Journey 2 mobile game online evaluation: 12 years of national war, a new masterpiece

Source: Anqu Author: zhangchuan Published on

The word "journey" brings gamers too many classic memories. In the dead of night, I was suddenly impressed. In which year, we fought hard to defend the border; What year is it? The captain takes turns to brush the field; What year is it? The weak themselves are also fighting hard to defend the country; Just like yesterday! Twelve years later, with the launch of Journey 2 on April 12 on the whole platform, we have experienced a lot of love, youth, emotion and faith in those years. After a long separation, we meet again here. The city, the pond, the grass and the trees here all bear countless joys, sorrows and hardships. This is perhaps the most touching place.

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The official official mobile game Journey 2, which was created by Giant Network Company, provides the players with the battle experience of thousands of people on the same screen without getting stuck in the national war by virtue of the classic PVP passion of the journey. With such advantages in playing method and technology, there is no doubt that "Journey 2" mobile games have become the best in the national war mobile games. At the same time, the "Journey 2" mobile game has a 4K quality. From the perspective of family sociality, plot setting, professional play, PVE copy and the latest "Star Chain Mine" play, it can be said that the "Journey 2" mobile game has a full range of upgrading and innovation.

  2: Attack the General Wang.gif

However, it is still unknown whether the mobile game Journey 2 can bring more passion and emotion to everyone and win the recognition of players at a time when the MOBA category is popular, the big escape type is hot, and even other mobile games belonging to the national war category are also emerging in endlessly. However, we can see whether the "Journey 2" mobile game can be superior to other mobile games in terms of national war, playing methods, social interaction, vision, innovation, etc!

The national war has been comprehensively upgraded, and the excitement has been greatly improved

The national war can be said to be the core game of Journey 2. Other playing methods derived from family, equipment, copy and social contact are all prepared for national war. What are the advantages and highlights of the national war playing method of Journey 2 mobile game compared with other national war games?

1. Journey 2: The mobile game can accommodate 100000 people on a single server, which truly enables thousands of people to compete on the same screen;

In the world of "Journey 2" mobile travel, there are ten autonomous countries. There are not only two large-scale national wars every week, but also conflict wars of large and small scale every moment. Therefore, the ability to provide smooth combat experience for players is a hard power requirement for the "Journey 2" mobile game. Through a large amount of workload reduction work, the development team has shown excellent carrying capacity in the first two large-scale field tests of Journey 2, and players can kill without being stuck.

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2. The playing method of national war has been comprehensively upgraded;

In the whole national war, the attackers need to gather at the border first, attack the ancient road of Huaiyang first, and then march into the enemy's royal city. There are as many as six NPCs involved. Among them, the director of urban management, the statue of the king, and the spies played a key role in the victory or defeat of the battlefield. They were the strongholds repeatedly contested by both sides.

  4: Repeated competition for urban management station.gif

In addition to the advantages in numbers, the war strategy is also the top priority for the two countries to engage in war. If the commander can skillfully use the king's order, family's order, diversion, guerrilla harassment, circuitous encirclement and other tactics, the enemy's officers and men will easily fall into the state of running, being attacked on both sides, and branch collapse on the battlefield. Therefore, the national war is also the most taboo for the unstable military. All families and the whole army cannot follow the commander's deployment and command with one heart and fight independently.

Journey 2: The victory of mobile tour depends largely on the commander's command art. Of course, commanders may misdirect and make frequent mistakes, and excellent commanders may become famous in the first battle! After the upgrade of the playing method of the national war, the allied war assistance, post-war counter attack and other playing methods were also added, which also made the national war more exciting.

 5: Instantly gather national servicemen. gif

3. The characteristic command system, the united front on the whole country;

Although the situation of the national war battlefield in Journey 2 mobile tour is changing rapidly, the game has a unique commander system, which allows commanders to click on the microphone, customize the battle song BGM, and launch the "United Front Horn" to command in real time. Every time the national war started, the soldiers and men of all countries, inspired by the impassioned battle overture, and under the command of the commander, shouted "Mai" in a loud voice, leaped forward, fought alone and attacked in groups, killed hundreds of people, and crazy demons danced wildly. The horse hisses and the sword wears gold armour. He would not hesitate to die for the country. This is the real charm of the national war!

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To sum up, compared with the card style national war and DOTA style combat on the market, the Journey 2 mobile game undoubtedly has an incomparable congenital advantage, which can restore the classic national war with a variety of strategies and tactics. The truly grand war experience of thousands of people sharing the same service and screen may only be felt in the "Journey 2" mobile game.

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The success or failure of family unity autonomy is shared

In the "Journey 2" mobile game, the growth of each player depends on the development of the family. Different from the country, the family gives its members a sense of belonging. If national war is about national honor and disgrace, then family war is more about personal growth.

In the mobile tour of Journey 2, there are two kinds of wars between families, family war and city capture. Family war is a one-on-one war between two families. In the process of fighting, some members incarnate as miners to dig and transport gems, while the other members should protect their own miners, seize the battle flag to deliver gems and kill the miners of the other family. Family war is very interesting, but it also tests the family's teamwork ability.

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Seizing the city and territory is a more passionate and wild fight for the flag by two or more families. Only at the end of the battle, the family occupying more war flags wins (if the number of war flags occupied is the same, the family occupying the main flag wins). As the name suggests, this battle is a battle to occupy one's own country or colonize other countries' cities. If you can occupy the king city of your country, the head of the family is the king of your country.

The family war is smaller and faster than the national war. It also tests the team cooperation ability of family members and stimulates the potential and cohesion of family members. The victory of the family war can not only get rich rewards, but also more importantly, members can get a stronger sense of identity and achievement.

 9: Seize the City. gif

Compared with other national war games and even any online games, they all pay attention to the design of family or guild playing methods, and constantly improve the sense of belonging of family members and the interaction stickiness between members. Undoubtedly, the family playing method of the mobile game Journey 2 is quite complete, and on this basis, it also has a higher degree of autonomy and fun. In terms of autonomy, in addition to basic family building, management, stores, warehouses, welfare and activities, there are also personality titles, and even one's own fortune can be related to the family.

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Diversified play methods, innovation everywhere

Journey 2 The mobile game has a variety of play methods. It not only reproduces the classic daily play methods in Duanyou, such as brick moving, spying and escort, but also enriches or introduces other play methods from profession, official position, PVE copy, manor and so on. It can be said that all kinds of play methods have been greatly enriched and improved from personal daily to family and national. We will explore from the following aspects.

First of all, in terms of profession, Journey 2 mobile game itself has six major professions, namely, Tianwu, Xuanfa, Mingyin, Lingjian, Xianju, and Summon. It basically covers long-distance and short distance, physical magic, and professions with different playing methods. Their skill release is very cool and unique. Players can choose according to their own preferences. At the same time, when players reach level 60, they can experience the "Yuanshen" play method of Journey 2 mobile game. On the basis of one's own occupation, choose a second occupation to carry out the dual cultivation of this element and local element. More importantly, players can switch freely in any occasion and situation to meet the professional needs of different combat situations. It greatly increases the playability of the game.

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Secondly, in terms of PVE copies, Journey 2 mobile tour launched the play method of "guarding all directions", and opened four map copies of "border", "Huaiyang Ancient Road", "wild geese returning to the mountain", and "Longya Pass". If you are tired of killing everywhere in the Jianghu for a while, you may as well form a team with your friends to brave the four copies. The dual role switch of the "Yuanshen" playing method of the profession can be used here.

However, the boss in the dungeon is not so simple. Its skills are not only cool, but also powerful, which tests the team's professional collocation and combat tacit understanding.

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  11.2 Xianju Becomes a Shooter.gif

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In addition, we have to mention the equipment system of Journey 2 mobile game. On the basis of classic equipment advanced playing methods such as star upgrading, inlaying and training, Journey 2 mobile game also supports the special function of not losing stars and returning files when you are wearing a new style. In this way, players can upgrade their equipment without worry. With the launch of "Journey 2" mobile game on April 12, the game of Star Chain Mine also appeared. To put it simply, players can get a certain amount of "Amethyst" collected by "Amethyst" for free every day when they log in the game (only 11000 sets). "Amethyst" and divine level equipment are limited, and cross server free trade is supported. Therefore, for all "Journey 2" mobile game players, the Star Chain Mine game is still a welfare game that cannot be missed.

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4K ultimate picture quality DIY personality

The "Journey 2" mobile game has a real 4K image quality, and the light and shadow effect is realistic and exquisite. Whether it is architectural scenes with different styles, or the weather effect of misty clouds, rain and snow, the "Journey 2" mobile game can achieve real-time particle rendering. In the aspect of character action, Spine2D skeleton animation technology is used to make the character action nearly 3D. In the case that the picture quality of most national war games is required to be placed in a lower position, it shows that the mobile game Journey 2 is full of sincerity.

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In addition, the "Journey 2" mobile tour also has a wealth of DIY personality costumes, from fashion to home, from riding to fighting, all have a variety of styles. From campus fashion to Kawaii, from imperial sister fan to mysterious stream, from sexy show to silly and cute style, players' personality and mood can be displayed through fashion. By the way, in the view of many people, female players may not be suitable for playing such MMO games. But there are many beautiful little sisters in Journey 2. If you are a female player, you must go to Goddess Certification to get good benefits!

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General comment: Ten country war, where all the heroes compete for the best. Journey 2 is based on the classic national war game, where thousands of people serve together and thousands of people fight on the same screen. From the perspective of national war alone, it is unparalleled. In addition, the 2D ultimate picture quality and rich and diverse playing methods can be said to be a masterpiece of national war online games. On April 12, let's experience the national war feast brought by the mobile tour of Journey 2.

Anqu Entertainment Statement: The posting of this article on Anqu is for the purpose of transmitting more information, and does not mean to agree with its views or confirm its description. If you have any doubt about the content of the manuscript, please contact us in time.

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