Fairyland Legend RO x Cosmic Hero Altman Linkage Part 2 is coming online

Source: Anqu Author: zhangchuan Published on

According to the latest information from the Cosmic Guard! The giant cosmic monster is about to invade the main cities. The adventurers have gathered to defend our homeland with the cosmic hero Altman! The second part of "Fairyland Legend RO: Guarding the Eternal Love" and the cosmic hero Altman series will be officially launched on June 14!

There are not only two weekly invasions of cosmic monsters, but also a new dimension copy of "Earth Fissure"! Fantasy Creator · Banquet is open for a limited time Altman series is limited to clothes and dynamic appearance! There is also out of print limited clothing -- Dega Altman participates in the auction!

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Crisis! Invasion of cosmic monster

Six cosmic monsters will invade six main cities respectively: Prondra, Giffen, Monroek, Feyan, the ancient city, and Elparan. The universe monster has rough skin and thick flesh, which is difficult to hurt by ordinary methods! Adventurers will cause more effective damage to cosmic monsters after using the "Altman Series Call Scroll". Call scroll can be exchanged with Altman universe breath.

 Figure 2.jpg

After defeating BOSS "Cosmic Monster", each main city of each world line will drop a "Gomorrah Pajamas Exchange Voucher" (randomly picked up by the adventurers participating in the activity), as well as a large number of "Altman Cosmic Flavor" and series "Altman Limited Out of print CD".

Time: 21:00 every Friday and Saturday evening from June 14 to July 14

 Figure 3.jpg


"Gomorrah Pajamas Exchange Certificate": the "Gomorrah Pajamas" can be listed on the stock exchange. The "Gomorrah Pajamas" obtained after use cannot be traded. Please use them carefully.

The dimensional replica "Earth fissure" appears! Save the Earth with Altman!

During the activity, adventurers can form a team to enter the "Earth Fissure" from the "Sailo Altman" in the Plaza de la Plundra. You can get a "thank you gift from M78 nebula" × 5 when you first pass through the Earth fissure replica every day. Only the first pass of the day can get rewards, and repeated challenges can refresh the rank. Each adventurer can challenge up to 10 times a day. Adventurers can check their current rank on the rank list. After the activity, rewards will be given according to the rank.

 Figure 4.jpg

Time: 5:00, June 14~5:00, June 28

"Fantasy Creator · Banquet" is open for a limited time. The Altman series is limited to dynamic clothes and costumes!

During the event, the Altman Linkage Limited "Fantasy Creator · Banquet" will appear in the central square of Plundra, using 30 Draw one cat gold coin in grid B. Altman series clothing "Obu Altman", "Sailo Altman", "team clothes" and other limited clothing can be added in a limited time, and the probability of obtaining is 10 times!

Time: 5:00, June 14~5:00, July 14

"Otman Limited Special" is a limited time sale of Little Ely King pets!

During the event, the "Altman Limited Special" and "Small Monster Growth Pack" were sold in the "B" Cat Gold Coin Shop for a limited time. "Altman Limited Special", priced at 128 The number of B-grid cat gold coins is limited to 3. After activation, you can obtain Little Ely King's pet eggs × 1 and Paradise coins × 1000.

Time: 5:00, June 14~5:00, July 14

Forever Altman "Diga Altman" out of print auction

At 20 o'clock on June 15, a full service auction of one Altman linkage out of print clothing "Dega Altman"!

Special effect: When attacking MVP and MINI level demons, their body size will become larger.

Take your own scenic spot: Eternal Altman. The adventurer can unlock this special scenic spot by taking a group photo with the wearer of "Dega Altman".


The upper limit of the auction price is 666666 B grid cat gold coins. If the highest price is not reached, the final transaction price shall prevail.

Time: 20:00, June 15

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Fairyland legend RO: guard eternal love

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