Sina News

Reference News: A friend revealed that Maradona had planned to embalm the body after death

Reference News


Original title: Reference News: A friend revealed that Maradona had envisaged antiseptic treatment of the body after his death

Reported on November 27 by the reference news website According to Buenos Aires (Reuters), legendary Argentine soccer star Maradona died of heart disease on Wednesday local time at the age of 60. According to Martin Arevallo, a journalist who has close relations with Maradona, Maradona told his friends during the blockade of the COVID-19 epidemic that he hoped that his body would be preserved after his death for fans to look up to.

Arevalo told the Argentine TV sports channel Tyc sports: "When the idea of building a statue first appeared, he (Maradona) said: 'No, I want them to embalm me.'"

It is reported that Arevalo is one of the few journalists trusted by Maradona. He confirmed the details of Maradona's will to Reuters and added that Maradona hopes to "stay with us forever".

It is reported that almost no one can "say no" to Maradona in life, but his family seems to firmly reject his unusual and final request. Maradona's family buried him in a cemetery on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina, next to his parents' graves. (Compiled by/Xue Fan)
