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Learn these four moves "Dawn of Civilization". Don't worry about arranging troops

Source: Anqu Author: zhangchuan Published on

In the MMORPG mobile game "Dawn of Civilization" in the next generation waste soil, players' team playing is not only a refreshing and exciting experience, but also a psychological game and tactical contest against both sides. In order to win, players are full of ingenuity and have created many battle lineups with outstanding effects. In order to facilitate novice players to advance, Xiao Bian has sorted out four common methods for cosmetic surgery. Let's have a look!

 Figure 1.jpg

The first move is 5V5 lineup. 5V5 has more staff and more matches. Generally speaking, the more professions, the more playing methods. For example; 1 tank, 2 outputs and 2 treatments are balanced. The lineup with three or more outputs is dominated by attack, and the lineup with two or more tanks is dominated by protracted war. Further, it is necessary to consider the control strength and combat distance of the profession.

 Figure 2.jpg

The second move is 3V3 lineup. There are fewer 3V3 personnel, and the lineup pattern is less than 5V5, but it is more targeted and game oriented. Many players like a balanced lineup, that is, one tank, one output, and two treatments. This combination can be said to have both offensive and defensive functions, but it has no outstanding ability. It is easy to be destroyed by such extreme lineups as 3 treatments, 3 outputs, 2 tanks and 1 treatment.

 Figure 3.jpg

The third move is wild fighting. The wild melee lacks rules and restrictions. It may be a scuffle between two parties, three parties, or even more. The battle is greatly affected by the map design. The fighting method is to attack the enemy by surprise. The highly mobile occupation has a very prominent advantage in this respect. Of course, the highly mobile occupation is not an absolute advantage. In the small map, the highly explosive group injury occupation will become the key to victory or defeat.

 Figure 4.jpg

The fourth move is stable cooperation. If all battle lines want to exert their power, players must cooperate with each other, get familiar with each other, and understand the operation characteristics and fighting style of their teammates. If the staff changes frequently, the tacit understanding will be greatly reduced, and the power of the lineup will be greatly reduced. This requires stable cooperation between players, careful analysis of the characteristics of the battle map, and targeted lineup matching.

Anqu Entertainment Statement: The posting of this article on Anqu is for the purpose of transmitting more information, and does not mean to agree with its views or confirm its description.

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