Another E-sports project in China has risen! World champions come to China to play games

On May 6, at the scene of the 2018 Royal War Professional League (CRL) China Mainland Spring Match in Shanghai, a passionate Latin American teenager attracted everyone's attention. Full of exotic customs, he operates a new set of cards that the Chinese players have never seen before, easily defeating his opponent in two straight sets, and winning his first Chinese show!

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Super Foreign Aid Landing in China League

Arms race! World Champion Airborne to China

This genius from Mexico, called Ramos, is the most brilliant royal war star in 2017. At the end of last year's Royal War Global Finals, he defeated the top experts from the eight major competition areas at one fell swoop, put on the golden crown representing the highest glory, and won a bonus cheque of up to 150000 dollars to become the world champion of the Royal War. At that moment, he was only 16 years old.

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Ramos was crowned world champion last year

This year, the global e-sports system of the Royal War was upgraded again, and a new team based professional league was launched. The war spread all over China, Asia, Europe, North America and Latin America, with a total bonus of more than one million dollars. And the competition area in Mainland China, which is full of experts, leads the world in the first battle, Eight top teams, GO, JDG, LGD, NOVA, OP, SNAKE and WE, participated in the contest, which just ended the seventh week of the regular season.

In order to compete for the only four playoff places, the eight major teams recruited and the arms race continued to escalate. After three defeats in a row, NOVA, the overlord of the royal world, chose to cross half the globe and bring Ramos, the world champion in Mexico, to China to compete as a foreign aid. It is self-evident that the level of the competition area in mainland China is high and the competition is fierce.

"This is my first time to China, and the players here are very strong. I will try my best to lead the team to defend the world champion!" Ramos, full of ambition, made a wonderful debut, but there is a bigger challenge waiting for him!

Powerful E-sports! Ultra high level, leading the world

In fact, not only Ramos, from 17 to 18 years ago, more and more players from non mainland regions chose to come to China to accept the challenge. For example, Aaron and 24 from Hong Kong, Yao Yao and Xiao from Taiwan, and Tali and Legend from Vietnam have all landed in the Chinese mainland league to test the waters. The super high league level, professional management system, and fanatical E-sports atmosphere - the Royal War Professional League in mainland China, like other excellent E-sports in China, is attracting many international players to join and showing strong competitiveness!

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Vietnam's best player TALI competes in China

The level of China's e-sports has always been in the leading position in the world, and the historical achievements of Chinese players in the royal war events are absolutely worthy of the word "e-sports power". In the first year of Royal E-sports in 2016, Ming Sheng, a royal war player from Hunan, defeated Surgical, the strongest player in Europe, in France Goblin, Won the first Royal War World Champion. In the 2017 Royal War Global Finals, Winds and quiet, the two Chinese players in danger, also made top four and top eight achievements, showing the world the style of Chinese players.

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Chinese player Ming Sheng won the world championship

At the moment, a large number of excellent Chinese players are active in the stage of the Royal War Professional League, including Lciop, who once topped the royal war ladder, Xiao Chen, the 17-year-old Chinese champion, and Winds, a veteran who has defeated many European and American experts. They will compete in the professional league in the spring and autumn to compete for the precious opportunity of playing in the world for their country!

Burn all over the world! Expect China to return to the peak

The CRL Spring Games will be held until June 3. The games will start at 6:30 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The games will be broadcast on 12 live broadcast platforms simultaneously! At this moment, with the last two weeks of the regular season of the spring season remaining, the top five points in the championship are biting hard, and the playoff competition has entered a white hot stage. In the second half of this year, after the end of the spring competition, the Chinese mainland competition area will also open a more critical autumn competition, and the global finals will be held in Asia at the end of the year.

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In addition to the competition area in mainland China, the Asian competition area of the Royal War Professional League has also started, and the competition areas in Europe, North America and Latin America will ignite the war in the autumn. Although the final official list has not yet been announced, it has been determined that Fnatic, C9, Liquid, COL and other European and American elite e-sports clubs have established royal war divisions to participate in this global championship battle, with the goal of reaching the global finals at the end of the year, and the Chinese team will launch an impact on another e-sports palace!

Clash Royal is called CR for short, while CN CR BEST CR, It is also the slogan shouted by countless Chinese royal war players! With a glorious history and a high level of league, we have reason to expect Chinese players to shine in the royal war, a new cutting-edge e-sports event. Let's lock this e-sports event throughout the year and look forward to CN CR back to peak!

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