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Saint Warrior Star Sagittarius: Rebirth Guardian Stone Skill Analysis Hands on Selection

Source: Anqu Author: zhangchuan Published on

Guarding is an indispensable part of the cultivation process in the game Saintoshi Starya: Rebirth. In the current version, only some characters have the guarding function enabled. Choose a suitable guardian to provide the team with corresponding bonus effect!

 Figure 1.jpg

You can equip a team with up to 3 guards in competition and replica mode! During the process of guardian cultivation, materials such as guardian stone and character soul stone need to be consumed, and with the improvement of guardian quality, more guardian effects will be activated! The author briefly analyzes the effect of the guard in the game today, and introduces it in turn according to the degree of recommendation. Personal suggestions are for reference only.

1. Czech Fred Guard (Recommended index: ★★★★★)

 Figure 2.jpg

Guard skill: use Odin magic sword to release it to random enemies, cause physical damage to the enemies in the range and knock them away. Aries · Shion's crystal robe cannot be immune. With the upgrading of quality, it also increases our immune control, immune rigidity and attack power.

Guard cultivation: It is recommended to reach the minimum green+1 quality to activate and clear the control BUFF of all friendly forces.

Character cultivation: It is recommended to increase attack power and hit attributes.

2、 Alice Guardianship (Recommended index: ★★★★☆)

 Figure 3.jpg

Guard skill: Curse the target, and the enemy's nirvana skill will be interrupted and petrified during the curse period. This is the key effect of Alice's protection, which perfectly breaks the crystal wall of Aries Lion's must kill skill. In addition, it also has the ability to remove the enemy's buff effect and reduce HP (this damage is real damage).

Guardian cultivation: It is suggested to cultivate green+1 quality and then go on stage to activate the petrification effect.

Character cultivation: It is recommended to increase attack power and hit attributes.

3、 Athena protection (recommended index: ★★★★☆)

 Figure 4.jpg

Guard skill: Revive our dead characters when entering the arena, restore their HP and give them a 4 second invincible state. Other effects, such as random clearing of a DeBuff on a friend, are also good.

Guardian cultivation: It is suggested to cultivate green+1 quality before playing. Revived characters can be invincible for 4 seconds, and green+2 quality can increase awakening value for revived characters.

Character cultivation: It is suggested to cultivate the attributes of life.

4、 Guard of Ladamandis (Recommended index: ★★★★)

 Figure 5.jpg

Guard skill: emit dark shock wave to cause physical damage to the enemy, and reduce the enemy's attack power. When the enemy's Awakening Value is lower than 50%, he can stun the enemy (upgrading can increase the stun time). In addition, it can also increase our Awakening Value!

Guardian cultivation: It is recommended to cultivate green+2 quality before playing, and the vertigo effect will be activated! In addition, the Radamandis Guardian Stone can be obtained free of charge through some activities, and it is cost-effective.

Character cultivation: It is recommended to increase attack power and hit attributes.

The other guardianship that can be considered is: Shajia -- release mental damage, seal the enemy's awakening skill, but the trigger conditions are relatively strict. Danatos -- Cause mental damage and remove a random gain effect from the enemy. In addition, the Guardian Stone has a stable way to obtain it.

Guardian combination recommendation:

Czech Fred Guard+Alice+Ladamandis

The guard function must not be activated until the role reaches a certain standard, and the formation of the role itself also requires a certain cost. Therefore, if the resources are insufficient, it is recommended to cultivate the guard of 13 qualifications first.

Finally, I wish you a happy game! Enjoy the fun of competition!

Anqu Entertainment Statement: The posting of this article on Anqu is for the purpose of transmitting more information, and does not mean to agree with its views or confirm its description.

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