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Love Apartment Mobile Tour

Online games cosplay chinese

Operator: Jiuyou

Game size: MB Game status: Operation

Latest update: 2018-06-14 15:20:37

Love apartment mobile game introduction:
The official mobile game of the same name of Love Apartment is the. io leisure competitive mobile game authorized by the original IP of Love Apartment. The game has restored the classic characters, costumes, lines and scenes of the TV series. It can be opened to match 3v3v3, and can be played by a single person eating chicken to escape killing. There are more leisure games such as personalized costumes, TV shows, dolls and so on. Come on, let's see how I can kill "bitch Zeng" with "flick"!
Screenshot of the game
Time: June 27, 2014 Author:

Love Apartment Mobile Tour was updated and maintained on June 26, and new cards were added! Heavily launch a powerful witty Qin Yumo diamond gift package

It's the annual dog abuse Valentine's Day again! In the romantic festival atmosphere, I wonder what everyone in the love apartment is doing? Don't worry about the fans who haven't taken off this year. Here comes the Valentine's Day self-help guide produced by the apartment~Let's have a look!

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Recently, the official mobile game of the same name of the domestic super IP "Love Apartment" has also opened an internal test. Now let's share with you the game experience of the past few days.

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Speaking of the well-known domestic drama, in addition to Journey to the West, which has been a must for decades in the summer, the first season to the fourth season of the Chinese youth scenario series Love Apartment can definitely be called the memory of a generation, and deserves to be regarded as a TV drama.

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Recently, the return of "Love Apartment" in the form of a movie has caused a heated debate on the Internet. This time, if there is no explanation given by the TV play, will it give you an answer in the movie?

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Since its debut in 2009, the domestic urban youth comedy "Love Apartment" series has created a cumulative online broadcast volume of 9 billion, and its main audience is mostly the post-80s and 90s generation. The play is light hearted and humorous, and has now become the youth feelings of many people.

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Love Apartment Mobile Tour was updated and maintained on June 26, and new cards were added! Heavily launch the powerful witty Qin Yumo diamond gift pack!!

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Service opening time of Xunlei Server: 10:00, June 27, activity 1: top up 30% and add universal pieces, activity 2: Passion World Cup, update the national direct 600 drill.

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Open time for downloading the mobile game quick assistant version of Love Apartment at 16:00 on June 26, and the quick assistant version of Love Apartment at 0:00 on June 27

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It's the annual dog abuse Valentine's Day again! In the romantic festival atmosphere, I wonder what everyone in the love apartment is doing? Don't worry about the fans who haven't taken off this year. Here comes the Valentine's Day self-help guide produced by the apartment~Let's have a look!

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Recently, the official mobile game of the same name of the domestic super IP "Love Apartment" has also opened an internal test. Now let's share with you the game experience of the past few days.

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Speaking of the well-known domestic drama, in addition to Journey to the West, which has been a must for decades in the summer, the first season to the fourth season of the Chinese youth scenario series Love Apartment can definitely be called the memory of a generation, and deserves to be regarded as a TV drama.

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Since its debut in 2009, the domestic urban youth comedy "Love Apartment" series has created a cumulative online broadcast volume of 9 billion, and its main audience is mostly the post-80s and 90s generation. The play is light hearted and humorous, and has now become the youth feelings of many people.

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Love Apartment Mobile Tour was updated and maintained on June 26, and new cards were added! Heavily launch the powerful witty Qin Yumo diamond gift pack!!

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According to our website on June 23, Love Apartment will hit the iOS platform in the near future. How this super popular mobile game with IP halo and excellent performance on Android platform will perform on iOS platform really makes players and industry expect.

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"Love Apartment Tour" is worth more than "Violent Philippines", and the local tyrant "policewoman Meijia". It's cool in March!!!

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Yes, I am a loyal fan of "Xianfei". The story of the Queen and Loser always attracts me. Every time I see a beauty saving a "hero", I have to admire the majesty of the Queen. If I like them as much as I do, "Love Apartment Tour" will not disappoint you. The following is worth collecting.

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The attack and defense suggestions of Love Apartment Tour are suitable for basic players. It doesn't matter if you start slowly. The mainstream play method will make you less circle.

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After the Shenwu base can be built at level 25, the player's level begins to show a watershed. The rational use of Shenwu skill combination will bring greater improvement to the overall combat power.

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"Love Apartment Tour" universal puzzle introduction makes the game easier and universal puzzle easier.

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The lineup introduction of Love Apartment Tour recommends the most cost-effective S card to match and optimize the lineup.

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Through various channels, Amy reflected that it is difficult to get the S card in the Love Apartment Mobile Tour. In fact, it is not. Let the editor help you summarize the access and relevant data of the S card.

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Many friends have been worrying, "diamonds are not enough?" "Where can we brush more diamonds?" Well, the strategies for maximizing diamond acquisition in the Love Apartment Mobile Tour have been sorted out. Today, we will share the strategies for maximizing diamond acquisition in the Love Apartment Mobile Tour with you. I hope that through this strategy, we can stop worrying about the lack of diamonds.

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Speaking of Meijia, what surprised me was that a careless and cute girl had anything to do with the wet nurse? However, "Love Apartment Tour" is unique. It breaks the traditional thinking and gives players a sense of freshness and subversion. I have to say it's great!

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In the TV play "Love Apartment", our Yifei sauce is a female soldier, and in the "Love Apartment Mobile Tour", our Yifei sauce is also a female soldier, and it is very fierce. From the name, we can see that "selling cute superman Yifei". The key is not to sell cute, but superman. Now let's learn more about our cute superman Xiaofeifei!

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Q: I have another question. Is the diamond gift package always available? There are too many S-cards. I have difficulty choosing - _ - | | Who should I go to!!

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Q: Is Meijia, a policewoman in love apartment, worth starting with? This is my current lineup:

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Q: Which one is better, Love Apartment Mobile Tour? One is just applied, and the other is the first charge after playing at level 20.

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The current lineup is shown in the figure. Yesterday I planned to replace Diao Chan with Shang Ji Gong. Today, I found that there are policewomen. It's better to have two guns or policewomen+Ji Gong.

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