College of Economics and Management, Wuhan University Master of Accounting in 2024 (part-time) enrollment brochure - School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University MPAcc Education Center
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College of Economics and Management of Wuhan University 2024 Master of Accounting Postgraduate (part-time) Admission Brochure
Time: 2023-10-11 14:13 Hits:

In order to meet the needs of China's economic development for high-level, application-oriented professionals School of Economics and Management to two hundred and two four Master of Accounting was recruited in (MPAcc Enrollment code: one hundred and twenty-five thousand and three hundred )Professional degree postgraduate (part-time).

1、 Project Introduction

The School of Economics and Management of Wuhan University is the school with the largest school scale, and also one of the schools with the leading comprehensive strength and the greatest social impact. The college has a long history of running a school, a profound academic accumulation, outstanding professional advantages, and a strong faculty, including theoretical economics, applied economics, management science and engineering, and business management Class A first-class discipline, which has passed the international certification of AMBA, EQUIS and AACSB.

College from In 2004, the Master of Accounting Professional Degree Program was established, which is one of the first 24 training units of the National Accounting Professional Postgraduate Education Steering Committee. In 2019, it passed the AAPEQ certification of the National Accounting Professional Postgraduate Education Steering Committee and became a Class A member unit college The professional degree education of Master of Accounting aims to cultivate a high level of innovative work in enterprises, public institutions and government departments with good political and ideological quality and noble accounting professional ethics, a systematic grasp of basic modern accounting theories and knowledge and skills in related fields, a broad international perspective, strong professional practice ability Applied accounting professionals.

II Enrollment Plan

Planned enrollment fifty People. The actual number of students enrolled may be adjusted according to the enrollment of students.

3、 Application conditions

1. Meet the application conditions specified in the Regulations of Wuhan University on Enrollment of Postgraduates in 2024.

2. Recruit on-the-job targeted employment personnel.

three . No candidates with the same academic qualifications will be admitted.

4、 Preliminary test

(I) Initial examination registration

Registration includes online registration and online confirmation. Candidates shall select the registration site according to the requirements of the provincial and municipal enrollment and examination administration, and confirm online according to the provisions of the registration site. Please refer to the details of the specific time of application for the exam, the printing of the Admission Certificate and other relevant information China Postgraduate Enrollment Information network ( )And Wuhan University Graduate School website( )。 Please select "part-time" or "orientation" when registering online.

(II) Preliminary examination

Participate in the national unified entrance examination for master's degree students organized by the Ministry of Education.

Examination subjects Comprehensive ability of management joint examination (full score 200 points), English (II) (the full score is 100 points).

Registration time: 9:00-22:00 every day from October 8 to October 25, 2023

Confirmation time: The online confirmation of Wuhan University application sites is expected to be twenty 23 years October 30- eleven month 5 days (the exact time is subject to the online announcement); Other registration points The specific method and time of online confirmation shall be determined and announced by each provincial education enrollment examination institution according to the local application situation.

Examination time: two hundred and two 3 years twelve month 23-24

Examination place: Candidates shall select the registration site according to the requirements of the provincial and municipal enrollment and examination management agencies. Please check the website of Hubei Provincial Education Examination Institute for examinees in Hubei Province《 Instructions for Online Registration of Master's Examination in Hubei Province in 2024.

For details, please follow the China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network( )Website of Graduate School of Wuhan University( )Relevant notices.

5、 Retest

Candidates participate Unified examination After the preliminary examination score reaches the score line independently set by Wuhan University , and participate in the re examination according to the requirements of the corresponding re examination rules. The second interview will be arranged at two hundred and two four year three month -4 Monthly Please refer to the professional degree website of School of Economics and Management for specific arrangements

6、 Admission principle, proposed admission method and other requirements before admission

1. Admission principle And proposed admission method

according to According to the principle of "comprehensive measurement, merit based admission, quality assurance, and preference for lack rather than abuse", we will select the best candidates according to the comprehensive scores of the preliminary and second examinations.

2. Other requirements before admission

Candidates who have passed the examination and are to be admitted must also pass the physical examination, ideological and moral assessment and sign the targeted employment agreement (estimated May June 2024)

7、 Admission type, learning place and length of schooling

1. Admission category

All admitted candidates learn in For "part-time", the admission category is "targeted employment".

All candidates entering the reexamination must submit to the Graduate Teaching Management Office of the School of Economics and Management of Wuhan University the directional commitment letter and other supporting materials stamped by the unit during the reexamination qualification review.

two . Learning place

The place of study is Wuhan University, which will take weekend study Or concentrated learning on holidays Form.

3. Length of schooling

3 years

8、 Graduation and degree awarding

Students who have completed the credits specified in the training program, completed their dissertations and passed the defense can obtain the master's degree certificate and diploma of Wuhan University.

9、 Tuition standard

tuition twenty-one 10000 yuan /People , minutes 3-year payment

Special instructions: Tuition fees may be adjusted due to various factors, so that the final school List of Charges in 2024 Shall prevail.

10、 Relevant information

1. The problems arising from the application between the examinee and his/her unit shall be negotiated by the examinee and his/her unit. If the examinee cannot be admitted due to this, the enrollment unit will not be responsible.

2. For registration, examination and admission Any stage Any candidate who fills in false information or commits fraud or other disciplinary violations in the exam will be severely punished by our school according to the relevant regulations at any time, until the candidate's application qualification, admission qualification or student status is cancelled.

three Our school has never entrusted an intermediary to recruit students or recruit students. The Graduate Teaching Management Office of our school The sole interpreter of MPAcc related enrollment policies.

4. See《 WuHan University Regulations on Enrollment of Postgraduates in 2024 》。 If the relevant national policies change, the relevant national policies shall prevail.

11、 Information inquiry and consultation

one . Graduate School of Wuhan University


Telephone 027-68754125 (Graduate Admissions Office)

address Bayi Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province two hundred and ninety-nine Graduate School of Wuhan University Graduate Enrollment Office

Postal code four hundred and thirty thousand and seventy-two

two . Graduate Teaching Management Office, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University

College website :

Telephone : 027-68752373, 027-68755129

address School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University, No. 299, Bayi Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province

Postal code : 430072