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Focus on the front line! Jiuling Network set off a new upsurge of heavy H5!

Source: Anqu Author: zhangchuan Published on

It is believed that players in Zhejiang will be familiar with the TV program "Focus Line". Recently, Jiuling Network received an interview from them. You must be very curious about our company because you have supported Legend Comes and Devil's Land for so long? What kind of people are tirelessly bringing you the best gaming experience? Who on earth led Jiuling Network, a young and dynamic company, to move forward smoothly? Focus on the front line and give you the answer!

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The interview received from the front line of the focus is a great affirmation for Jiuling Network. Jiuling Network started from a small team with only a few people. It chose H5 game, which was rarely seen in China at that time, as the platform, and gradually launched works such as Legendary Comes, Devil's Land Comes, Dragon City Battle Song, and Meow Meow Comes. It has gradually become the mainstay in the H5 game field, and the name of Jiuling Network has gradually been known by players.

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Before that, many people did not know about H5 games. In this front-line interview, Li Siyun, general manager of Jiuling Network, also gave a detailed introduction to this game category. Compared with other mobile games, the biggest advantage of H5 games is that it does not need to occupy mobile phone memory, and it can use the network and devices to play anytime and anywhere.

The past H5 games usually focus on leisure and light cultivation, while Jiuling Network has taken the opposite approach. On the basis of the convenience and speed of H5 games, it has constantly deepened its core playing methods and created one after another excellent heavy playing games. And in order to fully save time for players, the basic core play method of hanging up is used, so that players can get benefits even if they have no time to go online. Through various efforts, we have successfully created a number of popular H5 games, the most famous of which is the pioneering work Legend Comes.

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In the interview, Li Siyun, the general manager, also expressed the information about the new works of Jiuling Network in the future and the new layout direction for the coming 5G era. Jiuling Network actively responds to the national "12th Five Year Plan" and fully integrates Chinese culture into the game. In the future, its new work will be a game with national characteristics and culture based on the classic martial arts novel "Yitian Slaughter the Dragon". In the future, H5 games will also have more room to play, and can use our advantages to fully expand the market overseas, so that overseas players can also better understand H5 games.


Grasp the present and shape the future. In addition to its own efforts, Jiuling Network can not develop without the support of players. In the future, the prospect of H5 heavy game is bound to be better, and Jiuling Network will also set off a new wave in the game industry! Adhering to the purpose of "just being classic, we want to be fun", we will try our best to bring more games and better services to all players, and wish the future will be better and better!

Anqu Entertainment Statement: The posting of this article on Anqu is for the purpose of transmitting more information, and does not mean to agree with its views or confirm its description.

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