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Tribute to workers! Come on, dreamer!

2024-05-01 07:55
Source: Surging News, Surging Number, Media
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Loving and dedicated, striving for first-class

Hard work and innovation

Indifferent to fame and wealth, willing to contribute


Behind these beautiful words are

Hard work and hard work

They use labor to compose the glorious chapter of the times

Create a better future with struggle

Ordinary people have their own extraordinary shimmer

Countless ordinary people

Keep walking, running and chasing dreams

The shimmering light is as bright as the stars

Countless strivers

Working hard day and night

Time does not speak and flows in four seasons

Wish every effort

Are worthy of recognition and respect

Wish to persist every time

They live up to their original aspiration and love

Today is May Day

Salute, laborer!

Come on, dreamer!

Drafted by: Ye Yuan and Song Xiaoguang

Editor: Song Xiaoguang

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The original title: "Salute workers! Go for dreamers!"

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