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Outstanding Representative: Liu Xianting

Issued on: August 18th, 2009        Information source:
Cut through the thorns and blaze new trails
——Brief deeds of Liu Xianting, Chairman of Jiujiang Bank
In October 2000, the autumn of the first year of the new century was strong, and the breath of winter had not yet arrived. The newborn of Chinese finance in the last transition period in Xunyang County was born. Jiujiang Bank stepped onto the historical stage of the development of China's urban commercial banks. At this time, China's financial industry was in the "turbulent period" of reform and development, The fiercer competition and regulatory pressure after China's accession to the WTO seem to indicate her uneven road ahead. When its establishment was officially announced in November 2000, her total assets were only 700 million, the balance of deposits was 530 million, and the balance of loans was 330 million, including nearly 92.96 million non-performing loans. The non-performing loan ratio was as high as 27.8%, which can be described as small to insignificant, weak to poor and weak. With such a weak body, under the leadership of Liu Xianting, the chairman of the Bank, The people of Jiujiang Bank have built a historical monument in just over eight years!
By the end of June 2009, the total assets of Jiujiang Bank had reached 13.815 billion yuan, the balance of various deposits was 11.786 billion yuan, and the balance of various loans was 8.510 billion yuan. In 2008, it realized a net profit of 150 million yuan and a tax payment of 70 million yuan, up 72.7% and 21.7% respectively over the previous year. In the eight years since its opening, the average deposit has doubled in less than two years. Since 2003, the annual deposit increment and loan increment of banking financial institutions in Jiujiang have ranked first for six consecutive years. For eight consecutive years, the non-performing loan ratio has dropped from 27.8% at the time of opening to 0.43% at the end of 2008. The non-performing loan ratio of newly issued loans in the past eight years is only 0.2%, and the provision rate for non-performing loans has reached 300.9%. It has been profitable for eight consecutive years, and shareholders have paid dividends for eight consecutive years.
Liu Xianting, the current secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the Bank, male, Han nationality, was born in September 1961, with a university degree, EMBA of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, senior economist, and a member of the Communist Party of China. Since joining the work in January 1981, he has successively served as the clerk of the planned credit unit of Lianhua County Branch of the People's Bank of China, the section member, deputy section chief and section chief of the planned capital section of Ji'an Branch of the People's Bank of China, the president of Ji'an City Branch of the People's Bank of China, the president of Jiujiang City Commercial Bank, acting chairman, chairman, and party secretary. He has been engaged in economic work for a long time, especially familiar with economic and financial management, and has carried out a lot of theoretical research. He has written many papers, such as "Preventing Loan Risks by Law", "Administrative Measures for Enterprises to Open Auxiliary Households in Financial Structure", "Reasons and Countermeasures for the Increasing Urban and Rural Purchasing Power in Ji'an during the Seventh Five Year Plan Period", and "Some Suggestions for the Government to Raise Funds to Operate Cities".
During his tenure as chairman of Jiujiang Bank, he worked with determination and pursuit of excellence, made achievements in credit management, business innovation, marketing, science and technology construction, corporate culture, etc., created impressive achievements in management positions, and made outstanding contributions to the rapid development of various businesses of Jiujiang Bank and local economic construction. Under his leadership, Jiujiang Bank has made profits for eight consecutive years, and has achieved dividends for eight consecutive years. It has been rated as a first-class bank of national urban commercial banks by the People's Bank of China and the CBRC for four consecutive years. At present, indicators such as per capita assets, per capita deposits, asset quality, asset profit rate, capital profit rate, capital adequacy ratio, non-performing loan provisioning coverage rate, etc. rank first among legal person banking financial institutions within the jurisdiction of Jiangxi Province, and top among urban commercial banks nationwide. In March 2007, it was awarded the title of "National Advanced Unit for Small Enterprise Loans in Banking Financial Institutions" by CBRC. In April 2007, it was rated as the "30 most competitive financial institutions in China" by the China Financial Expert Committee. In April 2006 and June 2007, it was ranked in the "Top 100 Chinese Banking Rankings" of the British Banker for two consecutive years. In July 2008, the Bank was awarded "the second place in the competitiveness of commercial banks in small cities nationwide in 2007" and "the first place in the competitiveness of urban commercial banks in the central economic zone in 2007" in the Banker's "Competitiveness Ranking of Chinese Commercial Banks" assessment; In December 2008, he initiated the establishment of Zhongshan Xiaolan Village Bank, the first village bank in Guangdong Province and the largest village bank in China.
(1) Be innovative and pragmatic, and vigorously promote flat management.
Jiujiang Bank was officially established on November 18, 2000, and Liu Xianting was the first president. In order to make breakthroughs in the development of various businesses of Jiujiang Bank, he often went to the national first-class city commercial banks to learn from experience, learn from the advanced ideas and experience of domestic and foreign banking industry, and use the new knowledge and new business he has mastered, On the basis of summing up the management experience from 2000 to 2003, in order to fully tap the network resources and reduce the management level, Comrade Liu Xianting resolutely proposed to implement the flat management mode of "head office branch" in 2004, change the management mode of "head office branch branch" which has been established for three years, and match it with "be able to go up and down, be able to enter and exit, be able to go up and down" The human resources management system of the Bank has given the sub branch president full authorization in terms of personnel, talent and material management, which has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of the sub branch president and all the staff of the sub branch, and the enthusiasm of the staff of the whole bank is high.
Through a number of management reforms and research work in 2004, our market share increased from 10.3% at the end of 2003 to 12% that year through the efforts of the whole bank, and achieved good results. Comrade Liu Xianting recognized that diligence and innovation are the driving force for the rapid development of Jiujiang Bank. In his work, Comrade Liu Xianting advocated the style of "hurry up and work quickly". What can be done today will never be delayed until tomorrow. Whether it is the organization of deposits, or the marketing of loans, whether it is the collection of non-performing loans, or the operation of funds, all of them are "fast". They will do what they say and work hard to do well, Set an example to form our unique "fast" management concept.
In the face of the ever-changing market and the demand of all sectors of society for banking products and services, we launched a number of banking products, such as "entrepreneurial" loans, inventory mortgage credit business varieties, and other services, such as the approval of comprehensive credit lines for our high-quality customers at the beginning of each year, and the launch of the treasury centralized payment system, to meet the market demand of various customers, In 2006, as the third bank in China to cooperate with the National Development Bank, with the assistance of the international financial institution IPC, we developed and applied the "micro enterprise loan project". These new products and services have formed our characteristics and highlights and become the growth point of our business development and profit.
At the end of 2003, our total assets were 1.52 billion yuan, the balance of various deposits was 1.22 billion yuan, the balance of various loans was 750 million yuan, the total profit was 4.77 million yuan, the balance of non-performing loans was 66.17 million yuan, and the non-performing loan ratio was 8.78%. Since the flat management, the Bank's total assets at the end of 2008 had reached RMB 13.23 billion, an increase of 11.71 billion or 770% compared with that before the flat management, the balance of all deposits was RMB 10.34 billion, an increase of 9.12 billion or 747% compared with that before the flat management, the balance of all loans was RMB 7.1 billion, an increase of 6.35 billion or 847% compared with that before the flat management, and the total profit was RMB 187 million, Compared with the flat management, it increased by 182.23 million yuan, or 3820%. The balance of non-performing loans was 30.24 million yuan, down 54.3%, and the non-performing loan ratio dropped to 0.43%.
The above data is enough to prove that after implementing flat management, Jiujiang Bank has become more sensitive to the market, its operating mechanism is more flexible, and its management decisions are more scientific.
(2) We should assess the situation and formulate two development outlines scientifically.
In order to enable Jiujiang Bank to achieve sustainable and steady development, Comrade Liu Xianting put forward the strategic goal of "creating a brand bank and building a century old shop" in 2005, requiring Jiujiang Bank to establish its image, business, service and other brands, provide customers with high-quality financial products and services, reflect the advantages of products and services, and thus improve our market competitiveness, Promote the rapid development of all businesses of the Bank. After one year's practice, Comrade Liu Xianting organized the middle and senior management of the whole bank to formulate the development strategy outline of "creating a brand bank and building a century old shop" and the five-year development plan outline of Jiujiang Bank in 2006, which were reviewed and approved by the fifth board of directors of the second session of Jiujiang Bank on October 23, 2006. The two outlines are objective It specifically clarifies the current development environment of Jiujiang Bank, and points out the medium and long-term development direction of Jiujiang Bank from the aspects of clarifying the long-term market positioning, marketing work, management mode, business growth mode, corporate culture construction, risk management capability, human resource management, information construction, etc. by analyzing its own internal advantages and disadvantages, That is, "it will take 3-5 years to build a listed regional joint-stock commercial bank with distinctive characteristics, sufficient capital, strict internal control, safe operation, excellent service, good efficiency, and a first-class brand", laying a good foundation for the development strategy of creating a brand bank and building a century old store.
Although the development of Jiujiang Bank has achieved good operating results from 2000 to 2005, Comrade Liu Xianting is not blindly optimistic. He is soberly aware that the banking industry is a highly competitive industry, an industry with high degree of marketization, advanced science and technology, and a concentration of talents. At the same time, it is also an industry greatly affected by economic and financial regulations and macroeconomic policies, He required the whole bank to be clear about the external environment, correctly judge the position of our bank, keep a clear head, seek opportunities under pressure and challenges, seek development in constant change, and start to invest in the second venture in 2006 with the awareness of being prepared for danger in times of safety, in accordance with the principle of "creating a brand bank and building a century old shop" The development strategy and the work ideas and objectives of the second five-year development plan carried out various work, creating a good situation of improving the quality of assets, accelerating development and improving operation efficiency.
(3) People oriented, and constantly optimize the structure of human resources.
Comrade Liu Xianting has always been pursuing the "people-oriented" business management idea, taking human resources as the first resource, highlighting the position of people in business management and other work, focusing on fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees, and giving full play to everyone's due role. Liu Xianting attached great importance to the effective development and utilization of human resources. He personally served as the General Manager of the Human Resources Department of Jiujiang Bank, and constantly improved the basic human resources system of Jiujiang Bank.
During his term of office, Comrade Liu Xianting paid close attention to training and education, paid attention to training effects, and formulated a thorough human resources training plan. In terms of content, he not only paid attention to on-the-job training for employees, but also conducted comprehensive training for employees in financial theory, legal knowledge, technology application, marketing management and other aspects, and recommended that middle and senior cadres throughout the bank read two books every year, Ordinary employees read a book every year, wrote their impressions, and constantly updated and optimized their knowledge structure. Our annual per capita training and education cost is more than 600 yuan. In 2005 and 2006, the Bank's financial planning supervisors and customer managers were organized to conduct a one week closed training in Shanghai and Beijing. In recent years, Dr. Yang Wenhai of Peking University, President Liu Feng of ABN AMRO Shanghai Branch, Professor Xia Xinping, Vice Dean of the School of Management of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Professor Huang Lanmin, Director of the Audit Department of China Minsheng Bank, and the author of "The Service of Hong Kong Commercial Banks", have been specially invited to our bank to train business backbones, It has cultivated a staff team with high professional quality.
Attracting talents and making good use of talents is also one of the manifestations of Liu Xianting's "cherishing and cherishing talents". Under his guidance, we have specially formulated the talent work plan of Jiujiang Bank, established a talent reserve system, constantly enriched the reserve of senior, middle and junior talents through competitive recruitment, and formed a stepped talent supplement mechanism according to the needs of business development, In order to meet the needs of our continuous development for various talents. As of the end of June 2009, Jiujiang Bank had 510 on-the-job employees, 88% of whom had college education or above, including 15 with master's degree, 15 with senior professional title and 31 with intermediate professional title.
    ( 4) Summarize and refine to cultivate a healthy and upward corporate culture.
Comrade Liu Xianting is well aware that building a positive corporate culture is the foundation of Jiujiang Bank's core competitiveness and the source of Jiujiang Bank's cohesion and vitality. In order to strengthen the construction of corporate culture, we should use the strength of corporate culture to unify the thoughts of all employees of the Bank, instill unified values into the ideology of each employee, form a healthy and progressive corporate culture atmosphere that everyone consciously follows, and become the spiritual force to promote our work. In 2007 and 2008, Comrade Liu Xianting further refined our corporate culture, established the corporate culture spirit with "integrity" as the core, and pointed out that the corporate culture construction should be carried out around "four firm establishment" and "three always adhere to": "four firm establishment" means firmly establishing the strategic goal of "building a brand bank and building a century old store"; Firmly establish the core values of "integrity"; Firmly establish the enterprise spirit of "unity, integrity, dedication and innovation"; Firmly establish the professional image of "honesty and trustworthiness, openness and openness, good planning and hard work, honesty and efficiency". "Three Persistence" means always adhering to the business philosophy of "seeking speed in stability, building a bank with characteristics, customer first, excellent service", "asset quality is life" and "bank reputation is above everything"; Always adhere to the management concept of "scientific, strict, transparent and fast"; Always adhere to the customer market positioning of "based on local economy, small and medium-sized enterprises, and urban residents" and the regional market positioning of "rooted in Jiujiang, based in Jiangxi, and moving towards the whole country". It also added the relevant content of humanistic care and corporate social responsibility, established a healthy and positive corporate culture, printed and distributed the corporate culture manual to each employee, urged everyone to strengthen learning, armed employees with advanced culture, patiently and carefully guided employees, enhanced their sense of ownership, and made all employees form correct values, outlook on life World outlook, formed a healthy concept of career development from the bottom of my heart, thus establishing a professional and efficient working atmosphere and improving our competitiveness.
(5) Increase capital and share, and do a good job in the basic work of listing.
At the end of 2004, Comrade Liu Xianting realized that our asset scale was small, our market share in Jiujiang City was low, our scale and efficiency were far from the advanced peers, and our competitiveness was weak. The bank's capital was insufficient. At the end of the year, the bank's capital was 100.51 million yuan, the capital adequacy ratio was far from the new regulatory standard, and the ability to resist risks needed to be improved, which would inevitably restrict the development of the bank. At the beginning of 2005, Comrade Liu Xianting proposed to take the opportunity of capital increase and share expansion to implement equity structure reform, introduce overseas or domestic well-known banks, domestic central enterprises, provincial key enterprises and large private enterprises as strategic investors in the way of equity structure reform, and expand capital, which is an inevitable choice for our bank to achieve long-term sustainable development. The equity reform will not only increase our capital strength, improve our capital adequacy ratio and anti risk ability, but also greatly improve our equity structure, promote the improvement of our corporate governance structure, and enhance our business management level and reputation. From 2005 to 2008, the Bank successfully completed three phases of capital increase and share expansion. By the end of 2008, the capital had reached 510.96 million yuan, and Industrial Bank was successfully introduced as a strategic investor. Industrial Bank subscribed 102.2 million shares of the Bank at a price of 2.9 yuan per share. The shareholding ratio after equity participation accounted for 20% of the Bank's capital stock, becoming the second largest shareholder. It has laid a good material foundation for further improving the operation and management level of the Bank and the next domestic listing. In addition, with the approval of Jiangxi Securities Regulatory Bureau, our bank officially entered the coaching period on May 27, 2008. At present, all the coaching work for listing has been carried out normally and steadily, which has built a better development platform for the further development of Jiujiang Bank.
(6) Cross regional operation and increase market strategic layout.
In 2008, in the face of the increasingly harsh market environment, Chairman Liu Xianting resolutely proposed that to develop, we must seize the market, increase the market strategic layout, and on the basis of doing a good job in all aspects, we must comprehensively start cross regional business. In 2008, our bank was rated as the highest level in the CBRC's rating of national urban commercial banks, and it is also the highest rated legal person commercial bank in Jiangxi Province. The main regulatory indicators have met or even exceeded the CBRC's regulatory requirements, and meet the opening conditions of non local branches. On January 19, 2009, our first non local branch Ji'an Branch was officially opened, marking the first step of our cross regional operation. At present, the preparatory work of Nanchang Branch, Fuzhou Branch and Wuhan Branch of the Bank is also making positive progress.
At the same time, under the leadership of Chairman Liu Xianting, we actively responded to the call of the provincial government and the CBRC to set up the first village bank in Jiangxi Province Xiushui Jiuyin Village Bank at the end of 2007. In September 2008, he participated in the bidding of Guangdong Banking Regulatory Bureau to open Guangdong Zhongshan Xiaolan Village Bank, and won the qualification of main sponsor in the bidding of many commercial banks, such as HSBC, Bank of Shanghai, Bank of Dongguan, Bank of Guiyang, etc. A total investment of 62.5 million yuan, accounting for 25% of the total equity, is the largest shareholder of the village bank. The first village bank in Guangdong Province, Zhongshan Xiaolan Village Bank, was officially opened on December 26, 2008, and has become the largest village bank in China with a total capital of 250 million yuan. Cross regional operation has achieved initial results, and the market strategic layout is gradually advancing.
(7) Performance appraisal to promote better business development of the whole bank.
How to do a good job in performance appraisal is a question that Comrade Liu Xianting often ponders. He requires strict and fair appraisal of all positions in all branches and departments, to realize the employment and distribution mechanism of "being able to go up and down, be able to enter and leave, be able to work hard and be low", to firmly grasp the leading role of income distribution reform, to thoroughly break the egalitarianism in income distribution, and to widen the income gap, Actively promote performance linkage, link income with comprehensive benefits and individual performance, assess quarterly and cash in quarterly. Each sub branch shall link its income with the operating indicators, without capping the top and keeping the bottom, to reflect the gap and establish an effective incentive mechanism.
In order to make the performance appraisal work more scientific, Liu Xianting, on the basis of drawing on the experience of the same industry, organized and issued the Management Measures for the Performance Appraisal of Sub branch President Assistant and Customer Manager, the Target Value and Scorecard of Sub branch President Assistant and Customer Manager, the Management Measures for the Performance Appraisal of Deposit Customer Manager, and the Performance Appraisal Measures of Sub branch Financial Planning Supervisor in 2008 And a series of performance appraisal management methods to make performance appraisal run through all areas of business operation and the whole management process. The quarterly performance appraisal ranking has fully improved the subjective initiative of employees, formed a good situation of catching up with each other and striving for the top, and promoted the healthy and rapid development of all businesses of the Bank.
Since he took the post of chairman of Jiujiang Bank, Liu Xianting has been able to strictly require himself to be an outstanding Communist party member, and handle all businesses in accordance with the national financial guidelines, policies, regulations and regulatory rules, etc. in accordance with the law and compliance. The departments in charge have all achieved no major errors and violations, and have been responsible for the management of Jiujiang Bank and earnestly performed their job responsibilities. In 2007, he was awarded the honorary title of "Model Worker of Jiujiang City" and "May Day Labor Medal" of Jiangxi Province. During Liu Xianting's tenure as Chairman of Jiujiang Bank, the department in charge and himself were not punished by the regulatory authorities.
Comrade Liu Xianting has a work style of being diligent in learning, good at summarizing, practical and hard working. He has a high political quality and management ability. He can closely focus on the theme of reform and development, actively forge ahead, constantly innovate, achieve the goal of combining culture and system, and take effective measures by focusing on internal management, Effectively prevent and resolve financial risks, and constantly improve the comprehensive competitiveness of Jiujiang Bank, which has made the business of Jiujiang Bank develop by leaps and bounds in recent years. Under the leadership of this comrade, the staff of Jiujiang Bank, especially the senior management of Jiujiang Bank, united with one heart and one mind, created the corporate culture of Jiujiang Bank, which is positive, advancing with the times, pioneering and pursuing excellence, made arduous efforts for the development of various undertakings of Jiujiang Bank, and established the brand image of Jiujiang Bank, It has made positive contributions to the rapid and steady development of various businesses.