Which one is recommended by Yin and Yang master for mobile style god

Source: Anqu Author: Published on

Which one is better, Yin and Yang master? Today, Anqu Xiaobian introduces the mobile game god of Yinyang Master to you. Many players don't know which one is better in the game. Next, let's see what this introduction of the mobile game god of Yinyang Master brings us!

 Which is recommended by Yinyang Master for the super practical mobile style god

Tski Boy: As the highest growing attack god, Tski Boy has the ability to overflow damage to attack the whole world. This is A powerful output that can be used in all replicas and arenas. Personally, it is recommended that the best configuration of the Imperial Soul is the mind. Breaking power and turning into Tao are also acceptable. As a high output, the defense of Cimu is naturally very ordinary, so the team configuration recommends controlling type gods.

Jiu Tun Boy: Jiu Tun is a Gatling that warms up without consuming fire. However, his weakness is also extremely obvious. He has the most fragile body of the whole style god. Even if he can reduce the injury by 10% after awakening, he still can't change the fact that he is fragile. Jiu Tun recommends Yu Soul as the way to enter the Tao. Later, she can turn into a critical hit needle girl. [When encountering wine swallowing in the arena, please gather fire for seconds]

Xuenu: As one of the opening benefits, Xuenu has three sections of aoe. Her freezing ability and strong viability make her a powerful control that has to be practiced at the beginning. Xuenu recommends the Imperial Soul as the control type Imperial Soul, such as Snow Ghost, Bell Soul, and Eclipse Self Daughter. The weakness of Xuenu lies in her speed. Her speed of awakening is 109, which is the last of many control gods and is easy to be controlled by the opposite side.

Three tailed Fox: Three tailed Fox is also one of the benefits of the beginning. After awakening, her speed of up to 122 makes her one of the best in all the style gods. In addition, three tailed Fox's full level general attack has a 30% probability of adding 10 points of speed to itself for two rounds [flying up]. Three tailed Fox's passivity can suck 100% blood after killing the target. It is an indispensable strong single point output in the early stage. It is recommended that the configuration of the Imperial Soul is the output type Imperial Soul, such as Breaking Power, Mind and Mind, and Turning into Tao. The disadvantage of Sanwei is that the damage is not enough compared with other single points, and it can only be used as endurance output.

Frog porcelain: Frog is a powerful single point that slightly looks at the face. The multi segment single body of the big move makes the damage limit of frog porcelain extremely high. After death, the frog will launch a big move against random targets. The Imperial Soul is recommended to use power output such as breaking power, mind, and turning into the Tao [If the Imperial Soul is strong enough, you can try 3 pairs of two piece sets to add critical hit, and the Imperial Soul at position 6 selects critical damage]

Lord of Arakawa: Although Arakawa is a top single point of output, it not only requires a high level of soul defense, but also his behavior of breaking his armour after a critical hit is simply [black question mark]. However, if he does not pile up a critical hit, Arakawa's damage is relatively limited, and there is no increase in his passivity. Yu Soul recommends four pieces of mesh cutting in the early stage, two pieces of mesh cutting in the late stage. [The restraint of Arakawa and the soul are buried statues]

Qingxingdeng: Qingdeng has the high speed of awakening 119, which can make the whole team's skills not consume fire passively. It also has the whole team's great fire absorption skill, which is a very good auxiliary type god. However, the position of Qingdeng itself is also awkward. The fire absorption probability is not hit, and the attack growth ranks the bottom among all the gods. The passive trigger probability is also extremely low. The recommended Imperial Soul is the speed of position 2 and the meat stacking of position 46. The suit attribute can be placed according to your own needs. The Imperial Soul is similar to the fire spirit or wealth seeking cat. [Standing in the Qingdeng field can generate huge pressure on the enemy]

Yingcao: Yingcao, as the only nurse of the whole style god who returns blood directly, is extremely important. Yingcao's return of blood recovers its own group in proportion to its own attack, so the three team two piece attack type soul defense can maximize its value. However, Yingcao's own body is not thick, so it needs to stack some meat. The four piece set attribute of Yingcao can be used to place money according to your own needs, and fire spirits can assist in soul defense. [Yingcao is not suitable for the arena when there is no hard control or pepper painting]

Jiaotu: Jiaotu is a style god that I highly admire. Life link can greatly share the survival pressure of crisp output. It is better to eat together with Yingcao in the copy. The 117 speed after Jiaotu's awakening can enable her to start the life link, which has greatly improved the survival rate of the team. The speed of Yu Soul position 2 and meat stacking at position 46 are recommended, and the suit attribute is recommended as Wealth Seeking Cat. [The dirty routine of "Spicy and Bright Grass" is easy to be cracked by Yan Devil Rain's female carp essence and aoe's output in the arena, so please depend on the opposite lineup]

Rain Lady: Rain Lady is a powerful auxiliary god who can eliminate buffs and group deceleration debuff later. In the era of high speed Yama cancer in the arena, the rain lady who can eliminate buffs in groups and is not controlled by buffs is simply a clear stream in the arena. The 20% debuff of the full skill group can make all kinds of high speed gods cry without tears. Yu Soul recommends the speed of position 2, the meat of position 46, the suit property can place fire spirit according to the needs of the team, and the financial category can assist Yu Soul [The initial speed of Rain Lady after awakening is 106, she has a high grasp of speed, can't exceed the opposite control type of style gods, and can't be slower than the opposite output type of style gods, the specific speed needs to be mastered by herself]

Vampire Maggie: Vampire Maggie's general attack will reduce her own blood, but the general attack income is extremely high. The passivity of reducing blood to enhance output is also very suitable for Vampire Maggie. Therefore, Vampire Maggie is a single output with strong endurance. It is recommended to use bat wings as the soul defense. Breaking the momentum, the heart and eye soul defense also has obvious disadvantages. She needs to struggle on the life and death line to ensure her output, so it is extremely necessary for her teammates to cooperate.

Gu Huo Bird: Gu Huo Bird is an extremely powerful output. It is a very good choice whether it is its own three stage aoe, selected high monomer output or auxiliary attack on team-mates. It is recommended that the configuration of the soul defense should be "Breaking Power, Mind and Mind". The soul defense can be turned into a critical hit needle female when the soul defense ability is high.

Dream Eating Tapir: Dream Eating Tapir has a high probability of group sleeping for two rounds, and the speed of up to 119 after awakening is among the best in the control type gods. However, Dream Eating Tapir itself has a high requirement for its teammates, so they can't use aoe skills, and Yin and Yang masters should choose not to carry Qingming and Shenle [both of them are passive aoe]. It is recommended to configure the Imperial Soul as the speed of position 2, hit of position 4, meat piling of position 6, and the four piece suit attribute is recommended to be the control type Imperial Soul such as Snow Ghost and Bell Ghost.

Peach Blossom Demon: As a nurse with the highest defense and good health, the Peach Blossom Demon's blood returning mechanism takes its own health as a certain proportion, so it is recommended to configure the Imperial Soul as 246 health. The set attributes are configured according to its own needs, which can be three sets of Imperial Soul with added blood, or four sets of Imperial Soul with buried statues, mirror queens, tree demons, fire spirits, and fortune seekers.


1. Critical hit rate is critical damage, and can be used at position 6.

2. The hit 100% on the panel is not a must hit, and the hit is calculated by multiplication rather than addition.

3. All controlled states can be cleared [except vertigo].

4. Although the vertigo cannot be eliminated, it has a lower hit probability.

5. The experience required for upgrading White Dharma is 50% less than that of Shishen, so it is recommended to use White Dharma as the material for upgrading stars.

6. The experience bonus of Red Dharma only works on itself, so it can be eaten directly without side dishes.

7. When you receive an attack while sleeping, you will immediately wake up.

8. The strength of the style god can not only depend on the rarity, but also on the enhancement and configuration of the soul.

9. There is no direct relationship between the star level and rarity of Shishen when drawing cards.

10. Each style god's soul combination may be different, depending on its own settings.

Anqu Entertainment Statement: The posting of this article on Anqu is for the purpose of transmitting more information, and does not mean to agree with its views or confirm its description.

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