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Enlighten the new experience of the new league game of "Drunk and Happy" on Green Bank

Source: Anqu Author: zhangchuan Published on

Full analysis of the new league game! The rebellious online martial arts game "Drunken and Carefree" released by Green Bank Network is about to open a new guild league. I believe that all players have already known about the event. So, what are the specific events of the New Guild League? How to participate in the competition, how to win the super award you have coveted for a long time, the King's Seal? What matters need to be known in advance? In this article, you can definitely find the answer!


[Competition qualification assessment for admission tickets of the new league]

The new league will be opened in the near future. If you want to participate in the competition, you need to conduct a pre selection before the competition! This Guild League will limit the number of participating guilds. Only the top 16 guilds in the guild competition activities will have the opportunity to compete for the ultimate grand prize King Seal. After the guild league competition point activity is started, the guild members can increase the league competition points of their guild by completing the specified task. Only when the total number of competition points is ≥ 1000, can they enter the competition point ranking list. Before the end of the activity time, only the top guilds can be shortlisted to participate in the subsequent guild league! From the beginning of the preliminary contest, it was doomed that this new guild league was not a one-man battle, and it needed the joint efforts of all guild members!


[Analysis of the competition system and schedule, master the new game method]

The new guild league will adopt the single defeat elimination competition system. Once the participating guild enters the competition stage, every step is crucial. The participating guilds will have a pairwise pk contest. The party with high league points will win and enter the next round, while the loser will be eliminated directly.

Each participating gang will be composed of a combat group and a logistics group. The combat group is responsible for the output of combat power in the front, while the logistics group is responsible for the collection of resources in the rear. If you want to get league points, it depends on the performance of these two branches in the competition! Fighting members increase guild points by killing enemies and seizing three strongholds. There will be different bonus points for killing different types of enemy members. Logistics members can obtain points and morale values by collecting resources, which can be obtained by collecting objects closer to the enemy's revival point. Members of the logistics team will not be able to attack in the competition, so be careful of enemies when collecting resources! The total morale gained by the logistics group through collection will generate an advanced buff at different stages, increasing the damage of the combat group and the health value of the logistics group!  


[The supreme seal of the king comes, more work for more gifts]

After layers of screening, the final champion of the new league will be awarded the new props King Seal. This coveted new prop has high attributes and cool appearance that people envy. Embed it to increase 15000 HP and 1000 points of all attribute damage. At the same time, the Supreme King Seal can also be circulated across all servers in the region, and the official cost is tens of thousands of yuan for recovery. In addition to this award, rich gifts such as seven color gold diamonds (+7/+8), rare buff props, and battle essential props will be exchanged for league gold ingots! The number of league dollars will be determined by individual points. The more points you have, the more items you can exchange!


The new guild league is about to open. Join the carefree Jianghu to experience the most lively competition and compete for the supreme seal of immortal props!

Anqu Entertainment Statement: The posting of this article on Anqu is for the purpose of transmitting more information, and does not mean to agree with its views or confirm its description.

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