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Services / Software development & architecture

Introduction to advanced Go patterns

2 days Remote
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Go is certainly one of the fastest languages to learn. The introduction tour is complete within a few hours, after which you will have already encountered all of the features of the language. However, there is still a long way to go before one is ready for the routine use of the tools and concepts. Especially if you are coming from another programming language, you tend to simply “translate” known concepts to Go, which does not usually produce satisfactory results. A deeper understanding of the language and its idioms will help you to address the unique language features and ultimately allow you to write better software.


The training will enable you or your team to:

  • Understand and write advanced Go applications
  • Write maintainable tests, especially for asynchronous code
  • Analyze your own code quality with common tools
  • Performance improvement through profiling

Target group

Development teams or developers who already have basic experience with Go and want to gain a deeper understanding of the programming language.


  • Familiarity with basic command line usage
  • Familiarity with a modern code editor
  • Familiarity with basic programming concepts/structures such as variables, loops, conditionals, etc.
  • Familiarity with basic Go syntax


The individual topics will first be reviewed and discussed together in the group. Based on this, they will be worked on individually via a programming task. Joint discussion of possible solutions rounds off each topic block.

Training structure:

  1. Concurrency / Go Routines / Channels
  2. The Context
  3. Building & Compiling
  4. (Advanced) testing techniques and best practices
  5. Benchmarking
  6. Profiling
  7. Tools for code quality

Organizational information

  • Suitable for all teams
  • Language: English or German, depending on preference
  • Time: 2 days
  • Location: online
  • Group size: from 5 to 8 participants
Thorsten Essig

Our trainer: Thorsten Essig

Thorsten Essig has been working as a software developer in the e-commerce environment since 2012. In recent years, he has worked at AOE primarily on large e-commerce platforms and marketplace solutions for the aviation industry. He is also actively involved in the further development of the open source framework "Flamingo" developed by AOE and also offers developer training for this. Originally Thorsten comes from the Magento/PHP world and started developing with Go at the beginning of 2017.