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The 5th China Laboratory Development Conference

Release time: 2024/4/10 10:35:04 Source: AINET 8874 people have followed

In order to promote the development of laboratory technology in China, improve the comprehensive level of laboratories, and promote mutual exchange and cooperation between domestic and foreign industries, China Instrument Industry Association and Shixin International Convention and Exhibition Group decided to hold the "Fifth China Laboratory Development Conference" (hereinafter referred to as the Conference) in Shunyi Hall of China International Exhibition Center from May 29 to 30, 2024.
This conference will be held at the same time as the 21st China International Scientific Instrument and Laboratory Equipment Exhibition. With the theme of "wisdom, safety, green and innovation", it will focus on hot topics in the industry, conduct in-depth discussions and experience exchanges, help the development of laboratory technology in China, improve the comprehensive level of laboratories, and promote mutual exchange and cooperation between domestic and foreign industries, The first round notice on holding the 5th China Laboratory Development Conference is hereby issued. Welcome to the conference!

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Chromatograph a spectrometer reaction kettle Test box testing machine Agitator incubator Centrifuge Moisture determination Gas detection Calorimeter Microscope Water purifier electrochemistry Temperature recording Pressure gauge Wire and cable sensor

Flowmeter elemental analysis Biological reagent Specific surface meter Powder equipment Thickness gauge Drug testing drying equipment Sky balancer Hardness tester Acidity meter A multimeter Petroleum instruments Valve instrument pump Food testing Power meter