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2019 ChinaJoy Successfully Concluded Shunwang Technology Released 5G+Cloud Computing Value

Source: Anqu Author: zhangchuan Published on

On August 5, the 4-day 17th ChinaJoy successfully concluded in Shanghai New International Expo Center. This year, ChinaJoy took the theme of "new digital entertainment technology and new life", and many famous companies in the industry, such as Intel, Qualcomm, Blizzard, Tencent, and Shun Wang Technology, made their appearances together, bringing the world's top game development achievements to hundreds of thousands of players. Among them, Shunwang Technology, together with its cloud computer and cloud game products, made their debut at the N3-08 booth, setting off an upsurge of player experience.

Cloud games release 5G+cloud computing value

Through this ChinaJoy, it is not difficult to find that compared with previous years, the boundaries of interactive entertainment are constantly expanding, and the trend of diversification, mobility and intelligence is more obvious. In terms of the game industry, when 5G+cloud computing is enabled, what new value will the game release?

Shunwang Technology has given the answer through four cloud game landing scenarios: office, family living room, airport lounge and leisure bar In addition to PC, there is another option. With the further release of cloud game value, players will get another liberation after mobile games, without being locked in specific scenarios and device configurations by large-scale games.

In addition to players, Liang Yanshun, vice minister of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, and other leaders also visited the Shunwang technology booth accompanied by Hua Yong, chairman of Shunwang Technology, and affirmed the achievements of Shunwang Technology in the field of pan entertainment and 5G cloud computing.

ChinaJoy highlights China's pan entertainment power

This year's ChinaJoy has reached a new peak in the number and popularity of exhibitors. In addition, following Intel's establishment of Intel Theme Pavilion for three consecutive years, this year mobile chip giant Qualcomm joined hands with VIVO, OPPO, Xiaomi, OnePlus, Nubia, Asus, Black Shark and other business partners to set up a Qualcomm Theme Pavilion, which shows ChinaJoy's position in the international pan entertainment field.

Through this ChinaJoy, the advantages of Shun Wang's pan entertainment layout began to highlight. According to public data, Shunwang Technology has a number of pan entertainment businesses such as games, film and television content, live broadcast, etc., and has built a pan entertainment industry platform that links the upstream and downstream industries and covers online and offline industries based on ChinaJoy. At the same time, Xu Jun, chief strategic officer of Shun Wang Technology, also told the reporter that deep integration with ChinaJoy is an important part of Shun Wang Technology's pan entertainment strategy: it is conducive to Shun Wang Technology to better deepen and penetrate the services of the game industry, and help Shun Wang directly conduct business operations for C-end users. By giving full play to ChinaJoy's platform advantages, Shun Wang Technology will expand and layout in the fields of e-sports, animation, two-dimensional, cosplay, and hip-hop games.

Xu Jun also said that Shanghai Hanwei and ChinaJoy could also better develop their own brand advantages with the help of the platform of listed companies, and develop from a purely annual exhibition sponsor to a more diversified and three-dimensional industry comprehensive service enterprise, to create a "never ending" ChinaJoy.

To sum up, with ChinaJoy as the starting point, the story of Shunwang Technology in 5G cloud computing and pan entertainment has just begun.

Anqu Entertainment Statement: The posting of this article on Anqu is for the purpose of transmitting more information, and does not mean to agree with its views or confirm its description.

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