It's not easy to meet. The captain kicked the fireman on duty to accompany his girlfriend, and netizens said, "Well done!"| New Vision of the Northern Evening

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It's not easy to meet. The captain kicked the fireman on duty to accompany his girlfriend, and netizens said, "Well done!"!

2021-01-17 22:51 Edit: u021 Source: @Global Network

On January 14, in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, a female student was wandering at the gate of the fire brigade. After being found by Zhang Wansheng, the captain on duty, she found that the female student was the girlfriend of the monitor on duty. She gave the monitor a gentle kick and asked him to accompany her. She helped him stand guard for half an hour.

Zhang Wansheng, the leader of the new fireman training team of Shanxi Fire Protection Training and Protection Detachment, said that the monitor and his girlfriend had not met for a month and a half, so it was not easy to meet them again. In his hurry, he went to accompany his girlfriend and kicked her gently. Zhang Wansheng also said that he and his family had not seen each other for a long time, and he wished them all a safe and successful life for firefighters.

Netizen comments

Netizen: Good kick!


(Original title: A gentle kick! The captain kicked the fireman on duty to accompany his girlfriend. Captain: It's not easy to meet.)

Source: @ comments from netizens on

Process editor: TF021

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