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AINET attended the 30th Chengdu Medical Health Expo in full dress and participated in the industry event

Released on: March 8, 2024 11:10:08 Source: AliCloud 14902 people have followed

Recently, the high-profile 30th Chengdu Medical and Health Expo was grandly opened in Chengdu International Convention and Exhibition Center. As a leading portal website in the medical and health industry in China, AINET, together with many high-quality medical products and solutions, appeared at the Expo to discuss the development trend and cutting-edge technology in the medical and health field with industry colleagues.


With the theme of "innovation leading, healthy future", this Expo has attracted medical and health enterprises, scientific research institutions, experts and scholars from all over the country, as well as representatives of government departments. At the exhibition site, a variety of medical devices, health products, innovative technologies and service projects were presented to the audience, presenting a feast for the medical and health industry.

A diagram of Yiwang booth




Entrance of exhibition hall


In addition to product display, AINET also actively participated in several industry forums and exchange activities held during the Expo. On the forum, the representatives of AINET made wonderful speeches on the innovative development, digital transformation and other topics of the medical and health industry, and had in-depth exchanges and discussions with the guests.

The person in charge of AINET said that the participation in the Chengdu Health Expo not only demonstrated the strength and achievements of AINET in the field of health care, but also provided us with a valuable platform for exchange and cooperation with colleagues in the industry. In the future, AINET will continue to be committed to promoting the innovative development of the medical and health industry and contribute more to improving people's health.









It is reported that this Chengdu Medical Health Expo will last for three days, during which many theme forums, product promotion, negotiation and signing will be held. AINET will make full use of this platform to establish contacts with more partners and jointly promote the prosperity and development of the medical and health industry.

With the in-depth implementation of the Health China strategy, the medical and health industry is ushering in unprecedented development opportunities. As an important force in the medical and health industry, AliCloud will continue to adhere to the concept of "professionalism, innovation, and service", constantly introduce more high-quality products and services, and contribute wisdom and strength to building a healthy China.    

Live broadcast of the exhibition



Chromatograph a spectrometer reaction kettle Test box testing machine Agitator incubator Centrifuge Moisture determination Gas detection Calorimeter Microscope Water purifier electrochemistry Temperature recording Pressure gauge Wire and cable sensor

Flowmeter elemental analysis Biological reagent Specific surface meter Powder equipment Thickness gauge Drug testing drying equipment Sky balancer Hardness tester Acidity meter A multimeter Petroleum instruments Valve instrument pump Food testing Power meter