Xiao xx hesitated once. But as a professional football player, he saw the potential of these barefoot girls running in the mountains. Although Hainan girls are thin and thin, they are powerful. I said you run like an antelope. In Xiao xx's opinion, pieces of rough jade can be polished and shaped in the wind and rain. From then on, Xiao xx led the team to train on the playground of Qiongzhong Middle School at 5:00 every morning, rain or shine. Never stop.

You two come back! No matter how heavy the rain, wind and sun are, we will stand on the training ground on time, Xiao xx said. Every day. Come on, women's football! When commenting in the rain, Xiao xx said, "If you play more rain balls, you will gradually master them.". Although playing high, when the air ball is playing, the shot must be fired when stopping the ball. If you can't hold the point, it will be over. Go back to take a bath and change clothes, don't catch cold! More difficult than physical training is that the team is seriously short of funds. With intensive training, each person has only five yuan a day for meals. The children simply can't eat enough. So Xiao xx took the children to open up wasteland and grow vegetables. He collected waste products and sold them for money to supplement nutrition for the children. The equipment is insufficient, and the shoes and socks have been mended again and again. Xiao xx took out his salary for supporting education and subsidized it to the children. For six years, Xiao xx has devoted all his energy and passion to this team. His hair has turned white and he has lost 40 jin. His wife Wu Xiaoli has been the free doctor, cook and dormitory keeper of the football team. The two have no children of their own. Rainbow rain clangs roses.

Qiongzhong Women's Football is like a grass, growing tenaciously in the cracks. The girls' xx point endurance run even reached the level of male professional athletes in the CSL. They were also called "Gummy" teams by their opponents. Xiao xx said: "The technology is not the best, but it is the most tenacious and tenacious. At least I am faster than you. I fight harder than you are enough. This is our essence. I see a spirit, temper will, temper physical ability, temper spirit." Xiao xx led the girls all the way to the national championship and won the third place. Two male and female players were selected into the national youth team for training. All 13 players were escorted to college. Xiao xx taught these girls not only to play football, but also to win on the football field, and also to change their destiny with will, faith and hard work. Xiao xx said: Now I hope the children can fly higher and go to the national team to do something for Chinese football.

Main deeds of teachers' personal awards 18

Xiao Jun worked in the supply and marketing department of the First Division in 20xx. In December 2018, the agricultural means of production company started three system reforms to publicly compete for the regional manager. As an outstanding backbone of the company, he successfully competed for the position of sales manager in the agricultural means of production company of Hetian District.

1、 Family harmony, filial piety and loving relatives

It is often said that "home and everything prosper", and home and cohesion, affinity. In times of hardship, family love comes from home; When you are sad, home and comfort; When under heavy pressure, home and power; When depressed, home and out of strong. Home is sweet, warm and romantic, but also the journey of life. Xiaojun's home is a warm and happy family of six people: parents, Xiaojun, his lover Yu Xue, and two children. The family abides by laws and disciplines, respects and loves each other, is proactive, loves life, is willing to help others, and has a harmonious family and neighborhood. In the small army family, they often exchange ideas, learn from each other, and enlighten each other in case of difficulties. Their common life experience makes them closer to each other, and they cherish the hard won happy life. When they have different opinions, they can always communicate with a rational attitude. This warm and harmonious family atmosphere is an example for neighbors and colleagues to learn from.

The family members of Xiaojun can have love in their hearts, and only when they have love can they spare no effort to build a harmonious and warm home; Only with love can we enjoy the sweet rain and the torrential rain. Whenever they encounter difficulties in life, they are always able to support each other and face them together, which is due to the support of love.

The husband and wife of Xiaojun are filial to their elders and care for them. Since their marriage, he and his wife have shown great respect and filial piety to their elders. They not only take care of their life, but also consult them on family matters, making them feel respected. Every word and deed and every action of the Xiaojun couple has the function of teaching their children by example, edifying them and imperceptibly influencing them. As parents, they constantly revise and improve themselves, and strive to set a good example for their children to learn to be honest, trustworthy and filial to the elderly. Under their words and deeds, their son is polite, sensible, healthy and lively. He knows how to think for adults at a young age. The family loved each other, no matter how great the difficulties and hardships were.

2、 Diligent and thrifty housekeeping, advocating environmental protection

Diligence and thrift are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Xiaojun and his wife are hard-working, hardworking and frugal. They advocate a civilized and scientific lifestyle, pay attention to scientific financing, reasonable consumption and thrift. In life, they can reasonably arrange their expenses according to their monthly salary income. Their clothes, clothing and daily necessities never pursue fashion and famous brands. They should be neat, simple, generous and practical. At the same time, they also control their children's pocket money, educate them to spend reasonably, and let them form the good habit of thrift from childhood. They often teach their sons: "Although the living conditions are getting better and better, the tradition of frugal housekeeping cannot be lost. Every little thing in life should start from every little thing.". Everything in the house can be repaired and used. It is never easy to discard it. Try to make it work again. At ordinary times, people should turn off the lights when they walk, develop a good habit of turning off the lights at will, and pay attention to saving every kilowatt hour of electricity and every drop of water. This sense of thrift has penetrated into every family member and has become a good living habit of the whole family. At the same time, they can do a good job in personal, family and workplace hygiene. The family environment is clean, polite and has developed good civilized habits, and consciously maintains the public health and public interests of the residential area. When children are very young, they often educate them to establish the awareness of environmental protection.

3、 Patriotic, law-abiding and honest

In daily life, their family can actively maintain social morality, be honest and trustworthy, consciously abide by various laws and regulations and public order, safeguard national and collective interests, and actively fulfill citizens' rights and obligations. In his work, he has always been strict with himself as a Communist Party member, adhere to the principle of integrity, be strict with himself and lenient to others.

4、 Neighborhood harmony, enthusiastic public welfare

Some people say that if love only stays between one family, then this kind of love is a small love. But if this kind of love and this kind of love are extended to relatives, friends, neighbors and strangers, what is achieved is a great love. The harmony of a family is not only to care and care for its own family, but also to deal with the neighborhood relations and live in harmony with its neighbors. In dealing with neighborhood relations, the whole family has always adhered to the concept of "neighborhood relations are like brothers, like brothers". As long as the neighbors have difficulties, as long as they can, they will certainly extend a hand of friendship, take the initiative to help everyone, and solve problems for everyone. Only when everyone is happy, is the real happiness.

There are many ethnic minority comrades in Hotan. During the past two years in Hotan, Xiao Jun has also made many ethnic minority friends due to business development. They are good partners in work and good friends in life. All problems encountered by ethnic minority friends in the process of planting and fertilization will be fed back to him in a timely manner, And he would put down his work to solve their problems as soon as possible, and won a good reputation. They all hope to contribute to the creation of a beautiful and harmonious society through their own modest efforts and practical actions.

5、 I love my job and care for everyone

When Xiao Jun first arrived in Hotan, his child was born less than two months ago. Because he had no time to go home during the busy season of spring plowing and farming every year, when he came home after the sales work was over, the child did not know him at all. Although his wife complained, she still supported and understood his work as always. He explained to his wife many times that the colleagues in the company's branch outside the teachers' office had been so persistent in their work for years. For these family matters, he also suffered and secretly shed tears, feeling sorry for his family, especially the newborn child. But we should not delay our work or be discouraged. After careful consideration, he decided to take his wife and children to Hotan together. In order to save money, three members of their family lived in the office. With the support of his family, although the conditions are very difficult, his family is happy together, and at the same time, he has solved his worries.

Yu Xue, Xiaojun's wife, in order to reduce his ideological burden, all housework and childcare are undertaken by her alone, but she never has complaints, does her best to do housework, never adds a trace of trouble to him, and wholeheartedly supports her husband's work and career. In order to educate her son well, Yu Xue attaches great importance to the ideological education of children's world outlook, outlook on life and values, focuses on cultivating children's learning interest and living habits, and often warns children to be people who have made contributions to the society. Yu Xue's understanding and support enabled her husband's work to be carried out smoothly and orderly, and achieved good sales performance. In 2019, she was rated as "excellent worker".

Hand in hand with each other in spring, summer, autumn and winter, the Xiaojun family helped each other through thick and thin, and overcame all kinds of difficulties in work and life together. They never blushed or quarreled over trivial matters in life. They exchanged their diligence, thrift, sincerity, kindness and filial piety for family happiness and happiness. The family interprets the profound connotation of civilized, harmonious and most beautiful family with their own practical actions.

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 19

Xiaoming is an ordinary front-line teacher. Because of her research and hard work, her teaching level and ability have been praised by parents and recognized by students. In terms of teaching content, methods, means and other aspects, we have discussed with students to reach a consensus and truly achieve "learning determines teaching and learning benefits each other"; After class, communicate with students in time. She also shows great care for students in life, so she was rated as a "model of teacher's ethics" by students.

Xiaoming is a dedicated person in teaching. Her students like her subjects and are aggressive in math classes. This shows her efforts and dedication to the children. Comrade Xiao Ming has devoted his heart and soul to the education cause, sowing beautiful hope and harvesting brilliant life. Her professionalism has not only touched students and parents, but also touched every educator in No. 6 Middle School, and has become an example and force for us to learn.

Main deeds of teachers' personal awards 20

My name is Duan xx, now 52 years old, and I am a teacher of Meizhong Experimental Primary School. It has been 36 years since I was engaged in education in XX77. In my 36 years of teaching career, I have always taken "learning hard as a teacher and moral integrity as a model" as my motto. I am conscientious, hardworking, dedicated, and selfless. With my diligence, simplicity, wisdom, and love, I have written the common career of rural female teachers in a colorful way.

1、 Loyal to the Party's educational cause

Noble ideological quality, strong professional ability and extensive knowledge are the primary conditions for completing teaching tasks and doing teaching well. The quality of teachers' professional ethics is directly related to the healthy growth of students. In order to do a good job in the school and class work, I am strict with myself, and I pay attention to setting an example in everything, consciously abide by the rules and regulations of the school, always play a role of model and lead everywhere, and try my best to do what students are required to do first.

As an ordinary rural female teacher, I have always regarded this work as my own life for 36 years. Since I stepped into the teaching arena, stood on the lofty three foot platform, looked at the lovely and childish faces, and saw those thirsty eyes, I felt a noble and heavy sense of responsibility. In addition to ensuring that I could do well in every class, I also took on the responsibility of being meticulous The specific and hard work of the head teacher combines teaching with educating people, so that every student can become a person who has both ability and integrity and is beneficial to society. I know that the responsibility of teachers is heavier than Mount Tai, and the bright future of the motherland depends on us to describe. In order to do a good job in education, I gave up many opportunities for good work and high income. In the 25 years from being a private teacher in XX77 to becoming a regular teacher in 2002, the salary increased from a few dollars a month to dozens of dollars. The income is very low, life is very difficult, and at the same time, there are elderly parents, I have children to support and go to school. The burden is very heavy. Good people advised me to quit my job as a private teacher and go to the city to seek gold. Others called me and asked me to work there. Their income is quite high. It is true that my family really needs money. Some people of my age are rich, and some live in buildings and live a rich life, I was also moved by the rich life, but when I went to school, I saw lovely students, and thought about their growing up and bringing benefits to the society, my current hardships and difficulties disappeared. I unconsciously fell in love with teachers, let alone not doing education, and it was as painful as how much debt I owed students if I missed a class.

Due to years of hard work, I have made remarkable achievements in the ranks of private teachers in the educational front for many consecutive years. At my strong request, the Party organization recruited me to join the Communist Party of China and became a Communist party member in the educational front. I am proud that I was the first member of the private teachers to join the Party, loyal to the Party's educational cause, As a model and leader of the Party members, I took the Code of Professional Ethics for Primary and Secondary School Teachers as the criterion, strictly required myself, worked hard to improve my moral cultivation, devoted my full love for the Party's education to ordinary and magnificent educational posts, made outstanding achievements in education and teaching, and delivered satisfactory answers to the Party and the people, In 20xx, he was rated as an "advanced teacher in moral education" and an "excellent class teacher" by the Education Bureau of Xin County. In 20xx and 20xx, he was rated as an "excellent teacher" by the Meizhong Town Committee and the People's Government for two consecutive years. He was rated as an "excellent teacher with excellent teaching achievements" by the Meizhong Town Union School. In 2009, he was rated as an "excellent teacher" by the Meizhong Town Government. In 20xx, he was rated as an "excellent class teacher" by the Meizhong Town Government, In 20xx, he was awarded the title of "Excellent Class Teacher" by the People's Government of Xin County, and in 20xx, he was awarded the title of "Excellent Teacher" by Meizhong Town Government.

2、 Work hard to improve comprehensive quality

Teachers are the ladder of human civilization and progress. I know that as a teacher, my comprehensive quality is very important. Only with higher comprehensive quality can we cultivate high-quality talents. For this reason, since the first day of working, I have taken improving my overall quality as the primary task. I always adhere to the principle of "preparing every class well and speaking every class well". At the same time, after school, I give up housework at home, reduce the time to take care of children and parents, study education and teaching knowledge hard, and strive to improve my overall quality. In the four years from xx 83 to xx 87, I squeeze out the time to do responsibility fields and housework every Saturday and Sunday, I went to Shenxian County Further Education School to participate in secondary normal school training, which greatly improved my education and teaching level. In order to adapt to the new teaching method, In 1999, I was admitted to Shenxian Normal School by my own efforts. Two years of study has further matured my teaching ability, and the teaching quality and performance have improved year by year. During the 36 years of teaching, the performance of my classes has always ranked first and second in the same grade in the town. It is no exaggeration to say that my good performance for more than 30 years in a row is the result of my hard work and labor. At the same time, It also received a lot of praise and encouragement. In 20xx, it was rated as a "teaching expert" by the Shenxian Education Bureau. In xxxx, two papers were rated as the first prize of the whole county by the Publicity Department of the County Party Committee, the County Education Committee, and the Teaching and Research Section of the Education Commission, In 1999, the open class was held, and the certificate issued by the county education committee was obtained. In 20xx, the excellent moral education paper was awarded by the county education bureau. The paper written in 20xx was reviewed by the expert group of the training center of the Central Institute of Education Sciences and won the first prize. In 20xx, three papers were respectively awarded the second prize by the Shenxian Education Bureau; in 20xx, they were awarded the third prize by the Shenxian Education Bureau as "teachers with excellent teaching achievements"; in 20xx, two papers were respectively awarded the second prize by the Shenxian Education Bureau and the Education Trade Union; in 20xx, they were awarded the "Advanced Individual in Education" by the Shenxian Education Bureau.

3、 Great love in the world makes teachers and students love each other deeply

"Your love is more severe than father's love, more exquisite than mother's love, more pure than fraternity. Your teacher's love is the greatest and highest in the world! Teacher Duan, I think of you again when the Teacher's Day comes", "Teacher, the light of wisdom that emanates from my body is always shining with the spark you ignited. When the Spring Festival comes, students in Qinghai will bless you", "Children who love themselves are human beings, children who love others are gods, and you are the supreme god in my heart, teacher Duan" ··································································································, And I miss the students who work and fight on all fronts. Over the past 36 years, I don't know how many students unintentionally called my teacher "Mom" by mistake, which caused other students to roar with laughter, but my heart was warm and heavy. Over the years, I have sent off a number of students. The last class before graduation is the one in my most troubled mood. I can't bear to see the tears in the children's eyes when they are about to leave me, and I can't bear to see the collective reluctant scene of students around me before they leave school.

I spread my love to every student's heart. Zhao Caihong, whose mother died and her father went out to work, had no one to take care of her when she was young. I took her home, ate and lived at home, and took her with me after school. People who did not know about her mistook her for my daughter, so she persisted for more than a year. When I was teaching in Lizhuang Primary School, there were several students in Nianying Village. I was afraid that they would have a safety accident on their way home from school. Every time after school, I sent some of them to the village entrance, which has lasted for three years. Wang Haipeng's family was very difficult because his father died and his mother married. I visited his family and saw that their brothers were dependent on each other and lacked clothes. Seeing this, I felt pain in my heart. When I returned home, I immediately changed a bag of white noodles to send them and gave them money to solve urgent problems. When I returned to school, I called on all teachers and students of the school to give love, and the students responded positively, To donate the money I saved, I took the initiative to undertake Wang Haipeng's tuition and book fees for three years, writing a new chapter of love and dedication.

A famous person said that "the love of teachers is a great force to shape the soul of students". I regard students as an indispensable part of life. With the growth of age and the increasing pressure of work, I suffered from serious and stubborn hypertension and hyperosteogeny. For several years, I have relied on medicine to sustain myself. But for the sake of lovely students and the future of the motherland, I did not miss a class for students. Especially in the three years from xxxx to 2000, my 80 year old mother fell ill in bed and could not take care of herself. I am an only child, The burden of taking care of my mother is on me alone. I teach in school during the day, go home to take care of my mother after class, and accompany my mother at night. The unbearable burden of ordinary people almost overwhelmed me, who had high blood pressure, and secretly infused fluids for several days. In this way, I insisted on it for three years until my mother died. During these three years, I was strong, There was no delay in a class for students, and the teaching performance remained at the forefront of the town.

Decades of teaching work have made me deeply realize that a person who aspires to make contributions to the education cause, caring for students is the foundation of success in his career. My career is extending on the three foot platform. I want to dedicate my love, my wisdom and my entire life to students, and work hard in education, a fertile land with ordinary and infinite vitality, Silent dedication.

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 21

Qiu xx is a physical education teacher of Langfang No. 7 Middle School, a national outstanding physical education teacher, a special grade teacher, a famous discipline teacher, a backbone teacher and an expert in basic education in Hebei Province, a middle-aged talent with outstanding contributions in Langfang City, a commander-in-chief of the New Long March, a national aerobics and cheerleading coach and referee, and a host of provincial famous teacher studios.

In 2001, after Qiu xx was transferred to Langfang No. 7 Middle School, he volunteered to form an aerobics school team. Within two months, he received the task of participating in the provincial games. Time is tight and the task is heavy. The only way to improve the training effect is to squeeze time. Throughout the summer vacation, Qiu xx spent 16 hours a day in the aerobics room with students.

The first provincial competition won the second place in men's singles and the third place in women's singles. The trophy held on the podium is the fruit of more than 60 days and nights of sharing weal and woe with her students.

No pains, no gains. Qiu xx's sincere efforts are rewarded with love. In the past 20 years, the aerobics team led by her has won 36 national championships, more than 300 provincial and municipal championships, 32 of whom have won the title of "Sports Master", and 266 of whom have won the title of "First Class and Second Class Athletes"; Qiu xx has been awarded as an excellent aerobics coach for more than 30 times. Under her guidance, more than 300 people were admitted to Beijing Normal University and other universities.

"A single flower is not spring, and a hundred flowers bloom in spring". In order to popularize aerobics programs in the city, Qiu xx was employed as the president of Langfang Aerobics Association, and provided professional training in aerobics and cheerleading for teachers on a voluntary basis for more than 200 times. After hard work, he finally led the aerobics athletes of Langfang City's primary and secondary schools out of Langfang and out of Hebei to compete in the national arena.

Main deeds of teachers' personal awards Part 22

Since I started my work, I have been teaching music in Xiangyang Primary School. In recent years, I also served as the head of the school's comprehensive discipline teaching and research team.

1、 Pursue assiduously

During the years in school, the school leaders entrusted me with the important task of taking music lessons from grade one to six. I have developed a set of effective teaching methods according to local conditions and my aptitude: I have moved the electronic organ into the classroom, the percussion instrument into the classroom, the stage of performance into the classroom, and the standard vocal music skills into the classroom. The children's music class is like celebrating the New Year, like entering the palace of art.

With the support and help of the school leaders, I was responsible for organizing many large-scale activities, such as dance competitions, singing competitions, poetry recitations, safety knowledge competitions, talent contests, New Year's Day get-together, and all of them have achieved great success, greatly enriching the campus cultural life of our school.

2、 Art innovation

Over the years, I have been working hard and have no regrets. In order to further improve my own quality, I have subscribed for music teaching in primary and secondary schools, music education in primary schools and other educational magazines at my own expense to timely understand the new theories and teaching methods of art education. At the same time, he actively participated in various trainings organized by the urban area and gained a lot.

3、 Featured performance

As soon as the spring school began last year, the school received the task assigned by the Education and Sports Bureau to prepare the opening ceremony program of the annual spring sports meet. In combination with the martial arts culture of our school, I created children's fight gymnastics. The program combines elements of martial arts, opera, dance and boxing, with cheerful and powerful music, highlighting the new spirit of primary school students in the new era.

This performance won the first prize and creation award in the district, and was praised by the majority of teachers and students. It won honor for the school, and let others affirm the strength of our school. It is right to be tired again.

4、 Endless struggle

Thanks to my unremitting efforts, I have achieved fruitful educational and teaching achievements. In the past two years, I have won the first prize in the primary school quality course contest held in the city in xx, been awarded as an excellent tutor in the "Red Song of Pupils Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" contest held in the district in xx, and won the first prize in the city quality course contest in xx, He was awarded the title of Excellent Tutor in the citywide safety education essay contest in xx, was awarded the title of Excellent Tutor in the "June 1st" performance in xx, and was awarded the title of Excellent Tutor in the "Sunshine Sports" activity in the whole district.

Main deeds of teachers' personal commendation Part 23

Teachers are powerful research assistants of school leaders. In XX and XX, he was rated as an outstanding member of the District Education Association, an advanced individual in education and scientific research, and a member of the Education Association of XX Province. In the experimental stage, she kept practicing, constantly exploring and summarizing experience, and firmly believed that "practice is the only standard for testing truth". The experimental results were displayed in the classroom. In xx, the students were rated as the new math teaching talent in primary school of xx district, in xx, they were rated as excellent teachers in the "famous and excellent" teacher selection activity of xx district, and in xx, they won the all-around prize in the first six basic skills competition for rural primary school teachers in xx northern district. Over the years, she has been able to take scientific research as the starting point, subject as the guide, study hard, work hard, practice bravely in primary school classroom teaching, new curriculum teaching reform and other work, and achieved fruitful results.

When the curriculum reform in our district was fully launched, teacher XX was lucky to become the first batch of trendsetters in our school's curriculum reform. Over the years, she has practiced and really felt the true meaning of the curriculum reform, and constantly pondered and explored in practice. New concepts and new textbooks have brought a new look to education. As a front-line backbone teacher, she attaches great importance to theoretical learning. She usually carefully reads the articles on the new curriculum reform in teaching magazines, studies teaching and scientific research monographs, and carefully listens to various lectures. Through a series of studies, she has constantly updated her teaching philosophy and deepened her understanding of the new curriculum concept. She knows that only by learning and constantly learning can we keep pace with the times. If you don't learn, you will fall behind; if you don't make progress, you will fall behind. In May of xx, teacher xx was recommended by the school to participate in the "Education and Research Backbone Training Class" held by xx District Education Society. The reports of famous teachers such as Yu Hongjun, Zhang Li, Tian Hong and others gave her valuable teaching and research experience. She studied hard and practiced hard. In August, she was rated as the backbone teacher of education and scientific research in xx District.

In the past few years, teacher xx has been persistently chairing or participating in the research work of various educational topics. Under the leadership and guidance of the Teaching Science Institute of the District Education Society and the school leaders, she and several other young teachers actively participated in learning activities. In order to improve her classroom teaching level, she actively participated in various open class teaching activities, learned modestly from her peers, and constantly absorbed nutrition to meet the needs of modern teaching, so that her classroom teaching can keep pace with the pulse of the development of the times, The professional ability and scientific research level have been greatly improved.

I remember someone said that a teacher may not be able to do scientific research, but a teacher who can't do scientific research will not be a good teacher. Since working, XX teacher has always been able to strengthen their own learning, constantly update their educational and teaching concepts, actively participate in various educational and scientific research activities at all levels, and strive to become a research-oriented teacher. From XX to XX, he presided over the implementation of our school's educational and scientific research project during the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period, "Optimizing the classroom structure, improving the reading effect; strengthening reading, learning and writing, and cultivating the writing ability". In XX, he wrote "Teaching with Passion and Joy", which won the second prize in the Jilin Province primary and secondary school teachers' education and scientific research thousand word essay evaluation activity The application of multimedia audio-visual teaching in Chinese teaching, written in XX, won the third prize in the evaluation of audio-visual teaching papers in primary and secondary schools in the city; In 20xx, she was responsible for presiding over the district level educational research project "Research on Happy Mathematics Teaching Strategies in Primary Schools" and led colleagues of the teaching and research group to study happy teaching methods in primary mathematics. Later, how to improve the efficiency of Chinese classroom teaching "won the second prize of the third national high-quality education achievement paper category; The article "Investigation on Mathematics Learning Interest of Primary School Students in Lower Grades" won the second prize in the selection of the research questionnaire report. She has been responsible for public teaching for many times. As a backbone teacher, Ms. XX has devoted herself to participating in various teaching and research activities held by the district and school to the best of her ability, actively learning theoretical knowledge and conducting educational research.

Scientific research experiments need teachers with patience and perseverance to study. She firmly believes that as long as we persevere in scientific research, Chinese education will go global and have hope; She is willing to become a paving stone on the road of scientific research and contribute her modest efforts to scientific research!

Main deeds of teachers' personal awards 24

Xxx, female, born in October of xx, is a senior teacher. She graduated from Henan Normal University with a master's degree in education in 2001. Now he is a math teacher of X Middle School in xxx City, the head of junior high school math group, and a national backbone teacher. Since teaching for 17 years, Mr. xxx has adhered to the front-line work of teaching, worked hard and worked hard, and had noble ethics, winning the respect and love of teachers and students. Over the past 17 years, she has loved learning and worked hard. She has successively obtained bachelor's and master's degrees, becoming a new generation of learning and research scholar teachers. In the past 17 years, she has been committed to teaching reform, pragmatic and innovative, brave to struggle, brave to contribute, and united and cooperative. With a strong sense of professionalism and rigorous academic attitude, she has made remarkable achievements. In the educational circles of Xinxiang City, her personality is a high reputation and prestige in junior high school mathematics teaching, and has made outstanding contributions to the reform and development of junior high school mathematics teaching in xxx City.

1、 The path of scholars is full of frustrations and gains

The youngest leader of the teaching and research team, the highest degree, the best teacher, scholar teacher...... Teacher xxx enjoys a high reputation in X with his noble personality, profound knowledge and unique teaching methods, and is an idol of young teachers. However, who knows how much hard work she has paid on the road of learning

In July 1986, Mr. XX graduated from the Mathematics Department of XX Normal College and was assigned to work in the 12th Middle School. From then on, she embarked on the education journey. Young and beautiful, she works actively and responsibly, is modest and enterprising, has won the love of students, the praise of leading colleagues, and soon became the backbone of the discipline teaching. In 1987, she began to participate in various provincial and municipal teaching contests on behalf of the school for many times, and made her debut in the mathematics teaching circle of Xinxiang junior high school.

Her outstanding performance won the attention of all schools in Xinxiang City. In 1990, teacher xxx was "recruited" to this key middle school by the leaders of xx Middle School and served as the head of the mathematics teaching and research group.

However, the sense of urgency and crisis that lurked in the depths of her mind hit her thoughts from time to time. This anxiety and anxiety came from the strong feeling of the rapid development and ever-changing social life, but also from the profound reflection on education and teaching. Looking back on her teaching practice in the past few years, she thought more and more deeply. As time went by, more and more lectures were given and the teaching materials became more and more familiar. However, in response to the growing popularity of herself, the young faces in the group, and the expectations of students and young teachers, she often felt that knowledge was getting stale and rigid, and how to teach mathematics? How to carry out quality education for students?

"To be a scholar type and research-oriented teacher, this is a recipe for excellent teachers to keep their vitality forever." In 1994, she entered Henan Normal University, from studying for undergraduate to studying for master's degree. From the autumn of 1994 to the summer of 1997, and from the summer of 1999 to the summer of 2002, teacher xxx embarked on a full and busy way of learning, and began her exploration of the difficult and most valuable path of outstanding teachers and scholars.

When she first returned to the university, the thick cultural atmosphere on the campus made her excited. The rich collection of books in the library, various periodicals in the reading room, lectures in various knowledge categories, the unique teaching style of professors and the academic atmosphere of free debate all deeply captured her heart. Borrowed stacks of books, made one book after another reading notes, one desk, one chair, one small lamp, and accompanied her through one night after another of quiet reading and busy weekends. I always feel that the pace of time is in a hurry, and I always want to read more quickly for fear that the time will fly by and the opportunity will no longer exist. Six years of study and life, professional, educational and teaching and even other social science knowledge have accumulated in the bottom of my heart, and the road ahead is brighter and brighter.

The research-oriented teachers do not require front-line teachers to pursue theory and scholarship like educational theorists, but require teachers to have the attitude and potential of teaching research and enhance teachers' unique "teaching practical knowledge". Teacher xxx is deeply aware of this, so she didn't give up her daily teaching activities. Her personality is that she can study off the job with pay according to the document requirements during her master's degree study. However, in order to truly apply what she learned and improve practical potential, she took full advantage of the convenient conditions of Henan Normal University in this city, and spared no pains to study while teaching. The school leaders and teachers were deeply moved by her learning spirit, and the professors of River Normal University sighed, "With such excellent teachers, China's education has expectations".

The way to study is very hard, but the sweat and tears are full of luggage on the shoulder and the spirit in the chest. The educational theory broadened the vision of teacher Liu Li. While studying the theory, she summarized the problems in teaching and wrote 500000 words of teaching experience summary and paper. She also thought that it would be more valuable to share these achievements with peers and avoid detours in teaching? So she began to systematically summarize her teaching research achievements. Over the past 10 years, she has published more than 120 papers in publications at or above the provincial level. Her "Empirical Research on xxxxxxxxxx Discussion based Mathematics Teaching Method" is also in the final stage, which is appreciated by many experts and is ready to be published. In addition, she also published 15 math guidance books, which were warmly welcomed by middle school students all over the country.

Ten years of hard work is unusual. Teacher xxx has explored a new generation of scholar teachers' growth path with her practical actions.

2、 Devoted to Education, Broad Ambition, New Chapter of Teaching Reform Spectrum

In the late 1980s, teacher xxx began to try teaching reform. She applied Bruner's theory of "classroom teaching and cultivation of creative potential" to teaching. "Teachers engaged in mathematics teaching should attach great importance to developing students' understanding of mathematical structure or order. Because structural understanding of problems is conducive to improving students' intuitive thinking potential, when students constantly try to find the conclusion of intuitive problems, they actually have grasped the object from the whole and structure." In teaching, she changed the past math teaching to overemphasize proof The practice of checking others' discoveries and inventions liberates students from exercises and knowledge details. In teaching, she does not blindly give conclusions, but lets students seek conclusions by means of trial, experiment, discussion, etc., so as to cultivate students' intuitive thinking from developing their confidence and courage, and let students learn to learn.

Reducing the burden on students is another important topic for teacher xxx.

Teacher xxx believes that "students' heavy schoolwork burden is a common problem, which has plagued education for many years without a good plan. It can be said that the main reason for the schoolwork burden is teachers. Teachers' educational ideas and teaching methods determine students' learning methods." Einstein's famous saying is also her mantra: "Overburden will inevitably lead to superficiality", She wants to infiltrate this sentence into the soul of students, so that the head teacher, parents and students can relax their thoughts and bring conditions for improving their teaching methods. It is her eternal pursuit to reduce the students' heavy schoolwork burden.

As a mathematics teacher standing at the forefront of the teaching reform and the leader of the teaching and research team leading the school's mathematics teaching direction in the City x Middle School, Liu Li often ponders the question: "Is it to cultivate healthy and outstanding high-quality talents, or is it just to pursue the high score effect under the heavy pressure of teaching?" He said that instead of not giving scores, it should create a relaxed The pleasant learning environment enables them to obtain high scores easily and successfully in different ways.

Xxx believes that it is an urgent problem to be solved in the current middle school mathematics teaching that students cannot solve problems correctly and bind their hands and feet in the sea of problems.

In mathematics teaching, she took the lead in trying out the "xxxxxxxxxx discussion" mathematics teaching model, which is student oriented, to break the "one word" teaching stereotype of teachers speaking and students listening. Her math class usually only lasts for 20 minutes. She gives back more time and space to the students. The problem students raise, the difficult teachers and students discuss together, and the students arrange their own spare time, which truly reflects the students' dominant position. In teaching, she has always practiced democratic teaching and fully trusted students. She often infiltrates the view of "students need not be inferior to teachers" into students, breaks the traditional dignity of teachers, encourages students to question boldly, and discusses equally between teachers and students. She never worried about whether the students' brains were enough. For example, when teaching the proof of the internal angle and theorem of a triangle, the textbook only extended the bottom edge of the triangle and made a parallel line on one side to guide the students to make the proof, while she handed the question to the students, let them guess the internal angle of the triangle and how much it was, and then let them put forward their own proof. After several proofs came out, she asked "what is the sum of the internal angles of the polygon?" The student replied "(n? 2) 180," and wrote several proofs on the blackboard. She concluded that this was the idea of mathematical induction. Mathematical induction is something that only the sophomores in senior high school can touch. But the first graders who want to find the sum of the internal angles of triangles will understand. Can they bear it? But if you follow Mr. Liu, your brain will become "strong".

”Let the students who are not smart become smart, and let the smart students become more smart. " Fully mobilize students' learning initiative and consciousness. The students said that we learned the fun of mathematics from Mr. Liu's class!

The new curriculum reform is a new subject for her.

In 2001, the new curriculum reform experiment was carried out on a trial basis. With many years of teaching experience and profound educational theory foundation, she boldly invested in reform experiments. He personally presided over the formulation of the implementation plan of the city's new curriculum experiment, compiled the New Curriculum Experiment Objectives Series, paid attention to the development of students' personality and expertise, built an open learning environment for students, and also tested the potential and level of teachers.

After the comprehensive practical activity course with research-based learning as the core became a required course, she presided over the formulation of evaluation criteria for research-based learning, clearly proposed the evaluation principles of this new teaching model, adhered to the principles of students' autonomy, inquiry, practicality, openness, process and sociality, and formulated evaluation materials and standards in detail. Through the evaluation mechanism, we can standardize the evaluation behavior, give play to the incentive and guidance role of correct evaluation, and promote research learning to really receive results.

She took the lead in the demonstration class of research-based learning, and personally led the students to observe, experiment, record, analyze, predict, summarize, and demonstrate, so that the art of "guiding", the skills of "guiding", and the enthusiasm of "helping" of teachers can be maximized, and the relationship between teachers and students is full of true feelings and friendship. The teaching practice of research-based learning enables him to further change his educational concept, change his teaching behavior and teaching mode, integrate with students, guide and learn at the same time, improve both teaching and learning, and become students' learning partners and friends to explore the unknown world.

She orientates research-based learning to face all students, cultivate research awareness and experience research methods. Through the penetration and extension of subject research materials, the potential of students to retrieve information, analyze information, and process information is cultivated. Through independent learning, xxxxxxxxxx learning and inquiry learning, the fundamental change of learning style is realized.

Research learning is a rational criticism of traditional understanding learning, a specific description of innovative spirit and practical potential, and a construction of lifelong active learning. Under her leadership, the mathematics group has dozens of research groups in mathematics, and teachers and students have completed more than 100 research learning topics. This kind of learning method has cultivated students' spirit and sense of responsibility of being scientific, rigorous, realistic and xxxxxxxxxx. These are exactly what the past teaching model lacked. They are exactly the practical potential and innovative quality that students need at the moment.

The reform of teacher xx has won unanimous recognition from the provincial and municipal educational circles. In May 1999, her application of the unary linear equation met the problem of Xinxiang Observation Class Award. In November 2000, her approximate number and effective number won the first prize of Xinxiang Excellence Class Award. In June 2001, she participated in the Henan Quality Class Competition and won the first prize. A number of topics won the Outstanding Teaching and Research Achievement Award of Xinxiang City.

3、 Love paves the way to success, wisdom bathes the Protestant world

"Personality is the highest degree", which is another catchphrase of Ms. xxx and a true portrayal of her personality.

The successful teacher xxx infected the students with his noble personality, and even affected the math teachers in X Middle School and even the whole city. As a well-known figure in the field of mathematics education, she served as the judge of the municipal lecture class and high-quality class. She has always been the most trusted teacher in the city. For teachers who came to consult, she gave them advice and searched for information. However, for those who want to take advantage of opportunities, she will give them a rude rebuke. "To be an excellent teacher, you should learn to be a person", which is her principle.

As the leader of the teaching and research group, she gave active guidance to the new teachers in the group, carefully cultivated them, and carried out professional dedication education from the perspective of ideology, so as to cultivate their good professional ethics. Organize them to discuss teaching methods and improve teaching level. Under her guidance, young teachers quickly matured and became the backbone of the business. Among them, xxx and xxx also won the first prize of the municipal high-quality course.

Be loyal to the Party's education cause and selflessly contribute to yourself. Teacher xxx is a model for teachers. After democratic evaluation by the faculty and staff of the whole school, XXX teacher was unanimously recommended to participate in the evaluation of outstanding teachers in xx city.

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